
"No, it's not a lollipop."

Yan Ruyue quickly discovered the problem, and seemed to think of something, and her body trembled, like being struck by lightning.

"Lollipop? How can it be so big? His

face turned red at a rapid speed, gradually spreading throughout his body.


Su Han chuckled, and said in a playful tone:

"It's all because I helped you, now, it's time for you to help me."


Yan Ruyue was dumbfounded, and her face was full of confusion.


Is this going to help?

No, it's too fast, I'm not ready, it hurts too much.

However, she studied medicine and naturally knew that it was not good for a long time.

This made her cry so anxiously.

As if seeing her thoughts, Su Han spoke affectionately:

"Ruyue, don't worry, I know you're not ready, and I won't force you."

When Yan Ruyue heard this, her heart was extremely moved.

But then she became anxious again, so what to do?

How can I help Su Han?

Su Han has helped herself so many times, is it her turn to help now, but she can only watch?

Just when she was at a loss, Su Han's faint words came:

"Actually, there is another way."

"What way?"

Yan Ruyue's eyes lit up, and she eagerly spoke:

"Su Han, don't worry, you have helped so much, I will definitely help you."

An unfathomable smile flashed in Su Han's eyes.

Stretched out his finger and pointed it on Yan Ruyue's lips.



Su Han looked comfortable and rubbed Yan Ruyue's head.

Yan Ruyue raised her head, her eyes were resentful, and she lowered her head again.


At this moment, Su Han's mobile phone rang.

Take a look at it, it is Huixin news, sent by Mu Ziyan.

Click the beginning image, and dozens of pictures pop up.

Below the picture is Mu Ziyan's words.

"This is my promise!"

"Don't worry, I won't wear these, just wear them for you to see..."

Su Han smiled and clicked on the picture.

Hiss, good guys.

The short skirts were bought at the mall in the afternoon, and there were some that had never been seen before.

Without exception, they are all sultry.

It seems that after he left, this nizi went to buy goods again.

Not bad, not bad, I'm optimistic about you!

Just when he was about to put down his enjoyment, with a "ding", Lin Wanqing's WeChat avatar was instantly on top.

When you open it, a necklace comes into view, which is a very clear close-up.

"Su Han, help me see, is my newly bought necklace good? (seriously.jpg) "

This is special, it's addictive, isn't it?

Although I admit that you are fierce, do you want to show me every day?

Yan Ruyue felt Su Han's abnormality, and raised her head to look at him suspiciously.

Su Han put down the phone, gave her a smile, and pressed it again.

Looking at Yan Ruyue's shy appearance, he looked up at the ceiling.

This Nima is also so cool.


Early the next morning –

Yan Mu got up early to cook.

When Su Han and Yan Ruyue got up, the dining table was already full of food.

When Su Han saw it, the corner of his mouth twitched.

Most of them turned out to be strong.

What goji berries and red dates stewed ribs, leek dumplings, and even mixed with some Chinese medicine.

In short, it is very complementary.

Isn't this a doubt about his strength?

Father Yan also recognized this, and couldn't help but look at his wife with resentful eyes.

It seems that you have never made up for me like this.

However, Yan Mu glared back directly.

In that way, it is as if to say: "Even if you make up for it, what is the use?"

Then she withdrew her gaze, and when she looked at Su Han, her gaze softened.

But from the look in his eyes, he was still a little embarrassed.

After all, yesterday she peeped, and she was even discovered.

It's embarrassing.

However, she vaguely saw Su Han's figure, which was a perfect work of art.

It's still blushing in retrospect.

Brush -

she quickly returned to her senses, and out of the corner of her eye, she glanced at her daughter who was frowning next to her and had been biting her lips.

"What's wrong with your lips? I see that you have not eaten anything for half a day.

A look of panic flashed in Yan Ruyue's eyes.

Quickly replied:

"It's nothing, it's just a little numb."


Yan Mu looked at her suspiciously.

How can it be numb?

Yan Ruyue was even more flustered, and she was anxious:

"I ate sugar yesterday and bit my tongue."

Only then did Yan Mu withdraw her gaze, with a reproachful look in her eyes.

"How old a person, they have boyfriends and are so naughty, they can bite their tongues when they eat a candy."

After speaking, she looked at Su Han and picked dishes for him:

"Leave her alone, although she is sometimes hairy, but it is still very good, we will eat our own dishes."

(⊙▽⊙!!!!!!! "


Yan Ruyue wanted to cry without tears.

What's that called?

Involuntarily, she glared at Su Han resentfully.

- It's all to blame on you!

"Thank you Aunt!"

Su Han was a little weak and skimmed his face.

Father Yan on the side felt that he was a little redundant.

Looking at the strange behavior of the three, it always felt that he seemed to have missed something.

It's no wonder that he persuaded Su Han to drink yesterday.

Don't drink others down, you will be unconscious first, you know everything during the period.

However, after what happened yesterday, he gradually recognized this son-in-law.

It's really outstanding.

Not only is he worth a lot, but he also has a very powerful medical skill, which can cure the old man's terminal illness.

He is also proficient in chess and tea art, and the amount of alcohol is even more amazing.

If her daughter follows him, she will not suffer.


A meal ends in this warm atmosphere.

After eating, Su Han offered to leave.

This time Yan's mother did not obstruct, she knew that Su Han was busy with work.

Before leaving, Yan Mu took his hand, her face full of reluctance.

"Xiao Han, come and walk more when you have time, and your aunt will make you something to eat."

On the side, Yan Ruyue couldn't help but roll her eyes when she saw this scene.

Mom, can't you be reserved?

You are like this, so that you are Su Han's girlfriend, I am superfluous.

However, hearing her mother say more, Yan Ruyue couldn't help but change her face and was a little afraid.

Don't come, come a few more times, she can't eat.

Hearing Yan Mu's words, Su Han pulled the corners of his mouth.


Are they things that complement it?

It always feels like you're looking down on me.

However, in the face of her kindness, Su Han nodded with a smile.

"Don't worry, aunt, I will come when I have time."

Saying that, he raised his eyebrows and looked at Yan Ruyue.

Facing those pair of star-like eyes, Yan Ruyue's face turned red and quickly avoided it.

Little hearts pounding.

What did that look in his eyes mean?

Do you really want to come?


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