
As soon as Su Han finished washing, Yan Mu's voice came from outside.

"It's not early, Xiaohan, you have to be busy with work tomorrow, go to bed early!"

Mother Yan said, still squeezing her eyes at her daughter, as if she was explaining a task!

"With....... Follow me. Yan

Ruyue's expression was a little unnatural, she lowered her head slightly, took Su Han's hand and went into the bedroom.

Walking into the bedroom, the room is filled with a light fragrance, and the layout of the room is also presented in front of you.

The room presents a light and fresh style, just like her personality, cold and warm outside.

Obviously in the place she was most familiar with, Yan Ruyue felt very unnatural.

He didn't even dare to look up at Su Han.

"I'm sorry today."

Yan Ruyue began to apologize to alleviate the embarrassing situation at the moment.

"It's okay, my aunt is too enthusiastic."

Su Han glanced at the bed, and a look of interest appeared.

It seems that there are benefits today.

However, as an old driver, of course, he could not show it, so he pretended to say calmly:

"You sleep in the bed, I can make a bunk."

The words are awe-inspiring, like a willow under the willow, a gentleman.

"How can that work..." Sure

enough, after hearing his words, Yan Ruyue suddenly felt very ashamed.

Su Han freed up precious time to help, and as a result, he had to let people sleep on the floor at night.

She really couldn't help it.


Looking at Su Han's appearance, he is not that kind of person.

Sleeping in one bed is nothing.

There is even a little....... A small expectation.

It seems that Su Han can't wait to do something.

Yan Ruyue felt that her cheeks were a little hot, and she bit her lips and spoke:

"Come on the bed."

Su Han smiled in his heart, everything was under control.

But he still looked at her in surprise, and said a little tangled:

"Isn't this right?"

"Didn't... It's okay, you come..." After

speaking, Yan Ruyue's face turned even redder.

Why does this sound a little weird?

The two lay on the bed, but at a distance.

After the lights were turned off, there was some silence in the room, and everyone could hear each other's breathing.

Su Han breathed evenly, but Yan Ruyue's breathing was intermittent, obviously restless.

In fact, she felt like her heart was about to jump out.

This was the first time she had been in bed with the opposite sex.

Or with Su Han.

This kind of performance occurs when you are nervous and excited.

"What's wrong with you? See you're a little out of state. A

smile appeared on Su Han's face, and he asked with concern on the side.

"It's a little cold."

I don't know if the air conditioner was turned on low, or because of nervousness, Yan Ruyue felt a little cool.

"Is it cold?"

Su Han smiled badly, moved his body, and hugged Yan Ruyue.

"What about this?"

(⊙▽⊙!!!! "...............................,"

Yan Ruyue's whole person was stunned.

Dumbly said: "Good....... All right! It

took a few minutes for her to wake up from her stunned state.

Feeling the warm embrace, she felt warmer than ever.

It's a good feeling!


But outside the door, it was a different scene.

A sneaky figure came to the door, listening to his ear and peeking his voice.

It was the returning Yan mother.

Although I hinted to my daughter, she was still a little uneasy, so I came to take a look.

After a long while, she didn't hear the sound she wanted to hear, and she couldn't help scratching her ears and cheeks in a hurry.

What's wrong with that?

Combined with her daughter's previous performance, Yan's mother suddenly had a bad premonition.

Yan's mother has nothing to do at home, and has long watched all kinds of bloody TV series over and over again.

For the plot of "pretending to be an object", it is natural to hear about it.

After some mental struggle, she still went to get the spare key and decided to see what happened.



Su Han's eyebrows moved.

His body was shaped, so that his six senses were improved, and he heard the movement outside the door.

In fact

, as early as when Yan Mu listened to the root of the wall,

he realized that Yan Mu was eavesdropping.

Later, when I heard the voice go away, I thought it was all right.

Unexpectedly, Yan's mother went to get the key!


In the darkness, Su Han laughed.

He originally thought that tonight's welfare was to sleep in his arms, but he didn't expect Yan's mother to send an assist.

What a professional pit daughter.

If you let Yan Ruyue know, I don't know whether to be angry or happy.

When the opportunity came to an immediate decision, Su Han turned over and came to Yan Ruyue.

"Ah..." Yan

Ruyue was not asleep, and the sudden change made her mind blank.

Su Han's actions frightened her, and she instinctively prepared to open her mouth to shout.

But she was blocked by Su Han's lips, making her eyes widen instantly, unable to figure out why Su Han was like this.

If Su Han could be gentle, she was not unacceptable.

But such rough words.......

She was a little scared.

In the next second, the door made a slight "creak" sound, opening a gap.

Yan Ruyue followed her gaze and happened to see her mother at the door.

Only then did he react, and it turned out that he blamed Su Han wrongly.

Su Han is helping himself act.

She also began to cooperate, and gradually, she was a little lost...

Brush -

Yan Mu looked a little fascinated, one was not careful, and pushed the door open with a "squeak".

The two reluctantly separated, turned their heads, and the three looked at each other, and the air seemed to solidify.

Yan Ruyue was still immersed in the memories that had just come down.

Broad and powerful chest, rich masculine breath...

When she came back to her senses, she saw the situation in front of her clearly, and immediately looked at Yan Mu with shame.

"Mom, what are you doing?"

"Uh... Hehe....... Hahaha........,"

Yan Mu laughed dryly, rolled her eyes and explained:

"I see it's a little cold today, I'll send you a quilt, don't care, you continue..."

Yan Mu flashed quickly, and locked the door at the same time.


After closing the door, she exhaled deeply, followed by a smile on her face.

Now it's reassuring.

It's just that in his mind, Su Han's strong physique lingered.

After Yan's mother left, Yan Ruyue breathed a sigh of relief.

Thinking of what my mother said, I couldn't help but roll my eyes.

Cool tonight?

What a joke.

It's so hot that you need to turn on the air conditioner, right?

Also, send the quilt, what about the quilt you take?

But then she rejoiced again, if Su Han hadn't reacted in time, she was afraid that she would have been discovered by her mother.

"It's scared of you, I'm sorry, I saw your mother coming, I'm afraid you won't be able to explain."

At this moment, Su Han's words of explanation came.

Although he said this, his hand seemed to be installed with positioning, and he put it where it should be, and did not move away.

Yan Ruyue raised her head slightly, and a pair of bright eyes were in the dark, and she hurriedly lowered her head again.

Thinking of the scene just now, her heart was still "pounding" wildly, and it took a while to calm down, and she replied with a red face:

"No....... It's okay, I still have to thank you..." As

if sensing something, she couldn't help frowning:

"By the way, Su Han, you don't bring the lollipop to the bed."


Su Han raised his eyebrows: "How to say?" "

It hurts."

Yan Ruyue's brows furrowed even more, and her body moved.


XDM supports, dog authors have 20,000 livers today!

Ahem, I originally wanted to write about pistol cannons, and I wrote sugar in order to play terriers later.

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