
Subsequently, Su Han called an online car.

Both of them drank, and the car could not be driven.

He decided to send Yan Ruyue home first, and then he took the car back to his home.

The ride-hailing car stopped in front of the Yan family's villa.

Two figures stood not far away.

"Go back quickly."

Su Han looked at Yan Ruyue and said.

Tonight, the bright moon hangs high, and the Dao Dao moon is scattered.

For Yan Ruyue's beautiful face, she was covered with a silver veil.

With her strength because of the red wine, and a little reddish appearance, she looks delicate.

"Hmm..." Yan

Ruyue nodded lightly and walked in the direction of her house.

But after only a few steps, she stopped, stunned in place, not knowing what she was thinking.

Then, as if figuring out something, she plucked up the courage to turn it back upside down.

Su Han's eyes flashed.

It seems to know what Yan Ruyue means.

But he still pretended to be puzzled:

"Ruyue, what else..." Before

he finished speaking, he was blocked by a pair of lips, unable to speak.

A moment later

, Yan Ruyue took a step back, her pretty face was red,

and it had spread to the roots of her ears.

Like watery beautiful eyes, shining brilliantly.

After glancing at Su Han, he turned around and trotted away.

Under the quiet night, a crisp and pleasant voice came:

"Su Han, I like you!"

Look at the figure that gradually disappears into the night.

The corners of Su Han's mouth smiled even more.


On the one hand -

ride-hailing drivers feel that the whole person is not good.

If he had known that this trip would make him eat a full of dog food, he would rather choose not to accept this order.


Yan Ruyue returned home with a red face, rushed into her room, and rolled over and over on the bed.

For a while.

A notification message came from her phone, waking her up.

【Are you satisfied with the service of sharing your boyfriend?】 Please rate this order.

She was stunned for a moment and clicked in.

It's still that beautiful, familiar interface full of couple atmosphere.

However, the input box on the interface was replaced with an evaluation, from one star to five stars.

Yan Ruyue ordered a five-star praise without hesitation.

At the same time, Su Han just walked into the house, and a system prompt sounded in his mind.

[Ding... Congratulations on completing your second order, which received five-star praise from customers. 【

Ding... The temporary abilities you gain during the rental period are converted to perpetual. 【

Ding... All temporary item skills you gain during the rental period are converted to permanent. 【

Ding... The system is evaluating your mission order, congratulations on getting a perfect review, bonus points: 5000 points! A

smile appeared on Su Han's face.

This order has been very rewarding.

Not only got god-level medical skills, master-level tea art and chess skills.

also cut off the protagonist of Hu and gained the background backer of the Yan family.

"How is it also a perfect evaluation, last time the points were 3,000, but this time it was 5,000?"

Seeing the points obtained, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Could it be that this is also related to the difficulty of the order?

No matter, draw first.

Last time a million and a watch were drawn.

I don't know what will be drawn again this time.

[Ding... Congratulations to the host, the draw reward: super comfort Durex pack!

Su Han: "????? "


Real knives and guns, not more comfortable than this thing?

Although he thought so in his heart, his hand movements were not slow, and he put it away.

"Go on!"

[Ding... Congratulations to the host, the prize is drawn: a kitchen knife! 【

Ding... Congratulations to the host, the prize is drawn: a bottle of Yuanji Forest! 【

Ding... Congratulations to the host, the draw reward: three sets of casual wear! 【

Ding... Congratulations to the host, the lottery reward: Soft Sister Coin 2 million! Gotta

, okay.

These five draws are considered blind.

Just 2 million is passable.

Counting the 1 million from the last draw, he now has three million in his card.

Even in the center of the magic capital, you can buy an ordinary house.

"Well, I'll go see the house tomorrow."

Glancing at the simple rental house, Su Han secretly made a decision.


After some washing, it was already eleven o'clock at night.

Su Han lay on the bed, took out his mobile phone and looked at it, ready to brush the video for a while.

"Dingding..." As

soon as I opened the Hui mobile phone, one after another Huixin message prompts popped up.

It was sent by two people.

One is Mu Ziyan, and the other is Yan Ruyue.

There are more news from Mu Ziyan, there are dozens of them.

Su Han first nodded Yan Ruyue's avatar with little news.

Enter the chat interface.

"Su Han, pay attention to safety on the way home."

"Su Han, have you arrived home?"

"Why don't you reply to the message, did something happen?"

Seeing this, a smile appeared on Su Han's face, and he typed a line and clicked send.

"I'm sorry to see the news, I'm already back, don't worry."

Yan family.

Yan Ruyue's bedroom.

At this time, a figure was lying on the bed looking at the mobile phone.

There was worry in his eyes from time to time.


A message came.

Yan Ruyue's eyes lit up, and she quickly looked at it.

Sure enough, it was Su Han who replied to the news.

She burst out laughing.

Can't help but -

Yan Ruyue remembered the scene before parting with Su Han again, and her face was flushed.

In the moonlight, she approached Su Han, her lips touching......


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