
"Lying groove, so handsome!"

In the restaurant, I don't know who made a noise.

Brush brush brush............

His voice was so loud that everyone looked sideways and followed the voice.

Greeting, a man walked up.

It was Su Han.

At this time, he was dressed in a straight suit.

The contours of the facial features are even more delicate like carvings, and between walking, there is a faint sense of domineering.

The whole person exudes a domineering and mature temperament.

"Wow....... Such a handsome little brother, like coming out of the TV.

"Such a handsome young man, if it weren't for the fact that my girlfriend was already engaged, I really wanted to snatch him over as a son-in-law!"

"I don't know if such a handsome guy has a girlfriend, it's good if he doesn't have it, none of you are allowed to rob me!"

"He seems to be looking for something, should he already have an appointment?"

"Don't, it's hard to see a handsome guy, who already has a girlfriend, and is unloveable.........................


Su Han walked through the crowd's discussion.

His eyes swept and he saw Lin Wanqing by the window.

Today's Lin Wanqing is wearing a cherry pink casual dress.

Compared with yesterday's more solemn dress, it looks particularly lifelike.

And that impressive figure still makes Lin Wanqing's recognition high to the sky.

Obviously, Lin Wanqing wore exquisite makeup today.

At this time, her eyes looked out the window, a little absent-minded.


Su Han greeted Lin Wanqing at the table.

At this time, Lin Wanqing was still silent in the world of flower idiots, and did not notice Su Han's arrival.

In that magnetic greeting, Lin Wanqing came back to her senses.

Like a frightened rabbit, Lin Wanqing stood up with a "poof".

"Ah, Su Han, you are here, sorry I didn't come to pick you up, I thought you would make a call first!"

"It's not that I don't know the way!"

Su Han smiled slightly.

When the people around saw this scene, they were immediately dumbfounded.

It turns out that these two are a pair!

Although extremely unwilling, such a beautiful girl is already famous.

But looking at the boy, it was even better.

Many female customers looked at Lin Wanqing enviously, wishing that it was themselves who were sitting in that position.

And those men who originally wanted to challenge Lin Wanqing to come forward to greet Lin Wanqing.

After seeing Su Han's appearance, he suddenly felt ashamed and ate silently.


The two sat down and began to order.

Lin Wanqing looked at the menu, not knowing Su Han's preferences, and it was difficult to ask.

Simply wave a pen on the menu.

"Two servings, the most expensive."

Before hooking a man's heart, it is necessary to hook a man's stomach.

The rich woman's Lin Wanqing's understanding of this sentence is:

- come the most expensive.

After sitting down again, Lin Wanqing saw Su Han, and her eyes were a little foolish.

Su Han in the side light is angular and heroic.

Can't help it, Lin Wanqing remembered the sporadic pictures last night.

She was a little drunk last night, but her memory was exceptionally clear.

At that time, Lin Wanqing took the initiative to attack in order to cook mature rice with Su Han raw rice.

She hung the key in front of her and asked Su Han to get it.

It's also her careful machine.

Women must know how to use their own advantages to seek the love they want the most.

Who knows, she actually fell asleep afterwards.

Thinking of this, Lin Wanqing couldn't help but secretly scold herself.

But there was still a chance, and she decided to give it another try!

"Su Han, how is my necklace? Does it look good?

Following Lin Wanqing's line of sight, Su Han looked over.

A thin necklace of diamonds shining brightly.

Stuck in front of Lin Wanqing.

It's really -

deep in the mountain, a clear spring!

"Hiss..." Seeing

this scene, Su Han remembered yesterday again, the touch...

But after a moment, he came back to his senses.

"Good looks are good looks, but it still depends on who you wear on and on you....... It fits.


Lin Wanqing's eyes widened, and her face flushed with two flushes.

It was obviously a compliment for Su Han, which made him very happy.

After a while.

Lin Wanqing's face gradually returned to normal.

After calming down, she remembered that she still hadn't said anything serious.

Today, I invited Su Han to dinner, and the actual purpose was naturally to soak Su Han.

But also thanks to him for helping himself yesterday.

If it weren't for Su Han, she would have been ridiculed by those friends again.

Lin Wanqing picked up the wine bottle, poured a glass of wine for Su Han, and filled it for herself again.

"Thank you, Su Han, for helping me a lot yesterday."

With that, she raised her glass.

"It's okay."

Su Han smiled slightly and waved his hand:

"It is my duty to satisfy customers."

The two clinked glasses and drank them together.

The hot taste spreads down the throat.

Lin Wanqing frowned a little, but still endured swallowing it.

After a glass of wine, an intoxicating red color appeared on her face, and she already felt a little fluttery.

And after that, the chatterbox opened.

"Let me tell you, I don't have a tenant, just the one you saw yesterday, called Lin... Lin He came, and actually said that you are not a good person and were thrown out by me. Thinking

of the scene where Lin Feng said bad things about Su Han yesterday, Lin Wanqing still couldn't help but feel angry.

"Lin Feng?"

A different color flashed in Su Han's eyes.

"Yes, Lin Feng, it's him, a complete villain."

Lin Wan did not hide the disdain in her eyes.


Su Han chuckled, his eyes interested.

According to the original novel, although Lin Feng fought with Lin Wanqing, he always liked him.

Of course, the heroines that Lin Feng "sincerely" likes can't be counted on a few hands.

Now, the male protagonist of this novel, not only the future woman, was robbed by me.

I was also kicked out by a woman I liked.

That's interesting.

Su Han smiled, then threw it aside and stopped thinking about it.


out of the corner of his eye, he saw a familiar figure.

It was Lin Feng!

He was sitting in a corner position, holding a book and watching.


It seems that the thief's heart is not dead.

All followed here!

Su Han also ignored him and continued to talk with Lin Wanqing casually.

But said Lin Feng at this time.

A burst of anger, nowhere to vent!

After being kicked out, Lin Feng was still a little immortal.

What if I guessed wrong?

What if Lin Wanqing wasn't going to see Su Han?

With this thought, Lin Feng followed all the way and observed silently.

The result was a little unacceptable to him, Lin Wanqing really came on a date with Su Han.

And seeing the two talking and laughing, looking intimate, Lin Feng only felt that his heart was like a knife.


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