
Lin Wanqing came back to the room and sat on the bed with her mobile phone, a little stunned.

"Was it just a dream last night?"

At this time, she remembered that she was covered with a quilt when she woke up in the morning.

"Su Han also covered me with a quilt, that is, he left later."

In that case, Su Han actually did something to her every day.

Lin Wanqing was very disappointed when she was happy in her heart.

Happy because Su Han is a decent gentleman, she didn't look at the wrong person.

Lost because this is her purpose, to take down Su Han.

Lin Wanqing patted her little head, her face full of sadness.

"I didn't get drunk with Su Han yesterday, obviously so many people toasted Su Han."

Although I was very tired yesterday, when I lay on the sofa, the stamina of alcohol came.

Alcohol combined with physical exhaustion, let me fall asleep in an instant.

"Why did I fall asleep?"

Lin Wanqing was very annoyed, and then her eyes became firm.

"Nope....... It's so perfect, I must grasp such a man..................

"It's good that the contact information is saved."

Lin Wanqing picked up her mobile phone and found that she had actually retained Su Han's contact information yesterday, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

This brought a hint of surprise to Lin Wanqing, who was in distress.

It's okay if you didn't grasp it yesterday, there will be a chance in the future.......


"Ding..." The

notification message of the mobile phone came, and Lin Wanqing was shocked.

"It shouldn't be Su Han's."

Lin Wanqing was excited and slid her phone to take a look.

It is a notification message that shares a boyfriend's order.

"Please rate this service!"

Lin Wanqing didn't think about it, and directly received five-star praise.

With a price of less than 10,000, you can let Su Han accompany him for a day.

The price was too cheap for her.

Men like Su Han.

She is willing to spend more price.

Lin Wanqing pressed a five-star praise!

At the same time -

Su Han in the rental house, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding....... Congratulations on completing your third order and getting a five-star praise from your customers. 【

Ding....... The temporary abilities you gain during the lease period are converted to perpetuity. 【

Ding....... All temporary item skills you gain during the rental period are converted to permanent. 【

Ding....... The system is evaluating your mission order, congratulations on getting a perfect rating, bonus points: 5000 points. A

smile appeared on Su Han's face.

Although I didn't get any rewards for taking orders this time, it was not bad.

There are also rewards for five draws.

Su Han's eyes flashed, and an attribute interface appeared in front of him.

[Host]: Su Han

[Age]: 24

[Height]: 186

[Charisma]: 99+ (full value 100)

[Identity]: Shared boyfriend

[Skills]: God-level medical skills, divine singing, master-level chess, master-level tea art, master-level dance.

【Item】: Patek Philippe (Heritage Series)

[Points]: 5000 points


Glancing at the points he had, Su Han hesitated for a moment, still did not choose the lottery.

Now he lacks nothing.

Let's wait until you raise 10,000 points later, and have a ten-year draw.


On the other side -

inside Lin Wanqing's villa.


Lin Wanqing changed into a light yellow long dress, with a noble and dignified temperament.

Standing in front of the mirror at the moment, his figure is full of charm with a convex front and back upturn.

Yesterday's failure to take Su Han made her quite annoyed and felt that she would fight again today.

"Lin Wanqing, you must come on, you can't relax."

Lin Wanqing's thoughts flew in her mind, and she was already planning how to provoke Su Han today.

The idea is good

, but -

picked up the mobile phone, looked at it for a while, but I don't know for what reason to ask Su Han to come out today.

Her note to Su Han was: Honey.

Looking at Su Han's avatar, he immediately sent a message over.

Lin Wanqing: "Su Han, what are you doing?" (Curious JPG)"

Su Han took out his mobile phone and saw that it was a message from Lin Wanqing.

Su Han: "Just had breakfast, did you sleep well last night?"

Lin Wanqing: I'm fine, thank you last night, if it weren't for you, it would be really dangerous. .jpg"

Lin Wanqing: Su Han, are you free today, come out for a meal, just as a thank you for last night." Seeing this, a

faint smile appeared on Su Han's face.jpg.

What about the heroine?

Isn't it dead by him?

At this moment, the message flickered, and it was Mu Ziyan who sent the message.

Mu Ziyan: Are you free today?

Mu Ziyan: You can come out to play, if you come out, I will send you a photo like last time...

In an apartment building -

watching the message go out, Mu Ziyan's face turned red.

If you can't think of such words, you can also say them from your own mouth.

It's out!

For happiness.

Seeing the message sent, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

Good guy, is this tempting him?

Think of the photos still saved in the phone, the needle does not poke.

Not long after, Yan Ruyue sent another message.

Since the last time Su Han showed amazing medical skills, he not only saved Old Master Yan's life, but also became a year-end friend with him.

Until today, Yan Ruyue said that her parents came back and asked her to bring her boyfriend back.

There was no way, she had to ask Su Han for another favor.

In fact, in her heart, she had been looking forward to seeing Su Han for a long time.

One day later, her mind was full of Su Han's figure.

"Is this a date with me? Or three at once.

Su Han frowned a little.

Three women came to the door together, although it was good, but it was also a lack of skill.

But after thinking for a moment, he smiled.

Old drivers never roll over.

This matter is naturally difficult for Su Han.

He first promised Lin Wanqing to eat together at noon.

Lin Wanqing, who received the news, was overjoyed in her heart.

"Su Han really likes me."

"He didn't reply to the message before because he was very busy."

Lin Wanqing thought in her heart with understanding.

Solved this side.

Su Han then promised Mu Wanqing to go out to play in the afternoon, and replied that Yan Ruyue would go over in the evening.

When the three women received the news, they were all very happy and began to prepare for the meeting.

And after Su Han sent the message, an inexplicable look appeared on his face, how could he have the feeling of a time management master.


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