
The old man slowly recovered, saw his granddaughter's doubts, and explained to her.


"Grandpa is not sick, but the five declines of heaven and man, and his life expectancy is approaching?"

Yan Ruyue gritted her teeth, her face full of shock.

No wonder it didn't find anything to check my grandfather's pulse, and it was useless to use those medical instruments.

It turned out that the grandfather was not sick at all, and naturally nothing could be checked.

But she was still a little incredulous, refuted.

"But grandpa, you are only in your seventies, and you have lived to be eighty years old and ninety."

"Heaven and earth have their own fate, and they cannot be forced."

The old man sighed, knowing his own situation, it was also a matter of his heart.

He looked at Su Han with unconcealable appreciation and gratitude in his eyes.

"Thank you, Xiaohan, if you don't point it out, I'm afraid I won't understand until I die."

Then, he looked at his beloved granddaughter with satisfaction in his eyes.

"You have found a very good boyfriend, and with Xiaohan by your side, I can also rest assured."

Yan Ruyue withdrew her shocked gaze from Su Han.

Hearing her grandfather's words, she couldn't help but blush.

During this time

, Su Han talked and laughed between words, his detached temperament when tasting tea, and his domineering attitude when playing chess,

all of which attracted her.

Gradually, she had the idea of identifying with Su Han's fake boyfriend.

But she quickly came back to her senses, how could her grandfather's words have a feeling of explaining the aftermath?

An unspeakable sadness arises from the heart.


"Grandpa, heaven and earth have their own lives."

Su Han looked strange, and a domineering aura arose.

"But, who says the sky is irreversible?"

Brush -

the faces of the old man and Yan Ruyue both changed at this moment.

Seeing the confident Su Han, the old man's heart was shocked.

Even he couldn't see through this young man.

Yan Ruyue was stunned, looking at Su Han at this moment, domineering, detached, peerless............

The closed heart door slowly opened at this moment, and an unprecedented throbbing appeared.

Suddenly, Yan Ruyue came back to her senses.

Thinking of something, her eyes bloomed with brilliant colors.

"Su Han, you....... You have a way to save my grandfather, don't you?

"As long as you save my grandfather, say whatever you want, and I promise you anything."

Su Han turned his head to look at her, his eyes affectionate.

Being watched by these deep eyes, Yan Ruyue felt flustered for no reason, and lowered her head slightly.

At this time, Su Han's voice sounded.

"Fool, isn't your grandfather my grandfather? What are you doing politely with me?

"Don't worry, I will definitely cure Grandpa."

Yan Ruyue raised her head and saw that Su Han gave her a look, and she suddenly woke up.

Normal boyfriend and girlfriend would not be so polite.

I almost showed my stuffing just now, but fortunately, Su Han stirred the spirit and came back.

Somehow, how she hoped that what Su Han said was true.

Instead of pretending to be a boyfriend.

A hint of surprise flashed on the old man's face.

However, seeing Su Han say this, he also put aside his thoughts, just because his granddaughter was too excited.

Seeing Su Han's gaze, he couldn't bear the emotions in his heart and asked

, "Xiao Han,

do you have a way?"

Who is not afraid of death?

The old man is no exception, he has concerns.

He also wants to hold his great-grandson, and it would be better to watch his great-grandson grow up.

"I wonder if the old man has ever heard of the Taiyi Divine Needle?"

"Taiyi Shen Needle?"

The old man muttered and exclaimed, "Are you that disciple?" "

There was such a person decades ago.

One hand of Tai Yi Shen needle is brilliant.

Without his incurable diseases, he can be called the living dead, flesh and bones, and is revered as a divine doctor.

Su Han just smiled and said nothing.

He was not the disciple of that divine doctor, Lin Feng was.

He also doesn't just know how to be too divine.

The thirteen needles of the ghost gate are said to snatch people from the hands of the king of Yan.

Eight needles against the sky, one needle against the sky.

Thirty-six needles of Tiangang........

However, to cure the five declines of heaven and man, the Taiyi God Needle is enough.

Seeing that Su Han did not speak, the old man had already confirmed it in his heart.

Su Han was the disciple of that divine doctor.

In this regard, Su Han did not explain, there was no need.

"I need a set of silver needles."

Hearing this, the old man came back from his shock.

He quickly instructed his granddaughter to take out his precious silver needle.

As a family of traditional Chinese medicine, there are naturally silver needles at home, and there are many more.

In addition to these, the old man also collected a set of silver needles, which was exclusively used by him.

The material is extraordinary, made of extraterrestrial meteoric iron.


, Yan Ruyue took Su Han to a room,

ready to treat the old man.

She waited anxiously outside the door.

Half an hour later.

The old man walked out of the house.

Yan Ruyue was stunned in place when she saw it.

At this time, the old man was refreshed, where was he still pale before, and a wind could blow it down?

Not only that, the aura of heaven and man disappeared, and the old man looked several years younger.

"Grandpa..." Yan

Ruyue's eyes turned red, she was too excited.

Before taking my grandfather to visit the medical field, not only did it have no effect, but even the cause could not be found.

To this day, not only did I figure out my grandfather's condition, but I cured it.

This made Yan Ruyue, who had always been worried that her grandfather would leave her at any time because of her illness, how could she not be happy?

"Thanks to Xiao Han, I have nothing to thank the old man, you can thank Xiao Han for your grandfather."

The old man smiled at the most beloved granddaughter.

At this time

, Yan Ruyue looked at Su Han next to her, her face was not shy,

but she was just extremely grateful.

"Xiao Han, let's play the next game again, old man I won't lose so badly now."

Su Han smiled, came to the courtyard with the old man, and began to play chess.

Look at this harmonious scene.

Yan Ruyue smiled, brilliant.

How she wanted time to stop at this moment and freeze into eternity.


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