"What's going on with this Nima? That beggar is going to go on stage to play the piano? What kind of international joke?

"Just look at what he wears, the way his clothes look like dick, if he knows the piano, I'll do a handstand tonight with his wife X."

"Huh....... This Robert Sabi is also, so casually let a beggar play on stage, his piano identity is afraid that there is also some moisture.......



whole hall was noisy, all of them were disdainful of Lin Feng's mockery.

Lin Feng didn't care, and began to familiarize himself with the piano.


As he stroked his hands on the piano, his whole aura changed.

At this time, he put away the hanger langdang, no longer a dick, as if the most professional piano everyone.

With the slight movement of his fingers, a "Moonlight Sonata" came out perfectly.

It not only shows the tranquility and warmth of this song, but also integrates his experience in the dark world.

Passionate brotherhood, generosity and sadness, farewell to sorrow...

Everyone heard this emotion and immersed themselves in it.

As soon as the song was played, everyone looked at him in disbelief.

The song played by Lin Feng is indeed better than the one played by Robert Sabi before.


In this quiet atmosphere, Robert Sabi, the piano master on the stage, actually knelt down directly to Lin Feng.

Everyone was shocked, only to see that at this time he was already full of tears and looked excited.

"Thank you for letting me hear the real Moonlight Sonata, I studied Beethoven music for decades, and today I know that my research is all a joke, which is really ashamed."

"I've never been able to incorporate this emotion into my performance, I hope you can teach me, I want to worship you as a teacher."

Whoosh -

"What? Grade 9 piano master Robert Sabi actually worshiped that kid?

"Damn it, he pretended to..."

We all walked away, but we didn't expect him to really have such skills.

"I was so envious that I let this one kneel and beg for a teacher, although Robert Sabie is a musician, but he has a lot of influence, and many big people have to give face..."

"I remember the dude said to do a handstand, I want to give me a video, I have a friend who wants to watch it



Inside the box,

a flash of understanding flashed in Leng Wuyan's eyes.

That is the understanding of the piano after that, and I believe that it will not be long before she can break through.

Coming back to her senses, a look of surprise appeared on her face.

This Lin Feng really has some skills.

However, it was just a surprise, with Su Han beside him for comparison, his impression of Lin Feng's arrogance did not change.

Seeing Su Hanzheng's uncaring look, Leng Wuyan couldn't help but move in her heart, she ordered but she would also play the piano.

"Su Han... Can you play the piano?

Su Han withdrew his gaze from the high platform, and this farce should be over.

Then, he looked at Leng Wuyan and revealed a chuckle.

"Do you want to hear it?"

The smile was very warm, as if it could melt the heart of this queen, Leng Wuyan was actually obsessed with it, and nodded stunnedly.

Su Han smiled slightly, stood up, and came to the piano in the box to sit down.

He demeanors elegantly, and a casual gesture makes people feel easygoing and natural.

Leng Wuyan came back to his senses and saw Su Han sitting in front of the piano, and he suddenly became a little anxious.

Blurted out: "Su Han!

In her opinion, Su Han had never been to the Melody Concert Hall and did not know the situation here.

The piano in the private room is connected to the earpiece, which connects the entire hall.

In other words, the piano played by Su Han will also be heard in the hall.

That's fine.

Su Han said that he can play the piano, and he will definitely not play badly.

But today is different, there are the two pianos of the previous piano master and Lin Feng.

If Su Han didn't play as well as the first two, it would be very faceless.

Su Han looked sideways at her: "What's wrong?"

Immediately, Leng Wuyan did not hide it and said the reason.

After listening to her explanation, Su Han smiled slightly, he had read the novel, did he not know this?

After that, the dog author couldn't think of the plot, so he asked Lin Feng to come here again to pretend to be forced.

And what he wanted, this is the effect.

However, as an old driver, naturally he couldn't tell the real reason, so he said affectionately:

"I don't care about the rest, as long as you want to hear it, I will play it to you!"

The domineering tone is gentle, coupled with his already very good voice, it is simply the most beautiful love words in the world.

