The concert began -

"Thank you for taking the time to attend tonight's concert

..." "Today, our Melody Hall is fortunate to invite the international piano master, Mr. Robert Sabi, to play for us..."

"He has a deep knowledge of Beethoven's

piano music, known as the contemporary Beethoven, and at the same time wrote "Reading White Music Under the Moon" Dance Steps" and many other piano songs..."

Next, please Mr. Sabi!"

As the host finished his official speech, a middle-aged man wearing a suit and somewhat gray hair stepped onto the stage.

He is Robert Sabi, professional piano grade 9, famous all over the world.

With his arrival, the crowd applauded.

They are all celebrities in the magic capital society.

Whether they understand music or not, etiquette still has to be pretended.

Of course, there are many true music lovers.

Some people even spent a lot of money to participate in this concert.

Robert Sabie took the stage, introduced himself, and then began to talk about music.

In this concert, the concert hall spent a lot of money to invite this piano master, naturally it is not as simple as simply playing a piano.

As he began to speak, the people below sat down and listened carefully.

However, it is not known how many of them are installed.

In the box on the second floor,

Leng Wuyan listened very seriously.

She came here today specifically to seek a breakthrough in the piano.

And what about Su Han next to him?

He was leisurely sipping tea, and Ben didn't listen to what he was talking about.

In fact, with his current piano, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the first in the world.

Telling him about the piano is purely an axe.

Half an hour passed, and the piano master finally finished speaking, and it was time to play the piano.

The people in the front row of the position listened proudly, and the people in the back seat were a little dozing.

Instead of listening to nonsense here, it's better to go home and roll the sheets.

It's just that they, as celebrities, can't help themselves.

Enjoying piano music is an elegant activity of these celebrities, and it comes up when you say it.

Seeing that the piano master began to play, everyone was slightly interested.

Robert Saby sits at the piano, with a calm temperament and a master.

Soon after, a pleasant piano music came out.

This is Beethoven's "Moonlight Sonata", which is very pleasant to listen to and enjoyable.

As soon as the song was played, applause broke out from all corners of the hall.

Although most people do not understand the meaning, they also enjoy listening to it very much, worthy of being an international piano master.

"It's so good, this piano level, it's not an exaggeration to call it the contemporary Beethoven."

"Mr. Sabi, may I ask you for an autograph when it's over?"

"I've never heard such a beautiful piano piece..."

"It's really good, I feel that it is a pleasure for me who has never heard the piano, and I decided to let my children learn too."



In the box

, Leng Wuyan closed her eyes slightly,

quietly experiencing the artistic conception contained in the piano music.

It took a long time for her to open her eyes.

With a slightly regretful look on her face, she thought that this guild would bring a breakthrough to her piano, but she was a little disappointed.

Su Han looked light.

What kind of pianist can have this achievement in the piano, it is also good.

"But it's time for a good show, right?"

His gaze rolled and landed in a corner of the hall on the first floor, where a figure was standing.

It was Lin Feng, who came in secretly over the wall.


Seeing that the guy on the stage played the piano well, and let this group of people compete for popularity, Lin Feng was a little disdainful.

A flat voice spit out:

"Huh... Just this piano level, also worthy of being called Beethoven in the world? "

Brush -

at this moment, Robert Sabi on the stage raised his hand to signal quiet, and Lin Feng did not deliberately suppress his voice.

In the entire silent concert hall, it was heard by everyone.

For a while, the audience was silent, and the crowd was full of shock.

Gradually, a strange atmosphere gradually spread.

This stepping horse, they just touted, someone stood up and punched in the face.

Just hit it in the face, don't look at who this is?

Robert Sabi, internationally renowned pianist!

Who exactly?

Brush brush brush............

One after another, they all looked in the direction where the voice came from.

I saw a thin figure with an ordinary face standing in the corner, and I was stunned.

Wow -

"Groove? If you said such a cock just now, it won't be him, right?

"Judging by his appearance, he doesn't even have a place, so he shouldn't have sneaked in?"

"What about the security guards? A beggar came in and babbled nonsense, and quickly blasted him out for me.

"Ignorant things, don't talk nonsense if you don't understand..." For

a while, the audience was in an uproar, and the sound of ridicule was endless.

There were also Robert Sabi's supporters who cursed.

Hearing the noise of the crowd, Lin Feng looked indifferent, and said a sentence without saltiness:

"Isn't it? I'm just stating a fact! "


It was as if the calm surface of the lake had fallen into a boulder, setting off terrifying waves.

"Groove, he is so arrogant, I haven't seen such a young man with personality for a long time."

"What are you? Any idea who this is? He can't play, you can do it!

"Huh....... No kidding, just him? What's it? Still playing the piano? Does a beggar know the piano? I think it's about the same when I was played!

"All the rubbish this year said that he knew how to piano........"



In the box

, Leng Wuyan frowned,

and his gaze towards Lin Feng became more and more disgusted.

"Hmph... If you know a little about the piano, you will be arrogant..."

She snorted coldly, labeling Lin Feng with several labels, and several more charges fell on him.

Su Han raised his eyebrows, his eyes interested.

Lin Feng can play the piano, of course, as the protagonist, rarely he will not.

According to the plot, Lin Feng is now ridiculed, and after going up to play the piano, everyone is impressed, and the piano master kneels to ask for a teacher.

And Leng Wuyan also gained the understanding on the piano and became a little interested in Lin Feng.

But this is all the plot of the past, with him, the protagonist wants to be imposing?

Stay in the abyss!


Robert Sabi's face on the high platform changed slightly, and then he laughed.

With his current status, no one has questioned him?

I didn't expect to meet here today, which made him feel interesting.

"Little brother, you also know the piano?"

"Just a little understanding!"

Lin Feng said very modestly, but listening to his tone, how could he be half modest?


Robert Sabie was stunned, and then spoke:

"I don't know little brother, what advice do you give to the "Moonlight Sonata" I played just now?"

He said this just casually, and did not care at all.

He studied Beethoven's piano music for decades, and still needed a junior's advice?

"'Moonlight Sonata' was composed by Beethoven in middle age, and it integrates a lot of emotions, and you only express that warmth and tranquility, only metaphysical and unintentional."

Robert Sabi's originally unconcerned face changed, and he was shocked.

In fact, he also knows that in order to play it perfectly, he must integrate emotions.

But he tried many times, but he couldn't.

I didn't expect this person to see this.

Everyone in the hall was a little surprised when they saw this scene.

What is the situation?

Looking at the face of this piano everyone, was it said by the beggar?

"I wonder if the little brother can teach me?"

Robert Sabi's face became solemn, and he put away his contempt.

"I'm in a good mood today, since you sincerely invited, let's play a song reluctantly!"

Lin Feng glanced at a private room on the second floor, it was time to show the real technology.

Soon he arrived at the high platform and took the seat that Robert Sabie had made for him.

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