
The two came to the car together, and Yan Ruyue opened the co-pilot's door for Su Han.

Su Han smiled, was not polite, and got into the car directly.

Maserati asked Yan Ruyue's house, Su Han sat on the co-pilot, and asked casually:

"How is the old man's health?"

A joyful smile bloomed on Yan Ruyue's face:

"Thanks to your blessing, grandpa's

body is much better, and the whole person seems to be much younger."

Grandpa has been very good to her since she was a child, and she is also very happy to see that her grandfather has been cured of his illness for many years and recovers his health.

"But grandpa went to the imperial capital to meet friends, and today at home, only my parents, so..." Yan

Ruyue was silent for a while, but her face became redder and redder.

"So what?"

"Grandpa told my parents about my boyfriend, my parents are waiting at home for me to take my boyfriend back, can you play my boyfriend again today?"

After speaking,

Yan Ruyue looked at Su Han expectantly.

[Ding... To trigger a temporary order task, please make the following choices! "

Option 1: Ruthlessly refuse, just do a lot of things for you

, reward: investment skills (proficient)" "

Option 2: agree to Yan Ruyue's request, reward: investment skills (proficient), 2000 points!"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and this kind of operation?

He looked at Yan Ruyue's expectant eyes next to him again, and a different color flashed in his eyes.

"So what good do I have?"

Although there are selective rewards, but who thinks more?

This is called double happiness.


Yan Ruyue's head is a little confused, I a big beauty invited you to become a boyfriend, do you still want benefits?

However, this thought only flashed in his mind and was discarded.

Su Han is different from the others.

Thinking of Su Han's identity, he is a shared boyfriend, and he definitely can't help in vain.

Can't help it, she suddenly felt a little lost.

But after a moment, she picked herself up again and a smile appeared on her face.

"I'll give out 10,000, you help me this time."

Who knows, Su Han shook his head.

"One hundred thousand!"

Su Han still looked at her with a smile.

A little flustered by this smile, Yan Ruyue asked weakly:

"You... What do you want?

"Our relationship, talking about money hurts feelings."

Su Han's words made Yan Ruyue stunned, and then the haze in his heart dissipated.

It turns out that he is not that kind of person, he still cares about me.

However, Su Han's next words made her eyes widen.

"My request is simple, you actually attacked me last time, I want to take revenge!"

(⊙▽⊙): "Meow Meow??? Can't

help it, Yan Ruyue's thoughts drifted back to that night, and the bright moon was empty.

Under the moon, she was deeply impressed by Su Han's charm, and she took the initiative to boldly kiss Su Han.

Fortunately, she knew she was driving and quickly came to her senses.

I couldn't help but slow down the car, but my little heart was "plopping" faster.

After a while, she spoke:

"That....... Then let you take revenge back........"After

that, she was even more ashamed to look at Su Han again.

"Hehe..." Getting

the desired result, Su Han chuckled:

"Then I also promised you, and leave it to me to deal with your parents."

【Ding....... Choose the end and you gain investment skills (mastery), 2000 points!

Gradually, Yan Ruyue recovered and began to drive seriously.

The speed has increased by a few points.

It seems that something is faintly expected.

Ten minutes later, the car drove to the Yan family villa.

Stopped in front of the door, but neither got out of the car or spoke.

The atmosphere became a little ambiguous for a while.

Finally, Yan Ruyue felt that her heart was about to jump out, and she wanted to fight quickly.

"You hurry!"

I saw her turn her head sideways, pout, and close her eyes.

Looking at her slightly trembling eyelashes, you can know the panic in her heart at this time.

Su Han was a little amused, his eyes flashed, and he decided to tease her.

"What are you doing?"

He asked, pretending to be puzzled.

"Didn't you say you wanted revenge back?"

Yan Ruyue opened her eyes, her face was slightly red, and she had a thousand styles.

She was a little ashamed, it was so obvious, do you want me to say it?

When she met Su Han's gaze, she quickly closed her eyes again.

"Then you come a little more, I can't reach it."

Hearing this, Yan Ruyue did not doubt that he was there, and bent down.

"Come a little more."

Yan Ruyue continued to move her body.

Finally, Yan Ruyue noticed something was wrong and opened her eyes.

