
Su Han and Lin Wanqing left.

Looking at the back of the two of them far away, Lin Feng opened his mouth and stopped talking.

He really wanted to step forward and tell Lin Wanqing.

Su Han is actually a scumbag and already has two girlfriends.

But thinking of her gaze just now, Lin Feng stopped again.

There is no evidence.

If Su Han didn't admit it and bit him back, he was afraid that he would really be kicked out.

At that time, there was really no chance to stop it.

It was -

until he found evidence, he planned not to talk to Lin Wanqing first.

Now it's time to be optimistic about Lin Wanqing.

Lest she be deceived by Su Han's rhetoric and do something unacceptable.

At this thought, Lin Feng's eyes flickered, closed the door and followed.

After walking out of the corner, Su Han let go of his hand and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hello, my name is Su Han, your shared boyfriend."

Feel the hand holding you loose.

Lin Wanqing suddenly felt a little lost, but she quickly collected her emotions.

"Hello, I didn't expect you to be the same as I requested, really the perfect boyfriend."

She looked at Su Han in front of her, her eyes colorful.

His appearance is handsome, his body is perfectly proportioned, and his body is filled with a faint domineering president temperament.

"Of course, it's my job to keep customers happy."

Su Han smiled slightly.

"That....... Your afternoon....... Accompany me to a dance party.

Lin Wanqing's eyes flashed.

If only she brought this "boyfriend" over.

It will definitely shock the jaws of those little nizi.

Look, you still ridicule me for not having a man to want.


Su Han naturally said that there was no problem.

According to the plot of the book -

he knew that Leng Xuanlong would also appear at this ball.

I wonder if his cheap boss can still recognize him?

It must be very interesting then.


"By the way, how did you get there so quickly?"

Thinking of something, Lin Wanqing couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

Before placing the order, she was thinking about hitting Lin Feng, and she realized it after calming down.

Even if that "shared boyfriend" is real, how can it arrive so quickly?

Unexpectedly, Su Han was really so fast.

"I'm going to buy a suite here, I'm here to see the house today, and I'm not far from here when you place your order."

Su Han did not hide it and said it directly.

"You want to buy a house?"

Lin Wanqing's eyes lit up.

Buy a house.

She has a lot of houses to her name.

In fact,

at the first glance at Su Han, she realized that she had made a major mistake.

In the column of the lease period, why do you only fill in for one day.

A man like such a handsome and temperamental person perfectly fits her fantasies about her other half.

How nice it would have been for the rest of my life.

However, it seems that it is not too late.

If you arrange a house for Su Han yourself.

Won't you be able to see it every day?

Su Han glanced at Lin Wanqing with a strange expression.

To buy a house.

It seems that you can find this one.

Half of the houses here belong to hers.

Maybe you don't have to buy a house, you can rent a house, and from time to time you can go to the landlord's house to repair the sewers....

"It's almost noon, let's go eat first, shall we?"

Glancing at the time, Lin Wanqing asked.

She kept it in mind for the time being.

Anyway, there is still a day left.

Next, Lin Wanqing drove to find a restaurant to eat.

Behind, Lin Feng followed unhurriedly like a spy.


Tianyuan Restaurant -

Su Han looked at the signboard hanging at the door, silent.

All of them came here to eat, making him think that the magic capital was this restaurant.

It was the waiter who came to greet him yesterday.

Seeing Su Han and Lin Wanqing walking together, he directly glared at him, his mouth opened wide, and his face was shocked.



One the day before yesterday, one yesterday, and today another one.

It's really a change every day.

Su Han told him with facts -

he is handsome and can really do whatever he wants.

Moreover, all of them are still so superb.

Superb beauty like this.

Ordinary people get one, that is, the ancestral tomb emits green smoke.

Su Han actually changed one a day.

Nima, it's really more human than angry.

Looking at Su Han's gaze again, in addition to worship or worship.

In that way, it was as if as soon as Su Han waved his hand, he would directly kneel and kowtow to the master.


The two chatted while eating.

Inadvertently sweeping a figure in the distance, Su Han's eyes flashed a trace of inexplicability.

Along the way, he had already felt Lin Feng's presence.

It's just not debunked.

But this feeling, let alone quite cool.

In front of the protagonist, soak the woman he likes.

Therefore -

in the chat, Su Han used some jokes and flirting skills.

From time to time, Lin Wanqing's coquettish laughter was heard.

The atmosphere seemed very harmonious.

On the other side,

Lin Feng was not very comfortable.

Seeing that I fancy women eating with other men, I have a good chat.

His face was as ugly as if he had eaten a fly, and he felt a little green on his head.


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