

Father Yan made a face, and while setting up the chessboard, he invited Su Han to sit down.

"The old man said this kid so godly, I want to see if it's true or not."

He thought to himself.

For Su Han's chess skills, the old man gave a very high evaluation - today's national players are not as good.

And for this evaluation, Father Yan was a little unconvinced.

How old does Su Han look?

Even if a person starts to learn to play chess, he will not reach that level at this age.

What's more, Su Han didn't look like a professional chess player, and he wouldn't put all his energy into playing chess.

Thinking of this, Father Yan opened his mouth and asked

, "By the way, Xiaohan, I'll just call you that,

what do you do?"

"I am now working in the financial industry, mainly targeting the market, making stock investments..."

This set of rhetoric, Su Han has long been ready, open his mouth.

Father Yan's eyebrows moved, and he asked tentatively,

"What do you think about the stock market today?"

Su Han raised his eyebrows, this guy is a little difficult.

But fortunately, I just gained investment skills.

Immediately, he talked about the current situation of the domestic stock market and analyzed the future development.

Father Yan nodded frequently after hearing this, and he couldn't help but look Su Han up and down again.

The suit is decent, not a standard suit, it is a customized style at a glance.

Of course, these do not show Su Han's ability.

Su Han smiled indifferently, and from the other party's eyes, he understood what Father Yan was looking at.

So, Su Han inadvertently stretched out his hand and showed the watch.

Seeing this, Father Yan's eyes flashed with shock.

He wasn't as uninterested in these things as the old man.

He recognized this watch at a glance, the Patek Philippe Heritage Collection.

Only 50 pieces are issued in the world, and they are sold for 50 million US dollars.

Father Yan smiled heartily, his mood was much better, and he was no longer the kind of aggressive.

This can at least show that in the future, if her daughter follows Su Han, she will not be financially wronged.


On the other side—

seeing her mother enter the

kitchen, she quickly followed, intending to help.

In the kitchen, Yan's mother was planning to cook.

Suddenly seeing her daughter come in, her face changed.

"What are you doing here?"

"I... I'll help you..."

Yan Ruyue said a little timidly.

"I'm busy here alone, I don't need your help, and you are the best help to me if you accompany Xiaohan now."

Mother Yan waved her hand and pushed her daughter out.

That's right, since they met just now, she was very satisfied with Su Han.

Such a handsome and temperamental boyfriend, she doesn't want her daughter to miss it.

In this way, Yan Ruyue was pushed out of the kitchen.

Standing outside the kitchen, she was a little crying and laughing, and she used to always nag her to learn to cook.

Today she took the initiative to help, but she was kicked out, what is the matter?

Thinking of his father playing chess with Su Han in the room, and the kitchen side can't help.

Yan Ruyue brewed a pot of tea and brought it into the study.

Seeing the seriousness of the two, she did not bother and poured tea for the two.

First poured a cup for Su Han, and then poured a cup for his father.

Her movements were natural and she didn't feel anything wrong.

However, Father Yan, who saw this scene, couldn't help but twitch the corners of his mouth.

Is this girl, is there still my father in her eyes?

This is the first day that Su Han came to the house, and his elbows turned out?

What if I get this later?

After all, Father Yan was sophisticated, and did not show his emotions, but smiled meaningfully.

Originally, Father Yan planned to let Su Han on the chessboard and not let him lose miserably.

But now, he thinks that it is no longer necessary, and he must give a hard blow.

If you are snubbed by your daughter, then earn face back on the chessboard!

Thinking like this -

Father Yan continued to fall into his son.

The two played chess while drinking tea.

Yan Ruyue did not make a sound on the side, silently refilling tea for the two.

On the chessboard, the killing is inseparable and dangerous.

Su Han naturally put a lot of water.

With master-level chess skills in his body, if he exerts all his strength, Father Yan is afraid that he will lose and doubt his life.

As the battle became more and more intense, Father Yan frowned tightly.

Decades of experience and the sparring partner of the old man have made his chess skills reach a very high level.

