
Seeing that Su Han agreed, Yan Mu laughed.

The more she looked at Su Han, the more satisfied she felt, and she had already identified this son-in-law, so she naturally wanted to keep it.

"Xiao Han, you wait first, I'll talk to Yue'er about something, and let her send you later."

When the words fell, he couldn't help but take his daughter's hand and walked towards the kitchen.

Yan Ruyue was a little inexplicable, until she heard her mother's words, she was suddenly struck by lightning.

"Yue'er, you did very well last night."

Yan Ruyue: "...................,"

She widened her eyes and looked at her mother incredulously.

Was it discovered?

No, she was already gone at that time, did she turn back?

I thought of my mother seeing that picture.

She suddenly felt helpless.

In fact, she thought about it too much, and Yan's mother didn't come after leaving.

Late last night, it was also because Su Han said to her that "you performed very well", and I don't blame her for misunderstanding.

Mother Yan did not notice her daughter's abnormality, but thought that she was shy, and said with hatred:

"What's so shy about this, you are both boyfriend and girlfriend, isn't it normal?"

Yan Ruyue's face turned even redder, and she wanted to say it.

Actually, we are not really boyfriend and girlfriend yet....

"I'm telling you, Xiao Han, this son-in-law, I have decided that such an excellent young man has almost disappeared, you have to grasp it for me."

After a pause, Yan's mother continued:

"I called you here to impart some experience to you, although the performance is good, but it is too conservative, how can you capture the heart of your son-in-law like this."

"I'm telling you, you're going to be so... Hearing this,

Yan Ruyue finally reacted.

It turned out that my mother didn't see what happened behind yesterday.

When she heard what her mother said, she blushed again.

But seeing her ears move slightly, she was obviously listening carefully.

Hearing the end, she looked incredulous, very strange.

It turns out that you are such a mother's expression.

Yan Mu did not feel embarrassed at all, and then she also sighed with emotion

: "These are all I found on the Internet last night, now young people, there are really many tricks..." Yan



Young people have many tricks, and you have a lot of tricks."


With the roar of a car, Maserati drove out of Yan's house.

Yan Mu watched the car drive away, only then retracted her gaze and clenched her fists.

"Come on, daughter, whether my mother can see such a handsome son-in-law every day must depend on you."

If Yan Ruyue heard her heart, I was afraid that she would directly vomit blood.

Having said so much, I thought you were teaching me to soak Su Han.

The real purpose of the result is that you want to see my man every day.


In the car -

Yan Ruyue drove the car and sat in front of her.

No way, she doesn't know how to face Su Han now.

"What did your mother call you to say?"

It was still Su Han who broke the silence and asked the doubts in his heart.

Originally, it was fine, but after going there, I was a little restrained with him.


Yan Ruyue came back to her senses, turned her head just to meet Su Han's bright eyes, quickly turned her gaze back, and blurted out:

"My mother taught me the secret art of purdah, let me put you to sleep early..." Coming

back to her senses, she quickly stopped her mouth, her face turned red at a rapid speed, and spread to the roots of her ears.

"My God, what did I say?"

Su Han's eyes were strange, as if he was smiling.

Is it so exciting?

All the way down, Yan Ruyue did not speak again, knowing that Su Han said to stop at an intersection.

Seeing that Su Han was leaving, she said,

"Thank you yesterday..."

Su Han raised his eyebrows and laughed playfully.

"Haven't you already thanked you with practical actions?"

Brush -

Yan Ruyue's face turned red again.

She couldn't help but think of the scene last night, and a moment later, she had another heart palpitation.

If she and Su Han really ended up walking together, she was afraid that she would die...

Thinking of that scene, she shuddered and came back to her senses.

At this time, Su Han stretched out his hand, lifted her chin, and said with a playful smile:

"Okay, Xie doesn't need it, if you don't feel too careless, you can behave like yesterday."

With that, he turned and left.

Yan Ruyue was stunned in place, and when she came back to her senses, she was ashamed again, staring at Su Han's back with shame.

"Who wants to be like yesterday, I don't want it.."

emmm........ What a fragrance!


But said that Su Han turned the corner and walked towards the rental house, and he was ready to pack up and move.

Today he was in a good mood, looking at the appearance of the ice beauty Yan Ruyue working seriously, it was simply a visual enjoyment.

"Jingle bells........ Jingle bells........ Jingle bells........ Jingle bells....." At

this moment, a mobile phone rang.

When I opened it, it was Lin Wanqing who called.

"Su Han, did you move over today?"

Only when it was connected, Lin Wanqing's expectant voice came from the other side.

Yesterday, I took Su Han to see the room, and Su Han was also satisfied, so he signed the contract.

She also thought that Su Han would live in at night.

She also dressed up and waited all night.

Only after sending a message did he know that he had something to do and would not come back, saying that he would move over today.

So she asked the nanny to prepare some meals herself.

Su Han smiled and said.

"I'll be over soon, what's wrong?"

"Really? Well, I'll wait for you to have lunch together!

Lin Wanqing instantly became happy.

Hanging up the phone, she quickly ran to the kitchen to ask the nanny.

Seeing that the eldest lady who usually does not have five fingers in the spring water actually asked her to cook, the nanny's eyes were almost glaring, and she had a ghostly expression.

She couldn't help but remember what she saw in the morning, and the young lady who used to dress casually actually began to dress up.

Women are those who please themselves.

Miss, this is having a boyfriend.......

She couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"This is the power of love!"


Back at the rental house, Su Han found important things such as passports and bank cards.

Because of the system, with the transformation of his body, his various documents have also become what they are now.

I have to say that this system is still well arranged.

Glancing at the bedroom, he took away a few clothes sent by the system, which looked good.

As for the rest, just throw it away.

Now that you have money, you have to be nice to yourself.

Before leaving, he took one last look at the room and left without hesitation.

It also means that a new chapter in his life has been opened....


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