
Just when all the women looked at Su Han with dazzled eyes, they also attracted a group of hostile eyes.

It's the male companion next to them.

Seeing that their women's attention was actually on other men, they were very helpless.

"Hmph... What's so remarkable..."

they thought sourly in their hearts.

But thinking of something, the corners of their mouths rose a little.

They know today's highlights.

It was the Chen family who took a fancy to Lin Wanqing.

And Su Han ran into him, I don't know what the result will be......


As the music ended, the dancing stopped.

Just when they came to the end.

Several people walked over to the entrance of the club.

There were three people in total, and the ones on both sides looked like little brothers.

The first look at the temperament is extraordinary.

There is a sense of luxury on the body.

The eyes were full of indifference, as if everything did not interest him.

The one who came was Chen Wei, the eldest young man of the Chen family.

is also the titular male protagonist today.

Seeing that it was Chen Wei, the men who were jealous of Su Han were ecstatic in their hearts.

"Here comes the man who cleans you up."

Several friends also recognized it immediately.

"It's Chen Shao coming, Lin Wanqing's boyfriend is in trouble now!"

The friends who had already been impressed by Su Han's ability began to worry about Su Han at this moment.

Chen Wei is a rich second generation, born with a golden spoon.

In addition to good looks, the conditions are very superior.

As soon as Chen Wei and the others came in, they searched everywhere, as if they were looking for some target.

In the face of the warm welcome of everyone, it was only a faint response.

Suddenly, Chen Wei's eyes lit up.

Discovering the target he was looking for was Lin Wanqing, who was standing behind everyone.

"It's really like a photo, it's a superlative."

"Such a woman must belong to me!"

When Chen Wei saw Lin Wanqing, his eyes were shining.

It's like a hunter who has found his prey.

Immediately walked towards Lin Wanqing slowly.

That's right, this time he came to Lin Wanqing.

Chen Wei's way to know Lin Wanqing was through the circle of friends sent by Lin Wanqing's girlfriends.

Lin Wanqing in the photo is pure and cute, and her posture far exceeds that of all women.

The quality was several times superior to any woman he had played with before.

The thought of such a woman going to be given to herself.

Chen Wei's heart was hot.

However, when he saw Su Han beside Lin Wanqing, his gaze paused.

It's like touching a tiger's tail.

Chen Wei's anger rose in his heart.

"Where did the kid not have long eyes come from."

"Dare to rob a woman with me?"

The woman identified by Chen Wei was actually taken first, this is worth it?

However, just when Chen Wei Chong was staring at Su Han carefully.

That calm, faintly revealing domineering temperament, shocked him in his heart.

Intuition told him that the man in front of him was not simple.


Chen Wei is not a fool.

The temperament that emanated from Su Han's body had to make him look positive.

This is an extremely strong temperament of a superior person.

Not even his Lao Tzu.

"What the hell is his origin!"

Chen Wei stared at Su Han like a torch.

As a young man of the Chen family, he is a son of a wealthy family in the eyes of the world.

He did not understand the truth of one wrong step and one wrong step.

Chen Wei was a little hesitant.

"Could it be the top young man from the imperial capital?"

Chen Wei thought of a possibility.

And it was this conjecture that made Chen Wei dispel Lin Wanqing's idea.

In any case, the temperament on the body cannot deceive people.

"If it's really the young man of the imperial capital, I must make good friends."

"Women, yes."

Chen Wei planned in his heart as he walked.

Born in the Chen family, let him know what is more important than the other.

Finally, I came up with a strategy.

Since it was greatly favored by the imperial capital.

Naturally, he did not dare to brush his beard in front of the tiger.

"I wonder who this brother is?"

Chen Wei stepped forward and asked very politely.

There were a lot of smiles on his face.

"Su Han."

As early as when Chen Wei and the others came in, Su Han had already noticed this number one.

This person is Chen Wei.

According to the direction of the plot, it was Lin Wanqing's idea to come over.

was slapped in the face by Lin Feng on the spot, and finally fled in ashes.

Just looking at his attitude, the plot seems to be a little wrong.

"It turned out to be Su Shao."

"My name is Chen Wei of the Chen family."

"I heard that you are holding a dance here, so I specially came to hold a show."

Chen Wei stretched out his hand and greeted the little brother on the side.

"So........ I still have something to do today, you guys eat and have fun.

"I covered the fee, so I should make a friend."

Chen Wei's words and deeds look like a righteous person.

After saying all this, Chen Wei left the club under the surprised eyes of everyone.

The whole process is not muddy in the slightest.

Not even Lin Wanqing's name was mentioned.

Chen Wei's actions made everyone feel very strange.

"Chen Shao, what's wrong?"

"It's not that Lin Wanqing looks good, let's arrange the opportunity."

"How did this become something sudden again?"

The women couldn't see the clue, but they just felt puzzled.

But at this moment, Chen Shao had something else in mind.

Walking out of the door of the club, Chen Wei only felt a cold sweat flow out of his body.

"Good risk!"

"The Chen family was almost destroyed in my hands."

In the club -

Su Han looked strange, this is leaving?

It's not that I should take Lin Feng's place.

This Chen Shao came to find trouble.

Left directly?

The men present were pale and speechless.

"What is the identity of this Su Han?"

"Was Chen Shao afraid of him just now?"

"Looking at Chen Shao's way, it seems that he knows something?"

"Could it be that Su Han's identity can't even be provoked by Chen Shao?"

Remembering Chen Shao's respectful appearance when he left, it was still in their minds.

The more speculation in my heart, I felt a pang of fear.

"Chen Shao is the top young man in the magic capital, and the person who can make Chen Shao respect him, is it not..." The

same thought floated in their minds.

Immediately, you praised Su Han one by one.

"It's worthy of Su Shao."

"Not only are people handsome, but they dance so well, and we really pale in comparison."

"Yes, yes, Su Shaozhen is a model for our male compatriots."

"We should all follow Su Shao's example."



And Lin Wanqing's friends also opened their mouths, envious of her happiness.

Find such a perfect boyfriend.

Lin Wanqing looked shy, but secretly happy in her heart.

Su Han really did not disappoint her.


Next, everyone sat down and chatted together.

"If it's someone who even Chen Shao doesn't dare to offend, then it's only from the imperial capital."

Several men secretly guessed in their hearts.

With such a layer of ambiguous identity.

For Su Han, they did not dare to offend.

After chatting for a while, everyone was ready to go out for dinner.

At this time, Chen Wei said goodbye to Su Han and everyone.

I came to another box.

Sitting in the box was the boss before Su Han, Leng Xuanlong.

They are all young people in the magic capital, and they have become good friends under the same smell.

At this time, Chen Wei was entertaining Leng Xuanlong.


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