
After eating, Su Han had already promised Lin Wanqing to accompany him to the dance in the afternoon.

The two walked out of the Tianyuan Restaurant.

In fact, during this period, Lin Wanqing had been secretly observing Su Han.

He always exudes a breezy temperament.

It's an unparalleled confidence.

It was as if no matter what he encountered, he could easily solve it.

"It's no wonder that such a handsome and dashing man with extraordinary temperament is like a firefly in the dark, so outstanding."

Lin Wanqing secretly glanced at Su Han with her afterlight.

I don't know if it is Lin Wanqing's mental effect.

Or is Su Han really one of the best among men.

Between the changes in pace, it seems that they all exude endless charm.

"Lin Wanqing, you have to calm down!"

"You are a person who has seen the world, you can't just get to know someone for a while and give your heart away."

Lin Wanqing's pretty face was slightly red, like a very ripe apple.


I have to say -

with every time Su Han takes an order, his temperament is also changing, and he is gradually perfecting.

And with the change of girlfriend's role.

So that Su Han's skills on his body increased, divine doctor, song god, tea art....... These are the sources of his confidence.

Not long ago, I took Lin Wanqing's order.

It also gave Su Han's body a sense of dignity of a domineering president and a wealthy family.

Su Han held Lin Wanqing's thin hand.

It feels like green onions, but also seems to be like water and boneless, and it feels excellent in the hand.

Sensing Lin Wanqing's flushed face, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

At this moment, Su Han completed the task of the previous order.

The attributes of peerless divine doctors still exist, and Chinese medicine talks about hope and earnestness.

After a simple look, he found that Lin Wanqing's complexion was rosy.

It is a typical phenomenon of qi and blood rising on the surface.

"Huh... Is this impressed by the charm of the brother?

Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han from time to time, looking at it, she sensed that something was wrong.

Su Han's appearance and temperament are naturally impeccable.

"What's missing?"

"That's right!"

Lin Wanqing tilted her head and thought, and after a moment, she suddenly woke up.

It was Su Han's clothes.

In the afternoon, I will go to the ball, and naturally I will wear formal clothes for the ball.

Although the clothes on Su Han's body are equally good.

But what clothes to wear on any occasion, this casual set worn by Su Han is obviously a little inappropriate.

"Su Han, I'll take you to buy a dress in a moment, after all, attending the dance is my temporary request."

"I didn't make it clear in advance..."

Lin Wanqing offered not to Su Han to pay.

The reason behind it is that she feels.

Since Su Han came out to be a shared boyfriend.

Naturally, money is needed, otherwise such a perfect male god, how could he come out....... of the road.

"Don't worry, Su Han, I have money, I can support you."

Lin Wanqing smiled in her heart.

Who makes himself rich.

If Su Han knew Lin Wanqing's thoughts at this moment, he would definitely be a little speechless.

Su Han is not without money, the first two tasks came down.

With the lottery, Su Han now has a total of 3 million soft sister coins in his account.

If you put it in the general three or four county cities, Su Han can also be regarded as a small rich man.

But since Lin Wanqing made a request to pay.

Su Han naturally would not refuse.

This is a rich woman, he will not be polite.

It was still Lin Wanqing who drove, and the two came to the largest shopping mall in the magic capital.


Mao Tower -

known as the magic capital of drunken gold fans, Jin Mao Tower accounts for at least half of its name.

The unit price of clothes in any counter will not be less than four figures.

Not to mention some luxury brands.

A paradise for the rich, a luxury for the poor.

Lin Wanqing and Su Han walked together.

Lin Wanqing wore a dress today.

With the delicate facial features, the thin eyebrows of the autumn willow make the whole person's temperament appear more noble.

A black dress adds a bit of temptation.

Su Han next to him was dressed in casual clothes, with sword eyebrows and starry eyes, and his eyes exuded the unique vitality of young people.

The sunlight also reveals a sparkle.

Lin Wanqing and Su Han walked hand in hand in the mall, attracting the attention of many people.

"Wow... You see, what a beautiful young lady, which rich lady escaped.

"This little brother is too handsome, right? It really fulfilled all my fantasies about being in love. "

Is this a TV show?" The two walked together, it was really a natural pair. "

Look at people, look at my family's waste that only cries every day, it's really more popular than people......


Su Han and Lin Wanqing are talented women, walking together like golden children and jade girls.

It has become a CP in everyone's mind.

Lin Wanqing saw the envious gazes around her, which made her a little stunned for a while.

"If only Su Han were really my boyfriend, instead of sharing..." Lin

Wanqing's expression flashed a trace of loneliness.

But at the moment, feel the temperature coming from the palm of your hand.

The owner of that thicker palm.

Lin Wanqing could smell the faint fragrance from Su Han's body.

"Even if it's a shared boyfriend, at least for now, it's mine."

Lin Wanqing held Su Han's hand tighter.

Felt Lin Wanqing's change.

Su Han chuckled slightly, and also tightened his hand.

The two walked into an Armani clothing store.

Su Han looked at the extremely extravagant place in front of him, which he usually could only hear about.

Now I can walk in with dignity.

That's progress!

As soon as I walked into the store, a staff member wearing overalls leaned over.

"Welcome both to Armani."

"The two of you are going to..." The

waiter glanced up at Su Han beside Lin Wanqing.

Originally, Lin Wanqing's appearance had already shocked the clerk.

But when the clerk found Su Han's figure again.

Even the people with souls were hooked by Su Han.

"Madam, your husband is really handsome."

"You are simply a talented couple, you must be very affectionate, it is really enviable."

The more the clerk praised Lin Wanqing and Su Han for collocation.

Lin Wanqing's heart became more and more joyful.

It seems that at this moment, Lin Wanqing really regards Su Han as her boyfriend.

At this moment, Su Han's afterlight glanced out the door.

A figure quickly dodged to the side.


Su Han raised his eyebrows, and a smile appeared on his face, with mockery.

"You follow behind like a mouse, as for your future woman, I will help you take care of it, and it will definitely satisfy her."

Thinking in his heart, Su Han hugged Lin Wanqing's waist tighter.

Lin Wanqing only felt that her body was electrocuted.

Looking at Su Han, his eyebrows were crooked, as if he was disgusted.

"Damn it!"

"Su Han is a scumbag, how can Lin Wanqing be with him?"

"I must collect evidence to expose him."

It was Lin Feng who was hiding outside the door and paying close attention to Su Han's movements.

At this moment, he was extremely angry in his heart, his eyes were spitting fire, and he secretly made up his mind.


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