
Time passed slowly, and Su Han took his leave on the grounds that something had happened.

The old man originally wanted to keep it, but thinking that Su Han had something important, he didn't insist on it.

"Xiao Han, you are leaving before I have time to thank you, but since you have something to do, I won't keep it, come to me when you have time."

"I will."

"In that case, Ruyue you will send Xiaohan."

The current old man and Su Han have become friends who have forgotten the year.

If it weren't for Su Han being his grandson-in-law, he would have been able to worship his son.

For sending Su Han, Yan Ruyue naturally agreed, and she also had to thank the other party well.

Watching Yan Ruyue's car leave, the old man withdrew his gaze.

"Ruyue, such an excellent young man, you can grasp it..."

In the car -

"Su Han, thank you."

Yan Ruyue slowed down the speed of the car and looked sideways at Su Han, her face showing gratitude.

"No thanks, you place an order, it is my customer, and my duty is to make customers satisfied."

Su Han smiled slightly, indicating that he didn't care.

"Is it just a customer?"

Yan Ruyue's eyes darkened, and a sense of loss arose in her heart for no reason.

"Su Han, you are so good, why did you come out as a shared boyfriend?"

She actually wanted to ask this for a long time.

Whether it is temperament and appearance, or talent and skills, Su Han can be said to be the top in this world.

With his medical skills, he is definitely the pinnacle of the medical world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is a divine doctor.

Any consultation fee is more than one million.

Why come out as a shared boyfriend?

Hearing the rumors -

Su Han did not answer.

Can he say, you ordered all this and came according to the requirements?

His eyes flashed, and a smile appeared on his face.

"If you don't share your boyfriend, won't there be no acquaintance between us?"

His smile is charming and intoxicating, like a spring breeze.

Fortunately, Yan Ruyue knew that she was driving, and quickly returned to her senses.

Otherwise, you have to stage a large-scale car accident scene.

yes -

if it weren't for the fact that when Grandpa asked her to take her boyfriend home, a "shared boyfriend" notice suddenly appeared, and she ghostly clicked in.

I'm afraid the two don't know each other yet.

Gradually, Yan Ruyue's face turned red, and thoughts flew in her mind.

"What did he mean?"

"Could it be that he should share a boyfriend for our acquaintance?"

"Does he like me?"

"What should I do? Is it a promise? Or promised? "

..........................." shook

his head, put aside his thoughts, and Yan Ruyue solemnly spoke.

"Anyway, you've cured my grandfather, can I invite you to dinner tonight?"


Su Han glanced at her, knowing that if he didn't let her thank her, he was afraid that he would not be able to end.

So he nodded slightly and agreed with a smile.


Tianyuan Restaurant -

I also ate here last night, what a coincidence.

"Here are all the major cuisines from all over the country, and the taste is not bad..." The

two got off the car, and Yan Ruyue began to introduce it.

Su Han looked at the restaurant gate in front of him, his eyes were a little strange.

"Su Han, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing Su Han's strangeness, Yan Ruyue asked with some doubt.

"It's okay, let's go."

It's half past five, it's time for dinner, and the crowds are endless.

Su Han and Yan Ruyue, a handsome man and beautiful woman, walked together, and soon attracted the attention of countless people.

"Wow... Such a beautiful little sister, is the little brother next to her her boyfriend? Too handsome, right?

"Love love, they walk together too well, right?" I can't even get jealous. "It's

not just beautiful, you look at their temperament, it is cultivated by the giants, not that we can be delusional..."


As soon as the two walked in the door, a waiter greeted them.

When he saw that it was Su Han and a superb beauty, his eyes almost popped out.

Lying in the groove is awesome.

I just hugged a superb beauty yesterday, and today I changed another one, and it is still the best.

Sure enough, if you look handsome, you can do whatever you want.

"Arrange a luxury box."

Yan Ruyue also saw the waiter's shock, and thought that she was amazed at her appearance, but ignored it, and spoke in a cold voice.


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