I didn't expect that Su Han was so old that he could be on a par with himself.

I thought I could win easily, but I didn't expect that the situation became more and more unfavorable.

Although he narrowly won the first game, he was still a little unconvinced.

Father Yan was a little unbeliever, so he helped the stool forward and threw himself into the chessboard.

Su Han still looked like a light breeze, and from time to time he picked up the porcelain cup and took a sip of tea brewed like a moon.

After three rounds,

except for the one that Su Han deliberately sent, the rest were all defeated by Father Yan.


Father Yan, who was deep in thought, the chess pieces in his hand slipped inadvertently.

"I'm not your opponent..."

Father Yan smiled bitterly.

Through these games, he completely believed the old man's words, and Su Han's attainment in chess was very high.


At this moment, Yan Mu's voice came from outside.

"When the meal is ready, come and eat."

At the dinner table,

Yan Mu sat on Su Han's left and kept holding dishes for him.

"Xiaohan, this is fresh sturgeon, very fresh, you taste it."

"Xiao Han, this braised lion's head is my specialty dish, clip a chopstick for you."

She identified this son-in-law from her heart, and naturally could not be neglected.

And seeing this scene, Yan Ruyue, the dishes in the bowl suddenly became not fragrant!

Since she was able to pick up the chopsticks independently, Yan's mother had never clipped her dishes like this.

And at this moment, Yan's mother seemed to be afraid that Su Han would not have enough to eat, and she had been adding vegetables to Su Han's bowl!

This is a treatment that neither biological daughters have, right?

After Father Yan ate the food casually, he greeted Mother Yan and said, "

Bring me the Maotai treasured in my cellar!"

Father Yan, who had fallen on the chessboard, was still a little unwilling.

Whatever he says, he will take back a city.

"Xiao Han, two cups?"

"Since my uncle is interested, I will accompany myself."

Su Han chuckled, and after his body was transformed, he didn't drink alcohol at all.


Yan's mother took two bottles of Maotai, and Yan's father began to persuade the wine.

Su Han was not empty at all, and the soldiers came to block it.

In the end, Father Yan still fell, lying on the table and talking nonsense.

Yan Mu frowned a little, and she didn't look at it anymore.

It's so humiliating.

Just now I thought how powerful I was to drink, but this is the result?

Look at Su Han, a bottle of white wine is not red and breathless, this is the real amount of alcohol.

I heard that people who drink well are also strong in some rooms, and my daughter is blessed.

Somehow, she was a little envious in her heart.

Su Han helped Father Yan back to the room, and seeing that the mother and daughter were also packed, he glanced at the time and took his leave:

"Thank you aunt for hospitality, it's not early, I should go back."

However, Yan's mother stopped him: "Xiao Han, it's so late, what are you going back for?"

"It's not that you can't live here, Yue'er's room is very large."

Su Han: ".................."

Yan Ruyue on the side was suddenly stunned.

Mom, what does this mean?

This is going to be....... Want me to sleep with Su Han?

It's not that you can't......

Only, will it develop too fast?

Yan Ruyue thought cranky in her heart.

Seeing her daughter's expression, Yan Mu's expression had a hint of suspicion, and her eyes looked back and forth on the two:

"Huh? Could it be that you..." Brush


Yan Ruyue's face changed, and she immediately realized the crisis.

Could it be that her own performance caused her mother to start doubting their relationship?

She suddenly panicked, if her mother saw it, it was inevitable that she would arrange a blind date for her right away.

"Su Han, you just stay, let go of the work first."

Immediately, Yan Ruyue also began to keep Su Han, and at the same time winked madly at Su Han.

"Okay, that's the bother."

Su Han immediately agreed and agreed.

Only then did Yan's mother smile gratifyingly and go to prepare new shoes and pajamas.

Through today's short contact, she felt that such an excellent son-in-law as Su Han was too rare.

Definitely not to be missed!

To keep such a perfect son-in-law.

The best way is to let her hold her grandson as soon as possible.


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