The Internet exploded, but Su Han and Leng Wuyan didn't know that they had just finished breakfast.

Leng Wuyan was ready to collect some information, and the trial would start tomorrow.

To be honest, she didn't have confidence in this trial, and the nanny was too uncooperative.

As long as the nanny admits, she has the means to bring the man in the case to justice, and now she can only try her best to gather information to see the situation.

Before leaving, she looked at Su Han and stopped talking a little.

Originally, she asked Su Han to act as a shield, in order to get the news into the ears of the old man, she must bring it with her.

Because she has passed the news to the old man, I believe that it will not be long before the old man will find someone to check the situation.

However, through yesterday's relationship, she didn't want to use Su Han as a shield, and she couldn't call people around with her previous nature.

"What's wrong?"

Sensing her abnormality, Su Han's eyes flashed and asked with a smile.

"Su Han, I'm going to deal with something, you... Do you want to..."

Leng Wuyan asked, although Su Han said that she could ask for anything, but she still had to ask for advice.


Su Han picked it every day, a little surprised.

Ask other people's opinions before doing things, is this really the heroine of the legal queen?

Hehe...... It seems that his own teaching yesterday was not in vain, I don't know how many times to teach, what will become of this queen ...

"It's okay anyway, I'll come with you."

Su Han smiled, like a spring breeze.

Seeing this, Leng Wuyan was slightly distracted, and then reacted and thanked him:

"Su Han, thank you."

"It is my duty to meet the needs of our customers."

Hearing the demand, Leng Wuyan couldn't help but think of last night, she asked Su Han to teach her to play the piano hand-in-hand.

Shaking her head, she quickly put aside her thoughts and went for a drive.

Su Han got into the car, saw that she had been frowning, and said with a smile: "

Seeing that you are frowning, what happened to you?" Say it, maybe I can solve it for you.

Leng Wuyan came back to her senses, hesitated slightly, and then introduced Su Han to the case she was encountering.

Originally, when it came to her work, she would not tell others, and even her family had not mentioned it before.

But in the face of Su Han, she only hesitated and said it.

Somehow, she had an inexplicable trust in Su Han, believing that he could help her solve her problems.

This trust comes a little inexplicably, making her incredible, but real.

After Su Han listened, he nodded slightly, just like he understood the situation.

The main problem now is to solve the nanny, let her not be so stupid to blame, it is better to confess the man.

This is not a problem at all for him who knows the plot, just find a detective to investigate the male owner later.

"You don't have to worry, there will always be a solution."

When Leng Wuyan heard this, her brows stretched, and she did not go to her heart, only as Su Han was comforting her.

In this way, Leng Wuyan ran around and ran for a day.

Su Han is very leisurely, playing with his mobile phone in the car and chatting with a few girlfriends.

During this time, he hired a good private investigator.

Let him investigate the man and the good evidence, preferably with a video, I believe that there will be results in the evening.


After a busy day, Leng Wuyan felt a little tired.

Seeing Su Han following her around, she didn't have a word of complaint, but she was very indifferent, and she couldn't help but feel grateful.

"Su Han, I'll invite you to dinner."

Subsequently, Leng Wuyan took Su Han to a famous western restaurant.

"Miss Leng..."

As soon as he reached the door, the restaurant manager hurriedly greeted him with a smile, looking respectful and speaking.

This eldest lady often came here to eat, and he naturally knew him.

Leng Wuyan said lightly: "Find us a private room."

"Uh..... We?."

The manager then noticed Su Han next to Leng Wuyan, and was suddenly shocked, shocked by his appearance and temperament, and then respectfully spoke

: "Yes..." The manager responded, and quickly stretched out his hand:


Two please..."

When the two walked by, the manager was shocked in his heart.

Which one is this?

The two were so close, could it be that he was courting this legal queen?

No....... Wrong.

Look at what happened just now.

Should it be this legal queen upside down, terrifying?

Shaking his head, these are not his business, or less together.

But said the other side -

a Bugatti Veyron drove out of the Melody Hall.

