
Lin Wanqing was born rich since she was a child, often went out to shop, and her eye for picking clothes was very good.

At first, I was worried that there was no suit suitable for Su Han.

This pick, Lin Wanqing knew what it was not to choose clothes.

It's about choosing people's clothes.

Su Han's body that has been systematically transformed.

Whether it is the waist-shoulder ratio or the latitude of the chest, it is just right.

Wearing Su Han's body, Su Han's figure is perfectly displayed.

Let Lin Wanqing and the female clerk's hearts ripple.

"This is simply tailor-made for Su Han, right?"

"Such a man is simply too good, not only good appearance and temperament, but also perfect body lines."

"What male model, what model, compared with Su Han, it is weak."

"This is the word for having children in the future..." Thinking

of this, Lin Wanqing couldn't help but feel ashamed of her old dirt.

"People like Su Han are naturally guarded like jade and personable."

"Even if it's coming out to be someone else's shared boyfriend."

"That's naturally only selling art and not selling yourself."

Lin Wanqing said with a bite in her heart.

Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han in front of the mirror, she had completely fallen at this moment.

"Wow....... This dress is simply tailor-made for Mr.

"If I hadn't seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn't have believed that anyone would be able to wear a suit so temperamentally."

Su Han just smiled slightly, he had begun to get used to this kind of adored and adored eyes.


"Su Han, let's try a few more sets."

Lin Wanqing, who saw Su Han's excellent figure, her eyes lit up.

One connection made Su Han try on several clothes.

The end result is undoubtedly the same, no matter what style of clothes.

Wearing it on Su Han's body, it was as if he had found his master.

The suit and Su Han's temperament are completely natural.

A smell of a European Western century baron came to the face.

This is simply the Prince Charming in Lin Wanqing's heart.

But here's the problem.

"It's all right, which one to wear to the prom?"

Lin Wanqing made a difficulty.

Chu Chu's cute brows wrinkled slightly.

"Wrap it all for me."

In the end, Lin Wanqing decided to buy all these clothes that Su Han wore.

Lin Wanqing, who has difficulty choosing since she was a child.

People are stupid and have a lot of money, and besides, these clothes are bought for Su Han.

Naturally, it is not too much.

Moreover, Su Han wants to be his real boyfriend.

Isn't it normal to give yourself boyfriend male things?

"It's cost you."

Su Han smiled and said politely.

"It's okay, it's all as I should."

Lin Wanqing was mentioned by Su Han like this, and her face immediately flushed.

It seemed that he was very happy to get Su Han's gratitude.

Of course, Su Han didn't know, it was such a simple sentence.

Let Lin Wanqing, who spends money like water on weekdays, be happy for a long time.

Under the envious gaze of everyone, Su Han walked out of the store with Lin Wanqing carrying a large bag and a small bag.

Lin Feng, who was still planning in his heart about how to record Su Han's criminal evidence.

Suddenly, the eyes skimmed to the side.

That man and woman, big bags and small bags walked out of the store, wasn't it Su Han and Lin Wanqing?


Lin Feng was so angry by Su Han's slag for a while that he almost lost his mind.

"How can it make sense!"

"A chartered woman who was not even willing to give me a loose rent for two days actually bought so many clothes for this little white face."

"When have I been treated like this by a generation of Dark World Soldier Kings!"

Lin Feng's figure disappeared into the shadows again like a ghost.

Su Han, who was walking with Lin Wanqing, only felt a black shadow move in his sight.

A light smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and the sarcasm was obvious.

Seeing this, Lin Feng gritted his teeth and almost couldn't help but step forward to expose Su Han's true face.

But he held back.

There is no other reason, no evidence.

And he also wants to continue living in Lin Wanqing's house.

There is an ancient hook to lie down and taste the courage.

Today, there is Lin Feng and renting a house.

"Good fellow, he has been waiting at the door, worthy of being a soldier king, and his endurance is amazing."

Thought of Lin Feng according to the original plot.

Now it should be Lin Wanqing choosing clothes for Lin Feng.

Then he was shocked by Lin Feng's scars on the battlefield.

Then to the dance, Lin Feng appeared in the crowd with a purebred rumba dance learned from Spain.

Then a solo dance with a romantic waltz and Lin Wanqing.

Finally, he helped Lin Wanqing conquer everyone and was recognized by Lin Wanqing.

But all of this was cut off on the spot by Su Han.

Su Han and Lin Wanqing walked leisurely in Lin Feng's line of sight.


At three o'clock in the afternoon, the sun has a tendency to fall.

The afterglow of the setting sun shines over the city.

With a hint of hazy beauty.

Lin Wanqing took Su Han to the Sky Dance Club.

Sky Dance Club, a private dance club founded by a group of petty bourgeoisie.

It is not completely open to the public, but it is a private entertainment club.

This Lin Wanqing's final destination is here.

Be invited to the prom.

The dance party was founded by several of Lin Wanqing's girlfriends.

The outside of the club is illuminated with high spotlights soaring into the sky.

In front of the eye, there are several million-level luxury cars parked at the gate.

"The life of a rich person is really unpretentious."

Su Han didn't care in his heart, he was developing in this direction, it was just a matter of time.

"Su Han, my friend's dance party is here, can you accompany me in a while?"

Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han, who had a handsome face, and she was always a little shy when she was usually grinning.

And Su Han's identity as a shared boyfriend has been forgotten by her.

At this moment, Su Han is her boyfriend, and he is all his current dependency.

"Don't worry, everything is with me."

Su Han's magnetic voice seemed to have a natural sense of convincing.

Coupled with Su Han's appearance, Lin Wanqing only felt that as long as Su Han was there.

Everything is no problem.


Inside the dance hall, several women with different postures were discussing with each other.

I have to say, whether it is their dress or appearance.

They are all the upper class among women.

"You guys said . . . Is Lin Wanqing coming this time?

"We all invited her, and as a girlfriend, she should come even if she doesn't have a boyfriend."

"It's hard to say, I guess, with Lin Wanqing's character."

"Even if you don't have a boyfriend, you will die to find someone to act as a boyfriend."


several women were discussing Lin Wanqing with a wonderful face.

It is Lin Wanqing's several friends.


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