
Led by a waiter.

The two came upstairs and entered a luxuriously decorated private room.

"Today, the store did activities, set up a couple box, and the consumption was all 20% off."

Yan Ruyue: "............................" Meow


This is a couple's box??

You took us to the couple's box?

Secretly glanced at Su Han and saw that he did not object, Yan Ruyue breathed a sigh of relief.

"Please sir, Madam order."

The waiter respectfully served the menu.

Yan Ruyue was a little flustered, and she couldn't give up, and she saw a good picture of a set meal on the menu.

A casual finger: "That's it." Nervous

, she didn't notice that it was written under the picture - couple package.

"Okay, sir, please wait, I'll go down and arrange it for you."

The waiter took the menu and glanced at Su Han enviously, before turning and going downstairs.

After the waiter left, silence fell into the private room.

Under the faint candlelight exclusive to the couple's box, an ambiguous atmosphere began to gradually permeate.

The lonely man and widow were alone in the room, and the frequency of Yan Ruyue's heartbeat began to accelerate.

There was a tension in my heart for no reason.

Even she didn't notice it, there was a hint of anticipation.


, in order to thank Su Han for curing her grandfather,

she invited the other party to dinner and thanked her by the way.

But seeing the scene in front of her, her mind gradually changed.

Gradually treat this dinner party as a date between couples.

And the object of the date is Su Han, who has a handsome face and extraordinary temperament in front of her, which deeply attracts her.

"Su Han, I... I didn't know it was a couple's box, you... You wouldn't mind, would you?

Finally, Yan Ruyue opened her mouth to break the silence, her eyes dodging and not daring to look at Su Han.

"It's okay, it's the same wherever you eat."

Su Han smiled slightly, thought about it, and said ridiculously.

"Eat here, we can also get a twenty discount."


Yan Ruyue laughed, and couldn't help but glance at Su Han.

"You still lack these two folds of money?"

She didn't know at all how cute her face was a little red at this time, and she rolled her eyes.

Rao is Su Han also lost his mind for a moment.

The two chatted, the atmosphere gradually eased, and they exchanged contact information.

Half an hour later, the waiter began to serve.

As plates of dishes were served, Yan Ruyue gradually discovered that something was wrong.

How is it like the couple package she watched on TV?

It didn't take long for a sumptuous couple set menu to be served.

At this time, she finally affirmed that this was a couple's package.

Could it be -

this is what she just ordered?

Oh, my God!

Just walk into the couple's box, and order a couple package.

This is completely unwashable.

I wonder what Su Han will think?

Do you think I'm a casual person?

"The dishes are ready, let's eat."

Hearing Su Han's words, Yan Ruyue raised her head.

Out of the corner of his eye, he swept over a bottle of red wine on the table.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration flashed in my mind.

The ambiguous atmosphere around her made her almost forget about business.

Thanking Su Han is the purpose of her invitation to eat.

Think about it.

She picked up the red wine bottle.

First poured a full cup for Su Han, and then filled it for himself.

Under the faint candlelight.

The glass has a very dazzling bright red color.

"Su Han, I'll toast you three cups first."

"Grandpa has loved me since I was a child, he is my dearest person, thank you for curing my grandfather."

The words fell -

Yan Ruyue raised her head and drank the red wine in the glass.

Su Han: "?????

Before he could say anything, Yan Ruyue picked up the bottle next time and filled it and drank it all at once.

Three cups in a row before it ends.

Three glasses of red wine.

Although the degree is far less than that of baijiu.

But for Yan Ruyue, a girl who has never been stained with alcohol.

Still a little drunk.

On that beautiful face, two red clouds flew up.

Against the backdrop of soft candlelight.

At this moment, she is very tempting.


"Ruyue doesn't have to be like this, we're friends, aren't we?"

A smile appeared on Su Han's face, like a spring breeze, and he was handsome.

"We're friends, aren't we?"

"We are friends


Hearing Su Han's words, Yan Ruyue couldn't help but be stunned in place.

The same words keep echoing in my mind.

In a word, it has proved the relationship between the two, and there is no need to say more.

In her heart,

ripples were set off...

Raising her head slightly, seeing Su Han's smile that made people feel like a spring breeze, she couldn't help but be obsessed.

Yan Ruyue's originally somewhat flustered heart calmed down at this moment.

"Well, there is no need to say more if you are thankful, let's eat!"

Seeing that she was still stunned.

Su Han smiled and picked up a small cake and gently put it on the plate in front of her.

"Eat more, look at your skinny..." brush


Xu is a woman who is naturally more concerned about her figure.

Or maybe it's just about what the person in your heart says.

Yan Ruyue raised her head and looked at Su Han a little nervously:

"Am I really thin?"

Su Han's face smiled even more, looked in front of her, and nodded very seriously.

Follow the other person's line of sight.

Yan Ruyue's already slightly red face was even redder, delicate.

"Haha..." Su

Han's laughter came, and Yan Ruyue came back to her senses.

Knowing that he was being played by the other party, he stomped his foot in shame.

With this episode.

The relationship between the two deepened a little.

Next, the two chatted while eating.

Yan Ruyue started as a doctor in elementary school and gradually talked about medical skills.

Su Han has god-level medical skills in his body, and every time he says it, Yan Ruyue's eyes are refreshed, and his eyes are shining.

Not long after, the adoration in Yan Ruyue's eyes was no longer hidden.

In the soft candlelight, a boy was talking, looking bright.

The girl next to him looked at him with a look of adoration.

This moment is like love....


Happy times are always short.

In the blink of an eye, almost two hours have passed.

"Su Han, shall we go out for a walk?"

Yan Ruyue glanced at the time.

It turned out that before I knew it, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

Now, it's a good time to go shopping at night.


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