Sitting in the car was Leng Xuanlong, the young master of the Leng family, and the old man asked him to investigate his sister's boyfriend, and he was very concerned about it.

After all, it is about whether he will be bullied in the future.

In fact, he still has a thought in his heart, even if they are not boyfriend and girlfriend, is he going to match?

Hurry up and let his brother-in-law marry his sister, so that he doesn't have to worry about it anymore.

He didn't go directly to Leng Wuyan, if this was discovered, he would not be taught a lesson?

Yes, he came here first to inquire about the situation.

Fortunately, listening to the boss, his sister and brother-in-law had a close relationship, hugged and hugged, and opened the door for his brother-in-law.

Thinking of his sister's queen-like personality, if it weren't for her boyfriend, she would definitely not do such a thing.

Leng Xuanlong had already hammered the relationship between the two in his heart.

It's just that since it is the old man's order, he still has to carry it out.

The direction he is going now is the Western restaurant where his sister and brother-in-law eat.


Along with Leng Wuyan, Su Han also enjoyed a Western meal.

Taste it... It's really not amazing.

The bells and whistles, he felt that there was no Chinese food delicious.

After eating, the two walked out of the restaurant.


Just two steps out, Su Han paused and sensed that someone was watching.

His eyes were amazing, and at a glance, he saw a sneaky figure watching them in a corner not far away.

Looking at it, Su Han couldn't help but look strange, isn't this the villain boss?

Looking at Leng Wuyan beside him again, he couldn't help but think about it, and quickly thought of the problem.

It turns out that this guy is here to investigate the situation.

That's some play.

Leng Wuyan ate a full meal, and after Su Han's persuasion, she felt a lot more relaxed.

"Su Han, thank you for accompanying me this day..."

She turned around and thanked Su Han sincerely.

"You have said it many times, thank you and don't take some practical action..." Su

Han's eyes flashed, stretched out his hand, stroked Leng Wuyan's hair, and said playfully.

The moonlight fell, sprinkled on Su Han's handsome face, and with the light smile at the corner of his mouth, Gongzi was unparalleled in the world.

Leng Wuyan was a little foolish, and asked stunnedly,

"What actual action?"

Su Han smiled and smiled brightly.

"Like this!"

When the words fell, he lowered his head slightly, and in Leng Wuyan's confused gaze, the handsome face slowly approached.

Brush -

a moment later, the lips touched, Leng Wuyan's eyes suddenly widened, and his mind went blank.

Su Han: Heh, as long as I exit first, I won't be attacked by sneak attacks.

Not far away, in the corner.

Leng Xuanlong's eyes widened, and the side of his mouth opened wide, as if he could stuff an egg.

I drip days?

What did he see?

His sister, who always had a cold and arrogant face and full of aura, actually smiled and asked a man to stroke her hair.

The most incredible thing was that they were actually kissed.

Brother-in-law is awesome, brother-in-law is awesome, brother-in-law yyds!

Hammered, didn't run.

Now, even if Su Han admits that he is not his brother-in-law, he will not believe it.

Not a brother-in-law?

Are you kidding.

His queen-like sister would be casual to kiss?

Seeing the brother-in-law who was kissing his sister, and seeing the Patek Philippe he was carrying in his hand, Leng Xuanlong was shocked.

Isn't this what I saw last time in the club, is it suspected that it is a young man from the imperial capital?

I remember that he was still walking with a woman at that time, and now he is with his sister... What the hell is going on here?

Could it be that the brother-in-law and the woman were just friends?

What made Leng Xuanlong most puzzled, looking at his side face, how could it give him a familiar feeling?

Three minutes later, seeing that they were about to end, Leng Xuanlong returned to his senses with an agitated spirit.

Since he confirmed it, he hurried away, if his sister saw it, he still bumped into this kind of thing.

I am afraid that he will be charged with voyeurism and invasion of other people's privacy, and he will be sent to prison for a few days.

This is my sister, I really did it.

Therefore, he hurriedly put aside the doubts in his heart and left carefully...

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