
Lin Wanqing tried to gradually adapt to Su Han's rhythm.

And Su Han's prelude began.

The perfect body of the system transformation is extremely flexible.

Su Han jumped as fast as a reindeer.

Move forward, driving Lin Wanqing's graceful figure.

Then the two of them hugged and spun around.

Lap after lap.

Lin Wanqing had studied dance before, but she had never seen Su Han change her pace so quickly.

It's as if the pace is completely familiar.

Without the slightest thought of it.

Whenever Lin Wanqing was about to get off track.

Su Han's body was like a slingshot.

Use your own advantages to pull Lin Wanqing back.

Mistakes are saved one mistake after another.

This made Lin Wanqing have a stronger trust in Su Han.

No longer worry that he will not be able to keep up with Su Han.

Gradually, Lin Wanqing put her focus on Su Han.

The pace was also scattered from the beginning, unable to keep up with Su Han's rhythm.

Under Su Han's lead, it entered an optimal state.

The bodies of the two are constantly intertwined under the music.

Hearts and minds are constantly communicating.

Bend at the same time and bend the spine 45 degrees.

With such a difficult movement in place to compare a heart.

"Is that a pas de deux?"

"How do you give me the illusion that I'm dancing alone?"

Su Han and Lin Wanqing did dance a pas de deux.

Like everyone.

But because of Su Han's superb dance skills, Lin Wanqing's body moved.

So it was as if the two were not dancing, but having sex.

"Lin Wanqing and her boyfriend seem to have become one."

"I'm afraid this is the highest level of pas de deux."

The group of people sighed in their hearts.

"So what are we dancing on?"

A girlfriend of Lin Wanqing, who knows a lot about dancing, explained.

"You see, Su Han's dance steps seem to have added waltzes, tango, Latin, street dance..."

"What is the identity of this Su Han, not only is he handsome, but he also dances so well."

Su Han's steps were too mixed, but they were also natural.

It is like an original dance step after integrating the strengths of a hundred schools.

An experienced dancer.

In the end, they will form something of their own.

Through their own habits, they absorb the essence from various dance genres.

Everyone is very experienced in pas de deux.

Compared with Su Han.

Although it is also very ornamental.

But it lacks a bit of surprise and explosiveness.

Especially the visible and the godless.

It's like the difference between an amateur and a professional.

"This guy has two strokes, what is the origin?"

The man who proposed to dance before saw Su Han's dancing skills at this moment.

I had to say a word of convincedness.

This made them even more curious about the identity behind Su Han.

Su Han had completely integrated with Lin Wanqing at this moment.

Lin Wanqing's eyes drooped slightly.

There was a hint of confusion in his eyes.

Delicate facial features, can not find any pickiness.

During the difficult movement, Lin Wanqing was very close to Su Han several times.

Su Han's nose could smell the faint body fragrance from Lin Wanqing.


A corner of the club, Lin

Feng, followed Su Han and the two all the way.

From out of the Jin Mao Tower, all the way to the Sky Dance Club.

The entry condition for the club is membership.

Lin Feng was brought in without anyone accompanying him, so he was blocked out.

But that didn't stop him from keeping an eye on the two.

The ten-year soldier king, with his agile skills, took advantage of the lack of attention of the staff outside the door.

Fei slipped in through the back door.


"What just flew by?"

The burly guard outside the door asked.

After checking all four weeks, nothing was found.

"Maybe a dog."

Lin Feng, who had just opened the back door, sneezed.

"Damn, who is scolding me!"

In addition to collecting evidence of Su Han's scumbags in the dark, it was really difficult for him not to be discovered by Lin Wanqing to find out that he was following them.


At this moment, Lin Wanqing's feet slipped and her figure fell, which suddenly overwhelmed her.

Su Han's figure flashed and came to Lin Wanqing.

A pair of big hands forcefully hugged Lin Wanqing's thin waist.

Su Han's body leaned forward, and Lin Wanqing leaned back.

Su Han's deep eyes were looking at Lin Wanqing's eyes affectionately at the moment.

The movement outside stopped at this moment.

The air is unusually quiet.

It was as if frozen.

Lin Wanqing did not dare to gasp.

Only the constant heaving heartbeat on my chest was heard.

Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han's eyes, not daring to move a little, revealing a faint shyness.

His body was completely under Su Han's control.

At this moment, if Su Han suddenly let go, he would definitely fall.

So Lin Wanqing hung her hands tightly on Su Han's waist.

Su Han's body was still sinking.

There was only less than three centimeters between Su Han's mouth and Lin Wanqing's red lips.

Even Su Han's breathing, Lin Wanqing could feel it slightly.

The posture of the two is somewhat delicate.

"This guy, sooner or later I will expose your true face!"

Lin Feng hid in the shadows, his eyes were round, and he finally sneaked in like a dog.

When I came in and saw this scene.

In anger, his eyes widened, and he almost crushed his steel teeth.

The woman she identified herself was actually dancing with others.

Now I almost kissed it.

Is this worth it?

For a while, Lin Feng only felt that his heart was dripping blood, but he couldn't stop it yet.


"This Su Han is too scum."

"How is this act of robbing other people's women different from Cao Thief?"

Lin Feng's face turned purple and turned the color of pig liver.

If the subordinates of the former dark world saw Lin Feng at this time, it would definitely be incredible.

When did their boss become like this?

Su Han and Lin Wanqing's posture lasted five to six seconds.

Lin Feng's heart dripped blood for six seconds.


During this period, Su Han's expression has been very calm.

On the contrary, Lin Wanqing's soul had just been hooked by Su Han.

There was a round of applause all around.

"Wanqing, how long do you have to keep this action up, are you tired?"

"No matter how loving you are, you don't bring dog food like this."

Hearing her friend's joke, Lin Wanqing's heart was confused, but her face was shy.

Su Han straightened up and helped Lin Wanqing up.

The dancing session of the crowd ended under the ornamental gesture of Su Han and the two.

Lin Wanqing's friend came over.

After seeing Su Han's ability.

The envy of Lin Wanqing in his heart was revealed on the surface.

Envy that Lin Wanqing could find such an excellent man as Su Han.

And Su Han next to Lin Wanqing became the focus of everyone's attention on the field.

I felt the gaze coming from everywhere.

Su Han always had only Lin Wanqing in his eyes.

"Su Han, is he only paying attention to me?"

Seeing Su Han who was standing beside him and relying on herself, Lin Wanqing thought silently in her heart.

"Or is Su Han also interesting to me?"

Seeing Su Han looking at herself, Lin Wanqing was flustered in her heart, like a deer bumping.


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