
The value of several friends is not low, and the family is either rich or expensive.

The temperaments of several people next to him are different from their respective boyfriends.

Hearing the discussion about Lin Wanqing.

Several men's faces were covered with an imperceptible coldness.

Jealous, ready to give Lin Wanqing's boyfriend a dismount.

Lin Wanqing is the most outstanding among several girlfriends.

What is more interesting is that it is her identity as the daughter of a real estate developer in Shanhai, super white and rich.

A few men, the family is either the rich second generation or the second generation of officials.

At their level, marriage needs a win-win situation, and they all want to have a good relationship with Lin Wanqing.

It's just that the people who look at Lin Wanqing have other origins behind them, and it is not their turn to make a move.

One of the men put his arm around his female companion with a smile on his face.

"I see, then Lin Wanqing probably doesn't have a boyfriend, I'm embarrassed to come."

"I believe . . . She will definitely come. "

I heard that the young man of the Chen family took a fancy to Lin Wanqing and decided to start pursuing it tonight."

"What is the existence of the Chen family, although it is said that with the identity of Wanqing, he is naturally worthy of him, but the identity of the Chen family is also extremely noble."

"But I really envy

Wanqing..." All

the women were envious of Lin Wanqing's good luck.


And while they were discussing.

Two figures walked slowly from the door of the club.

A man and a woman, the man is taller than the woman.

The two hold hands with each other, and the picture looks very sweet.

The woman is dressed in a suit and looks magnificent.

The black suit is forged from silk.

The shadowy figure is illuminated by the light.

Like a pitch-black rose, it is unusually independent.

A male companion side by side.

A white suit, perfect figure, with a handsome appearance.

Holding Lin Wanqing's hand, it is like Prince Charming who came out of a fairy tale.

Gentleman and decent.

Especially the facial features and honor that are enough to amaze the world.

When the people around saw it, their eyes widened and their eyes shone brightly.

"This little brother is also too handsome, right?"

"Oh my God... How could there be such a handsome man?

"It's Lin Wanqing!"

"Is this Lin Wanqing's boyfriend? So envious~"

Su Han had a faint smile on his face.

It makes people look like a spring breeze.

This calm and calm temperament is not something that any person can have.

Everyone was also secretly guessing that Su Han's identity was not simple.

Look at the boyfriend next to him, sure enough, there is no harm without comparison.

Having seen the sea, how can you have rivers in your heart.

For a while, all the women began to dislike their boyfriends.

The boyfriend who was originally good around him is not fragrant at this moment.

"Wanqing, you're here."

"Why did you come so late, we thought you weren't coming."

Su Han gently let go of Lin Wanqing's hand.

With a smile on her face, Lin Wanqing walked towards her friend.

"A few of you invite, why didn't I come."

"It's just that you suddenly asked me to bring my boyfriend, I didn't want to expose it so early."

Lin Wanqing pretended to be shy, stretched out her incense fist, and hit several women.

"You still say us, you you you, you are really not interesting enough."

"I hid such a handsome boyfriend, and I didn't bring it out for us to meet."

"You still think of us as your best friends."

Several women said while their eyes secretly glanced in Su Han's direction from time to time.

"So handsome, love love..." "

It's really handsome to the limits of human aesthetics."

"I'm not embarrassed."

Lin Wanqing began to Versailles.

Lin Wanqing dispelled everyone's original concerns.

The women began to talk to each other.

And most of the topics also revolved around Lin Wanqing and Su Han.

How did the two meet.

Has there ever been that.

"Lin Wanqing, where did you find such a superb boyfriend, and also give our sisters a few introductions."

Several women looked inquiring, and several pairs of eyes stared at Lin Wanqing ghostly.

This almost made Lin Wanqing think that she was recognized by everyone.

Lin Wanqing reacted at this time.

Su Han is not his real boyfriend.

It's just a shared boyfriend who accidentally placed an order.

That is, Su Han in addition to being his own boyfriend.

It's also possible to be someone else's boyfriend.

"If only Su Han were really my boyfriend..." Lin

Wanqing after that seemed a little out of state.

Everyone thought that the question was overdone.

So everyone got together for snacks and started talking about other topics.

Everyone chatted for a while.

One of the men in his family worked in finance.

Seeing that his girlfriend's eyes were not on his body, but towards Su Han on the side from time to time.

After seeing Su Han, the man knew that he was inferior to Su Han in appearance.

Therefore, he wanted to crush Su Han with dance skills and make Su Han ugly in public.

A smile flashed across the man's face.

"It's not early, let's all dance together."

"What's the point of just chatting."

Several men understood the meaning at the same time.

His female companions are more or less interesting to Su Han.

And this undoubtedly makes them feel vinegar in their hearts.

After each of them tied up their own women.

Everyone is in pairs and scatters with each other.


The area inside the club is large.

The dancing begins and the lights begin to soften.

A melodious music sounded in the background.

Seeing that everyone dispersed, Lin Wanqing's heart began to get nervous.

Everyone quickly got into shape.

Especially the men who want to show their dancing skills in front of Su Han.

All did their best.

The pace is fast and elegant, accompanied by music.

The experience of pas de deux is mature.

"Everyone is so good, Su Han, can he really dance?"

Although Lin Wanqing believed in Su Han very much in her heart.

But after all, I didn't know anything about Su Han before.

Even Lin Wanqing, who believed in Su Han very much, also hesitated.

Just when Lin Wanqing was worried.

Su Han opened his hands towards Lin Wanqing.

Then one foot lifted back slightly and leaned forward.

"This lady, can I invite you to a dance?"

Su Han was very gentlemanly.

On this side, when Su Han put on a posture, he once again attracted the dancing crowd.

"It's so elegant, it's like a birth noble."

"Lin Wanqing is really lucky."

"Cut! Only bluff. The

hearts of several men were extremely sour, and then the pace under their feet accelerated again.

And Lin Wanqing's side took Su Han's hand.

Nodded slightly.

The moment Lin Wanqing's white hand rested on Su Han's hand.

Su Han moved.

Su Han suddenly strained his wrist, and a force came from Lin Wanqing's hand.

Lin Wanqing's body didn't have time to control it, and the huge inertia made Lin Wanqing rush towards Su Han.

Just when Lin Wanqing was about to pounce on Su Han uncontrollably.

Su Han rotated 360 under his feet and spun on the spot at the same time as Lin Wanqing.

A simple move followed by a difficult move.

The two danced like swans on the ice.

Lin Wanqing entered the state, her slender feet slightly rippling backwards, like a holy fairy falling into mortal dust.

The two moved ethereally, like a pair of immortals...


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