
It all started a long story, but it was actually only a few seconds.


as the tall, skinny man arrived, the crowd dispersed, making way for him.

Seeing this scene, he sneered, thanks to his original panic.

He already knew that these people were so afraid of death, and he didn't know how much money he had.


"Get this done."

"Lao Tzu must have a good refreshment."

"Wait for next time, Lao Tzu has preparations, let's get a few more orders."

He kept thinking in his heart, and an evil smile appeared on his face.

As if he had seen that a certain girl in Footwash City was waving to him.


Before he could fully bloom his smile.

The next moment, I saw two people blocking the way and did not give way with everyone.

It was a man and a woman.

The man is extremely handsome, mature in temperament and infinitely attractive.

He stood there, watching coldly, as if in the center of the world.

The woman was also born extremely beautiful, and her face showed the cold temperament of a royal sister.

The woman at this time, holding the man's arm tightly, was obviously a little afraid.

And the man looked indifferent.

There was also a wistful smile on his face.

Looking at the two of them so intimate, the thin and tall man suddenly had no reason to be angry.

He thinks all day about how to go to the foot-washing city once and the last foot-washing girl.

This guy is good, holding such a beautiful girlfriend in his arms.

Look at this kid again.


The one who was dressed in a famous brand, and the watch he wore on his hand, almost blinded his titanium dog eyes.

Still a rich second generation.

By what?

They don't have to do anything, they can enjoy a privileged life.

And what about him?

I can only do some chicken and dog business to make a living.

Living at the bottom of society.

At this moment

, his eyes were slightly red,

and his gaze towards Su Han had a crazy color.

Jealousy separates his plasmic walls.

The jealousy in his heart made him make the most wrong decision in his life.

"Get out of here!"

The tall thin man burst into laughter.

The switchblade in his hand pulled out a knife flower and rushed towards the two.

"Ah-" When

the surrounding crowd saw this scene, they couldn't help but scream, shouting for Su Han to dodge.

However, Su Han was unmoved, just watching quietly.

As if waiting for the arrival of a tall skinny man.

"He has a knife in his hand, the little brother quickly dodges, there will be danger."

"Damn thief, if you dare to hurt my male god, I will smash your corpse into ten thousand pieces."

"Aaaaaa Damn, if only I could do martial arts, at this time stand up and heroically save the handsome guy



......" Just when the tall thin man was about to approach.

Su Han moved.

He slowly lifted his foot and kicked towards the tall thin man's chest.

This foot looks mediocre, and the speed of the foot is no different from ordinary people.

The tall thin man sneered in his heart.

"Think that if you can do a little fist and foot work, you can stop me from lighting a switchblade?"

Uncontrollably, he gripped the knife in his hand tighter.

This was the first time he had stabbed someone with a knife, and he was a little nervous in his heart.

But more, it is indescribable excitement.

Closer, closer....

A hideous smile flashed on his face.

With his already ugly face, it is even more unbearable.

At this moment -

when his switchblade was no more than half a meter away.

A footnote flashed before his eyes and hit his chest.

Su Han's body is systematically transformed, perfect body proportions, eight-pack abs.

His strength has always been not weak.

Although it is not comparable to the physical strength that Lin Feng has trained in the dark world for more than ten years.

But it is not affordable for ordinary people.

He went down this time, you can imagine it.........

Boom -

the next moment, the thin and tall man suddenly felt a pain in his chest.

The powerful force struck, as if hit by a truck, he flew directly upside down.

After flying out seven or eight meters upside down, the tall thin man slammed into the ground.

Falling to the ground, he only felt soreness all over his body, and a feeling of weakness spread throughout his body.

He wanted to get up, but he couldn't do it at all, so he could only lie on the ground and moan.

Looking at the breezy figure, his eyes were already full of horror and endless fear.


Seeing this,

everyone around them changed their colors.

Kick a man weighing more than a hundred pounds directly out of the distance of seven or eight meters.

How much power does it take to do this?

In their eyes, they just saw Su Han come out with a leg.

It's still a very ordinary kick.

It's like kicking open a trash can.

And yet –

it was such a casual kick that created such a shocking effect.

This, how is it possible?

People looked at Su Han one after another.

One after another, the eyes were filled with shock and adoration...


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