
Lin Wanqing began to make up in front of the mirror.

Half an hour later, she looked at herself in the mirror and became obsessed.

The young, energetic face in the mirror becomes more and more exciting under the careful dressing.

I'm still very attractive, why can't Su Han look at it?

Thinking that she could have lunch with Su Han later, her cheeks flushed slightly.

Today, right today.

Be sure to take down Su Han!

Even if he can't impress Su Han with charm.

Then give the house away!

Isn't Su Han renting a house?

One set doesn't work, two sets!

"By the way, that tenant yesterday..." Thinking

of renting a house, Lin Wanqing held her forehead and suddenly remembered something.

Just yesterday, the tenant named Lin Feng also said bad things about Su Han.

What to say, Su Han is not a good person, ask her to be careful.

Lin Wanqing came from a family of wealthy businessmen, and she did not listen to sycophants, nor did she listen to slanderous words.

In her opinion, Lin Feng's remarks are not sour to put it bluntly!

Sour parents are handsome, and sour people have grace.

The more she thought about it, the more Lin Wanqing felt that Lin Feng was a person with a small belly.

Stay around, and one day it will be bad for you!

"By the way, didn't I let Lin Feng move away? Gotta check it out!

"Wait a minute, but let Su Han come over to see the house, and never let him see such a villain still living here."


Thinking like this, Lin Wanqing went out to drive.

Within a few minutes, I arrived in front of the rental house.

Sure enough—

this Lin Feng, who had been delaying the rent for a few days, was still lying in the room like a nobody.

According to the contract, Lin Feng's situation can be driven away.

Lin Wanqing stepped forward and kicked on the door.

"Didn't you get out of here? Give ten minutes to pack my bags and move me out!

At the same time as the door of the room opened, Lin Feng poked his head out, touched his nose and smiled:

"Oh, lady, such a big temper in the morning?"

"Beware of not getting married..."

Lin Feng snorted as usual.

He thought about saving the relationship between the two.

However, the

next moment, Lin Wanqing's face changed, gloomy as water.

She didn't care before, she wanted to have good looks and figure.

There are also countless properties in the family, and there is no shortage of men to seek after.

Even when Lin Feng said this yesterday, he didn't have such a big reaction.

But today, Lin Wanqing heard this.

Instantly thought of Su Han's figure.

If you really can't marry Su Han........

Lin Wanqing was really angry.


A faint word "roll", revealing a thick determination.

Her face was as gloomy as water, and she didn't give Lin Feng any chance to grind time.

"Don't, lady."

Lin Feng slowly took out a wad of banknotes from his pocket:

"Nuo, I have money, can't I pay the rent?"

As a soldier king who has returned from the dark world, Lin Feng has a way to get money.

It's just that he didn't go.

Several of the best beauties he fancy in succession were cut off by Su Han, but there was no reason to stop him, making him extremely depressed.

The kind reminder was ignored by the beautiful landlady in front of him, which was too bad.

At present, this money is still "borrowed" by him and his former subordinates.

However, Lin Wanqing's face was always gloomy as water, and there was no change.


Lin Wanqing was dismissive and resolute.

Facing Ru Wait's cold expression, Lin Feng's heart was slashed!

He was a soldier king, and he was actually driven out of the house by the woman he liked...

"Okay, okay, I'll go."

Lin Feng was helpless and helpless.

The master's family has spoken, he can't be patient and not leave, right?

Before leaving, I saw Lin Wanqing's body, which was obviously carefully dressed.

Lin Feng pretended to be dashing, played with the keychain in his hand, and habitually ridiculed:

"Boss lady, what are you going to do with such beautiful makeup today?"

"Shouldn't it?"

"Shouldn't you go to see that guy Su Han again?"

Lin Feng then noticed that today's Lin Wanqing had a particularly exquisite makeup.

In the past

, when this beautiful landlady came to collect rent,

she was plain or simply put on lipstick.

Today I am dressed up carefully, and I must be going to meet very important people.

He couldn't help but think of last night.

Su Han and Lin Wanqing kissed fiercely, and then both walked into the villa....

Suddenly, Lin Feng's heart was like a knife.

He is very good at medicine, and when he saw Lin Wanqing for the first time just now, he knew that nothing happened between the two yesterday.

This is also the reason why he was still in the mood to ridicule just now.

But today, looking at Lin Wanqing's appearance, he must send himself out.

"Let me remind you again, that Su Han is really not a good person, he is a scumbag..."

Lin Wanqing didn't listen to it at all, and said coldly:

"How do I do things, I don't need your fingers, hurry up."

Listening to such harsh words, Lin Feng clenched his fists.

Anger, humiliation, occupied all his thoughts.

Think of him as a soldier king!

In the dark world, calling the wind and rain, everyone knows and everyone is not afraid!

Look at what a sin this is now!

It should have been a beautiful woman who won steadily.

Cut off by someone!

Thinking of Su Han hugging left and right, he didn't even have a place to live.


Soon, Lin Feng gradually loosened his fist.

Pack your bags in frustration.

After seeing Lin Feng obediently packing up his things and preparing to get out, Lin Wanqing breathed a sigh of relief.

At this moment, the troubles were finally solved.

You can easily go to see Su Han!

Star Moon Restaurant!

Second floor.

Lin Wanqing picked a position by the window and waited quietly for Su Han.

This restaurant is a well-known local high-consumption venue.

Many celebrities came to dine.

Of course, there are many people who have other purposes.

In the name of coming to dinner.

After eating, he invited the other person: "I booked a room on it, do you want to sit down?"

Lin Wanqing was used to such a routine around her, and thought she was disdainful.

What I didn't expect was.

Just today, she has to use the same path.

"I hope Su Han can agree..." Lin

Wanqing was inexplicably a little nervous, pinched her fork, and kept rubbing the tablecloth.

"Look over there, such a beautiful woman, it can be called the best."

"It's too beautiful, isn't it? Much more beautiful than those female stars!

"Spending a lot of money to have a meal here today, seeing such a beautiful beauty, this trip is not a loss!"

"Not only beautiful, but also very unusual temperament, there is a noble temperament..."

"Look at what, when you see the young girl's eyes, you can't move, you don't think the old lady is fragrant, right?"

The whispers of the surrounding diners were all listened to by Lin Wanqing.

She has long since adapted.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter where you go, similar things are not uncommon.

Now think about it, only Su Han.

It's not like these people, it's annoying.

Lin Wanqing glanced at her pocket watch.

The time is almost up, Su Han is coming........


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