
At half past eleven o'clock in the afternoon—

under the guidance of the nanny, Lin Wanqing made a few dishes, but it didn't seem to look very good.

Lin Wanqing was a little apprehensive, doing it like this, I don't know if Su Han likes it or not.

She secretly decided that from today, she would learn to cook.


This is what she found online yesterday.

The eighteen tricks of the male god.

One of them is that if you want to get the heart of the male god, you must first grab the stomach of the male god.

Lin Wanqing raised her hand and glanced at her watch, the time was almost up.

She ran out of the villa and arrived at Su Han's villa in a few steps.

She just waited while looking at the time.

But how long it took, Su Han's figure appeared.

Looking at the duffel bag he was holding in his hand, Lin Wanqing couldn't be happier.

Su Han is finally going to live in.

This also means that the near water building platform gets the moon first, and she is not afraid that she will not provoke Su Han.

"Su Han, I'll help you."

Immediately, Lin Wanqing greeted and directly carried the duffel bag.

Su Han's duffel bag contained a few sets of clothes, and there was not much weight at all.

Seeing her so enthusiastic, Su Han was left to her.

Seeing that Su Han did not mean to refuse, Lin Wanqing was very happy.

This also means that Su Han did not treat her as an outsider.

Then, she looked sideways at Su Han:

"I've already made lunch, come to my place later, right?"

"That's so embarrassing."

Su Han said politely, he felt that this heroine was too enthusiastic about him.

Maybe that's the trouble of being too charming.

And this scene happened to be seen by a pair of eyes.

It is Lin Wanqing's nanny.

At this time, her mouth grew big, and her jaw was about to fall to the ground, and she was stunned to say this situation.

After making the meal just now, Miss Wangxi ran out, and she followed out very curiously.

But I saw this incredible scene.

The eldest lady, who usually does not look at men squarely, actually helped a man with his luggage, behaving so humbly.


After putting down the duffel bag, Su Han followed Lin Wanqing to the villa where she was.

The living room, the dining table is already full of meals.


The nanny stood in the doorway and shouted respectfully.

A pair of eyes curiously looked at Su Han next to him, this young lady humbled and longed for the existence of love.

I have to say, it's really handsome, no wonder the young lady lives like this.

The nanny sighed in her heart.

Lin Wanqing nodded slightly and waved her hand:

"You go back first."

Today's lunch is a two-person world between her and Su Han, how can anyone be disturbed.


The babysitter replied and went to pack her things.

Before leaving, she glanced towards the living room, which almost didn't startle her.

The two sat in their seats, and Lin Wanqing added food for Su Han, like a gentle and virtuous little wife.

Finally, after sighing "the greatness of love", she left with shock.

"Su Han, try this beef, it tastes very good."

Next, Lin Wanqing began to serve Su Han dishes, very enthusiastic.

Her gaze lingered for a moment on the few dishes she had stir-fried, and quickly moved away.

Originally, she planned to let Su Han taste her craft.

But after meeting, she didn't have the confidence.

What if Su Han doesn't like it?

Do you think that she is a big lady and can't do housework?

Now, she doesn't say a word about the dishes she cooks.

However, the sharp-eyed Su Han noticed her abnormality.

His gaze fell on a few different dishes, and his eyebrows were raised.

Shouldn't it be this heroine?

This is a rich woman, who has never entered the kitchen, and actually cooks herself?

With disbelief, he stretched out his chopsticks to a plate of fried shredded meat.

"What are you doing?"

Seeing that there was an extra pair of chopsticks in the dish she made, Lin Wanqing exclaimed.

After speaking, he found that his reaction was too big, and quickly explained:

"I'm sorry Su Han, I made these dishes, sorry I failed to cook the first time, so don't eat these first."


Rao was Su Han prepared, and he was shocked when he got the answer.

It was really this heroine who did it for him.

Then he laughed and picked up a piece of meat with his chopsticks.

"Since you made it, then I want to taste it even more."

Putting it in his mouth, Su Han chewed slightly.

Although it doesn't look good, except for a little salty, everything else is fine.

It's no wonder, after all, when Lin Wanqing started just now, every dish was guided by a nanny.

Being able to work as a nanny in Lin Wanqing's house is at least the level of a chef, and it is no worse than that.

It can be said that it is better than some cheap restaurants outside.


Seeing Su Han stuffing the dish he made into his mouth without hesitation, Lin Wanqing's heart was about to jump out.

He looked at her with apprehension and nervousness, afraid that he would not eat well and be disliked by Su Han.

Su Han glanced at her, it was rare that this heroine cooked for him, but he couldn't hit it.

So, he smiled slightly:

"It's not bad, I can't see that you can achieve this level of cooking for the first time, you are very talented in cooking."

Su Han told the truth, he would not be like the protagonist, obviously general, but said what "really delicious" and "never eaten such a delicious dish" to win favor.

That's too kneeling and too hypocritical.


Rao was so, Lin Wanqing also felt her eyes light up.

The first time I cooked, I was able to get Su Han's approval.


Su Han smiled and nodded: "If you don't believe it, you can taste it."

Lin Wanqing picked up the chopsticks and picked up a piece of braised beef and put it in her mouth.

After chewing twice, his brows furrowed, so unpalatable.

She was originally the eldest lady, there was a nanny at home, and she went out to star-rated restaurants, and she had never suffered.

Therefore, it does not feel delicious to eat the dishes you made yourself.

Then she looked at Su Han with a pair of eyes, her eyes flashed, and she looked extremely moved.

Su Han is so good, he is so unpalatable, Su Han actually feels good.

"Su Han, thank you, I will work hard to learn cooking."

Su Han: "....................."

Looking at Lin Wanqing's grateful and adoring look, he always felt that something was wrong.

Later, the two chatted while eating, and the atmosphere was very warm.

"By the way, Su Han, do you have any plans for the afternoon?"

Suddenly thinking of something, Lin Wanqing looked at Su Han expectantly and asked.

After thinking about it, Su Han replied:

"No, what's wrong?"

Recently, no one has placed an order, but he has been idle.

"Then let's go see the car, it's a little far from the door, I see you don't have a car, it's not convenient to travel."

"Buy a car?"

Su Han's eyebrows moved, he was rich now, and he was just planning to buy one.

Then he smiled and said

, "It just so happens that I also have this plan, but I am not familiar with the car dealership, if you have time,

you can take me with you."

"Free, of course free!"

Lin Wan smiled and smiled brightly.

The meal ends in this warm atmosphere.

Then, the two rested for a while, and then rushed towards the largest 4S store in the magic capital together.


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