

Mu Ziyan tried several more.

OL professional wear, all kinds of long skirts, dresses.

As for the short skirt, she didn't buy one, she didn't have it at home, and she didn't want to wear it for others to see.

However -

when she saw a short skirt hanging from it, she couldn't take her eyes off it for an instant.

Because this short skirt, very short, super short....


, Mu Ziyan's heart moved,

and she remembered that she promised to take pictures of Su Han at night.

It just so happens that there is no such style at home.

"I don't wear it to others, I can only wear it to Su Han alone..."

So, Mu Ziyan stretched out her finger and pointed to the short skirt.

"Su Han... What do you think of that?

Looking in the direction of her finger, Su Han raised his eyebrows.

"Do you like this short skirt?"

"I didn't like it before... But today I want to try.

Mu Ziyan laughed.

Ask the beauty guide to remove it, and then she walks towards the fitting room.


It didn't take long -

Mu Ziyan poked her head out and beckoned to Su Han.

"Su Han....... You come in and help me take a look. "

What's wrong?"

Su Han was a little puzzled.

"It's been changed, but I don't want to show it to others, I... I'll only wear it to you..." At

the end, her voice became quieter and quieter.

Mu Ziyan's pretty face turned crimson.

Su Han: "...................."


So provocative?

Directly in the fitting room?

Do you want to be so exciting?

"Something isn't right? This is a women's fitting room..."

"What's not good, you can help me take a look, it won't take long."

After speaking, Mu

Ziyan stretched out her hand and pulled Su Han into the fitting room.

Then, with a "pop", the door of the fitting room closed.

In a corner, a beautiful shopping guide was quietly looking at Su Han.

The sudden disappearance of the male god made her immediately dumbfounded.

Look at the closed door.

Is this okay?

I originally thought that this kind of thing only appeared in the novel.

I didn't expect it to really appear in front of my eyes.

Thinking of the two immortal couples, the beautiful shopping guide sighed.

It seems that no matter who it is, they will pursue some excitement.......

In his eyes, he was full of envy.


But said that inside the fitting room -

the fitting room is not large, and the two of them are inside, which seems a little crowded.

"Su Han....... You...... What do you think?

Mu Ziyan grabbed Su Han's hand, afraid that he would run out.

She pointed to the mirror, her pretty face was a little red, and turned her head to ask Su Han.

Su Han frowned.


Rao Yi Su Han's state of mind was also a little fluctuating at the moment, and his mind was unstable.

Mu Ziyan's charm in her nineties, those long legs, is not just talk.

The figure is excellent, with Mu Ziyan wearing this body, it is simply not too sultry.

"Ahem........ Not pretty, this one is not for you. Returning

to his senses, Su Han said his evaluation.

If this is worn, the world will have to turn upside down, and those people's eyes will be glared.

He didn't want Mu Ziyan to wear it out.


Mu Ziyan looked suspicious.

Just now, she noticed a strange look that flashed in Su Han's eyes.


Su Han nodded.

"You are not suitable for wearing this kind of short skirt..."



at Su Han's serious nonsense, Mu Ziyan laughed.

Then he rolled his eyes and followed Su Han's words and said:

"Since you don't like it, then I'll change it, if you don't want me to wear it, I won't wear it..." A

smile appeared on Mu Ziyan's face, extremely bright.

Su Han still cares about her.

But in her heart, it was a secret way.

"What a nerd, I said it all, only wear it for you alone.........................

Get out of the fitting room.

Mu Ziyan had already changed into her original clothes.

Then she didn't continue shopping, and asked the shopping guide to pack the clothes she had selected.

Of course, this miniskirt is also among them.

As long as it is a dress she has tried on, she will buy it.

Su Han looked at it and frowned a little.

Mu Ziyan saw it in her eyes, and her heart was amused.

Standing on tiptoe, he whispered in his ear:

"Don't worry, I only wear it at home, take pictures for you..."

In the blink of an eye, the time came to five o'clock.

At this time, Mu Ziyan was holding the newly bought clothes in her hand and smiling happily.

And in my head, I am thinking about which couple's restaurant to eat at later.

"Zi Yan, I still have something to go first, I'm sorry I can't accompany you to dinner."

Su Han glanced at the time, and it was already the time agreed with Yan Ruyue.

Immediately looked at Mu Ziyan apologetically.

Mu Ziyan was stunned.

She also thought about how to seduce Su Han at night.

Seeing that Su Han had something to do, she had to dismiss this idea.

But just let Su Han go like this, Mu Ziyan was really reluctant, so she said:

"Then can you come out and play together next time?"

A smile appeared on Su Han's face, and he reached out to touch Mu Ziyan's head:

"Of course, it's no problem."


On the other side of the commercial street

, a Maserati parked on the side of the road,

attracted the amazement of passers-by.

Being able to drive such a car is the dream of countless people for a lifetime.

The owner of this kind of car is often not only rich, but also unimaginable in terms of connections and backgrounds.

The windows rolled down.

A delicate face appeared in front of passers-by.

Yan Ruyue wears a red sunglasses, a smart and refreshing hairstyle with a cold face, and an extraordinary temperament.

When everyone saw it, they all admired and praised, and sighed at the beauty of Yan Ruyue.

"What an iceberg beauty!"

"What a beautiful girl, which star is it?"

"Not only is she beautiful, but she also drives a luxury car, and she is a white rich beauty."

"Such a temperamental little sister, I don't know if she has a boyfriend.........................


The discussion of everyone was ignored by Yan Ruyue.

She is here now, just waiting for Su Han.

At this moment, a man slowly walked not far away.

The man's steps are steady, and the place he passes is like a spring breeze.

"It's Su Han!"

Yan Ruyue found Su Han at a glance, quickly opened the car door, and took the initiative to greet him.

Changed the previous coldness, a charming smile bloomed on his face.

When everyone saw this scene, their hearts were immediately broken.

This is still the Gao Leng Royal Sister they just saw?

Where is that iceberg beauty at this moment?


Thank you so much for your support!!

Because he was busy before, he updated his crotch, and saw the support of the big people, and the dog author was full of guilt.

Intend to start today!!

Guarantee three more, normal four more, five more six more is no problem, as long as the big people chase more read and add advertising support, the dog author code to vomit blood to return you.

The follow-up plot is cooler, the follow-up car is faster, the queen's sister who wants to soak the villain boss, want to see the queen submit, want to hear the villain boss is forced to call brother-in-law?

Regarding force, rest assured that follow-up arrangements will be made.

Now there is no frontal conflict with the protagonist, the protagonist is actually the protagonist, as long as he does not hurt his women and relatives and friends, he will not shoot casually. (The protagonist created by the dog author has brains)

Some people say that the writing is a bit dick, and some people say that the protagonist is too depressed, but the text of previous years is like this, all kinds of abuse, forgive and forgive.

There is also a book city, which will not engage in any bells and whistles to cultivate immortal fantasy, but there are ancient martial arts.

Finally, kneel and beg for all support! Kneel beg, kneel beg!

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