
"I....... Am I right? The little brother kicked the thief out for several meters! "

Such a strong force, such a domineering impact, such a fast speed, such a strong explosion, this handsome guy is really too strong....... I like it.

"Nima, idiot, can you stop talking? It seems to be like something, let me think about it......."

"..............." Yan

Ruyue heard the exclamation around her and slowly opened her eyes.

She knew it was all over.

Looking at Su Han's gaze, there was adoration, as well as a trace of affection.

Seeing this, a smile flashed in the depths of Su Han's eyes.

Lin Feng in the distance saw this scene and always felt that something was wrong.

But this matter had nothing to do with him, and he didn't think much about it.

It's just that the more he looked at Yan Ruyue, the more tingling his heart became.

A good cabbage, it's going to be arched by a pig again.

Lin Feng shook his head, discarded these thoughts, and walked into a bar.

Only here can he relieve the sorrow in his heart.......



Saw Lin Feng disappear at the door of the bar.

A smile appeared on Su Han's face.


I took your chance, I soaked your sister, you go to the bar yourself to buy drunk.

Treadmill .......

At this moment, the noble lady who was stolen the bag rushed over.

Quickly retrieved the handbag from the tall thin man.

After checking it out, she breathed a sigh of relief.

He glared fiercely at the thief who was still wailing and moaning on the ground.

Only then did he turn his head and look in Su Han's direction.

When she saw Su Han, she couldn't help but be stunned.

So handsome, such a temperamental young man.

Immediately, she came to Su Han and said with gratitude:

"Thank you for helping me stop this thief, if it weren't for you, I really don't know what to do."

Saying that

, she also bowed slightly to Su Han,

showing her noble demeanor.

"It's okay, the road is uneven, pull out the knife to help, when encountering this kind of thing, no one will stand idly by."

Su Han waved his hand, his face was firm, and his justice was awe-inspiring.

Actually, he won't say.

If he hadn't shown himself in front of Yan Ruyue, he would have received five-star praise.

Considering your extraordinary identity, cut off the chance of the protagonist Lin Feng to strike at the possibility of his rise.

He won't be nosy.

"Let's go first."

After speaking, Su Han and Yan Ruyue left in one direction together.

The two of them passed all the way, giving way to a passage, and they both looked at them in awe.

Feel the gaze of the eyes around you.

Among them, there is no lack of women's envy.

Yan Ruyueqiao's face was slightly red, and she only felt that at this moment, she was extremely happy.

Looking at the back of the two far away.

Envy flashed in the noblewoman's eyes, and finally sighed.

"Alas... Such a handsome and excellent young man with a sense of justice, how good it would be if my son-in-law were my son-in-law.

"Qingya, this child, when will I be able to feel at ease?" No, I have to urge her to bring a boyfriend back when I go back today.



As several people left, the street once again returned to its original liveliness.

It's just that most of them are discussed around one topic.

Then Su Han stood up and subdued the gangsters.

As for the thief.

Ten minutes later, several police cars came with sirens.

Then a few audits came down and took the tall thin man away.


After this twist and turn, Su Han also lost interest in strolling around.

"Ruyue, it's not early, I'll send you back, otherwise your grandfather will have to worry!"

He raised his hand and glanced at the time, and said to Yan Ruyue.

Saying that, a smile flashed in Su Han's eyes, and he moved his arm slightly.

"Wh-" Yan

Ruyue came back to her senses.

Feeling the movement of her arm in front of her, she "soared", and her face instantly turned red again.

She quickly let go of the arm in her arms and stood aside, her heart flustered to the extreme.

After a long time, she plucked up the courage to look up and saw the smile at the corner of Su Han's mouth.

She knew that she was bullied by the other party again, and she was suddenly embarrassed and indignant.

But why wasn't she angry?

In my heart, there is also some inexplicable sweet taste.

"Hmm..." Thinking

of what Su Han said, Yan Ruyue answered in a low voice.

There was reluctance in his tone.


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