Leng Wuyan was completely stunned, and a pair of eyes looked at Su Han blankly.

For her, Su Han even wanted to play the piano for her regardless of his own face?

At this moment, something in the heart of this legal queen was touched, and it was very heart-wrenching.


Leng Wuyan quickly came back to her senses, and immediately prepared to say to Su Han to pause first, and then talk to her when she went back.

But it was already too late.

I saw Su Han touching the piano keys with both hands.

In my mind, countless piano skills emerged, which are grandmaster-level piano skills.

It gives him an incomparably affectionate feeling for the piano, as if the piano is a part of him.

Su Han stretched out his hand and locked a piece of music in his mind.


The fingers moved slightly, and a strange, but extremely nice voice came out.

It gives a soul-shaking feeling.

The two women in the box were stunned.

At this moment, the hall was still noisy, admiring Lin Feng's piano technique.

Suddenly, a soul-shaking piano sound came out, and everyone present, no matter what they were doing, felt a tremor in their hearts.

The hall gradually quieted down.

Lin Feng was enjoying the sensation of all the attention.

Looking at that originally a personal mockery, now it has all turned into worship and envy.

What a relief!

Suddenly hearing the voice, his heart couldn't help but tremble.

His eyes were slightly condensed, and his gaze fell on a box on the second floor, which was the box where Su Han was.

After so many dealings, he was extremely familiar with Su Han's opportunity.


Su Han sat in front of the piano, and as his fingers pressed, the melodious sound of the piano sounded, filling the entire hall.

Listening to the sound of the piano, everyone present was confused in their eyes and fell into the illusion created by themselves.

In a fantasy world!

I saw their respective lives, from young children learning to walk, to old age with faltering steps.

Time is like an arrow, the sun and the moon are like a shuttle.......


A sense of the passing of time flows in everyone's heart.

Then they saw people who were extremely important to them.

Parents, lovers, children............

The years were merciless, and before they had time to cherish them, these people slowly disappeared.

Suddenly, a wave of sadness and regret pervaded.

After a few moments, the picture changes again.

At this time, they know that life is short, and they are happy to be by the side of their important people.

Suddenly, the sad atmosphere disappeared.

A wave of joy, longing....... Fill the hall.

"Boom—" With

the last sound of the piano, the piano piece ended.

But the entire hall was still an eerie silence, and the needles could be heard.

Su Han opened his eyes first, and when he saw Leng Wuyan, who was still stunned, he just smiled slightly.

This song is called "Floating Dreams"!

Floating like a dream, Shaohua is easy to die, and can be cherished!

In people's lives, too much time is busy, but they ignore the important people around them.

Finally, looking back, the man was long gone...

Life is short, the coming day is not long, and it can be cherished!

The first to regain consciousness was Lin Feng.

He was also brought into a dream just now, unable to extricate himself.

Staring at the box, his pupils contracted dramatically.

How can it be?

How can there be such a magical piano music and such profound piano art?


As Lin Feng woke up, everyone around him woke up one after another.

Although they came to their senses, they did not speak, unwilling to break the tranquility of this moment.

"Snap..." I

don't know who was the first to applaud.

Immediately after the applause, the sound continued to sound.

The voices grew louder and louder, gradually gathered together, and the applause was like a tide.

"Time flies, life is short, the coming day is not long, and it is okay and cherished!"

"That's awesome, isn't it? I was actually taken back to my childhood, reminiscing about my whole life..."

"Who the hell played it, it's too godly, isn't it?"

"It's simply the Divine Comedy, this piano level, is the real Beethoven alive?"

"No... In my opinion, the man who played it was even better than Beethoven. "

Simple and easy to understand, but endless, this is the real divine comedy..."

In the box

, Leng Wuyan looked at Su Han,

her eyes flashing.

And just now in the fantasy realm, she saw the most important person, among which there was a blurry figure.

With Su Han at this time, it constantly coincided together...


Four more 9700, handsome big people are satisfied?

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