I found that my whole person had reached Su Han at some point.

The faces of the two are even closer.

Su Han did not hesitate, just bowed his head slightly, and suddenly his lips touched.

Yan Ruyue was confused, and her eyes widened.

A thought came to mind.

Where you retaliate here, it is clear that I took the initiative to send it.


Yan Family Villa -

"You say, what is the origin of Yue'er's boyfriend?" What kind of medicine was poured into Yue'er and the old man, it could make the old man praise. Father

Yan sat on the sofa, his face was a little ugly, and complained to Mother Yan.

Although the daughter has finally found her own happiness, the father should be happy.

But Father Yan still had some resentment.

After all, it was his intimate little padded jacket, and now that he was abducted by others, how could he bear it in his heart....

Next to her stood an enchanting beautiful woman, and Yan Mu couldn't help but roll her eyes when she heard his words:

"I said you, worry about it!"

"Don't you know Yue'er's eyes, very picky, can the man she fancy be worse?"

"Besides, the person who can make the old man praise two sentences, you still can't rest assured? The old man has never praised you since he was a child! Father

Yan was so stunned that he had nothing to say, so he had to wave his hand:

"You go cook, Yue'er will be back soon."

As soon as the words fell, there was a sound of the door opening.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back."

Yan Ruyue pushed open the door.

At her side, she was accompanied by a man.

The hands of the two were holding together, and they looked very intimate.

Apparently, it was their daughter's rumored boyfriend.

Father Yan quickly sat up straight, coughed lightly, and put on a posture.

No matter who Yan Ruyue brought back today, he decided to give that kid a dismount first!

Let that kid know to treat Yue'er well in the future.

Yan's mother heard a knock on the door, and she also stopped to go to the kitchen.

Turned around to see what my daughter's boyfriend really looked like.

The two walked in, and Su Han's suitable suit was equipped with a steady pace, which made people feel like a spring breeze.

Much more temperamental than those idol stars on TV.

The handsome and delicate facial features are as impeccable as a work of art.

And the most deadly thing was a faint smile at the corner of Su Han's mouth.

While giving people a spring breeze, it also makes people feel a little elusive.

Yan Mu was a little stunned for a while.

She swore that in her life, she had never seen such a handsome and temperamental man.

It turned out to be the boyfriend brought back by my daughter!

For a moment, she felt that her girlish thoughts, which had been buried for many years, broke through the ground...

When Yan Mu came back to her senses, she was ashamed in her heart.

I was actually fascinated by my son-in-law's appearance and temperament!

Father Yan was also shocked.

The temperament on Su Han's body made him not know how to speak.

He originally wanted to give Su Han a dismount.

But in turn, he was calmed by Su Han's face!

Fortunately, at this time

, Yan Ruyue stood up to relieve the embarrassment,

she took Su Han's arm and introduced.

"Dad, mom, this is my boyfriend, Su Han."

Su Han smiled slightly and greeted: "

Uncle, aunt is good."

The sound is magnetic and very good.

Even Father Yan looked at it with the most critical gaze, and he couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

The boyfriend my daughter is looking for is really not ordinary.


"Oh, you're Yue'er's boyfriend, right? How handsome this looks, sit fast, sit fast. Yan

Mu's cheeks were a little red, a gratifying smile appeared at the corner of her mouth, and she quickly beckoned Su Han to sit.

"Thank you aunt."

After Su Han thanked Yan's mother first, he slowly sat on the sofa.

Yan's mother saw that her eyes were shining, and the boyfriend brought back by her daughter was really impeccable.

Father Yan on the side frowned in displeasure.

He keenly felt that something was wrong with Yan Mu beside him!

What's with those red-faced and glowing eyes?

Even when they were in love, they didn't see Yan Mu showing such an expression.

Is this satisfying to the kid?

This made Father Yan, who was bent on protecting his little cotton jacket, suddenly feel bad.

So, he cleared his throat and looked at

Su Han:

"Su Han, right, I heard the old man say that you are very good at chess, let's play a game?"

"Happy to accompany."

Su Han smiled indifferently and followed Father Yan into the study.

The study room is simply arranged, full of bookshelves, faintly exuding ink fragrance, very bookish atmosphere.


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