Feeling a sense of suffocation, Leng Wuyan came back to his senses, and only then discovered the situation at this time.

She quickly stretched out her hand and pushed Su Han away.

After taking a few breaths, she looked at Su Han, and her face returned to the cold pride of the queen.

However, looking at her reddish face, I knew that her heart was very uncalm.


she just wanted to question, but was counted as the first to speak:

"Wuyan, don't be angry, I didn't mean to."

Leng Wuyan was stunned: You didn't mean it, did you do it on purpose?


..." Su Han coughed and said, "

Just now when I went out, I saw someone watching us, and I suspected that it was someone sent by your grandfather, so..."

I saw a Bugatti Veyron roaring and running out like a drag racer.

That look, as if a thief who had done something wrong, for fear of being caught.

Looking at the distant car shadow, Su Han was quite regretful, and thought that he could listen to the boss call his brother-in-law today to fulfill his small wish.

This runs? It's boring.

But for a moment, Su Han laughed again.

If you can run the monk, you can't run the temple, and I will wait for the day when you personally call your brother-in-law."

Leng Wuyan was stunned, and the temper that was about to erupt slowly extinguished.

She knew the car, it was her stupid brother's car, but she didn't expect her grandfather to send him to investigate the situation.

No wonder Su Han was like that just now.......

Recalling the scene just now, Leng Wuyan's cold pride faded, and his face turned even redder.

But just now she has been unconscious, and the feeling and taste are not impressive.

Watching the sports car go away, Leng Wuyan couldn't help but stomp her foot, how could she go so fast?

Rushing to reincarnation?

Is it necessary to die if you leave late?

Maybe...... It can continue for a while.

"Damn guys, wait for me, don't let me catch you next time."

Leng Wuyan was angry, and the consequences were serious.

Looking at the Bugatti Weilong who fled from the desert, she hated to think in her heart that she had planned to send Leng Xuanlong in to educate for a few days.

In the car

, Leng Xuanlong only felt a yin wind drifting by,

and couldn't help but snort.

He quickly glanced in the rearview mirror and was relieved to find that there was no car following.

Hiss, good risk.......

It seems that before his brother-in-law marries his sister, he must be careful not to be caught by Leng Wuyan.

Brother-in-law, you must come on and take down my sister early.

My life is in your hands.


Leng Wuyan withdrew her gaze, looked at Su Han, and said apologetically:

"I'm sorry, I blamed you for my mistake, but fortunately you found out..."

Su Han waved his hand and said indifferently.

In my heart, it is funny, and it is too fun to tease this queen heroine.

Are you a queen? I also hold my temper when I have a temper.

This wave of operation is good, thanks to the assist sent by my brother-in-law, not only got your sister's first kiss, but also thanks to him.

Next, Leng Wuyan drove back to the villa with Su Han.

Along the way, she didn't speak, she really didn't know how to speak.

"Su Han, you rest early."

Back at the villa, Leng Wuyan said a word, and prepared to go back to the room.

Her heart is so turbulent now, she wants to go quiet.


Su Han raised his eyebrows and called out to her.

Leng Wuyan's body froze, thinking that Su Han was going to say what happened just now, and his heart was even more panicked.

However, her face was still silent, so she was cold and arrogant, and she looked like a queen.

As everyone knows, the sound of her heartbeat has exposed her state of mind at this time.

Su Han took out a document and handed it to her:

"I think you are very interested in this."

"What is it?"

Leng Wuyan took the document suspiciously, in fact, she was very curious just now.

While eating in the restaurant, Su Han went to the bathroom and came back with such a document in his hand.

When she opened it, she instantly became calm, and her face became serious.

Finally, her face was full of joy and she looked at Su Han excitedly.

"How did you find this evidence?"

Leng Wuyan was shocked, because the documents in this were evidence of the meeting between the man and the good friend in the case.

With this evidence, she could have the babysitter testify against him, instead of him sending him in.

It can be said that this is the decisive evidence.

With it, she has absolute certainty of winning this trial tomorrow, and her title of undefeated queen can continue again.

Compared to the excitement, Leng Wuyan's heart was also shocked.

She had also investigated the man in the case, but he was extremely cautious and could not find the slightest evidence.

How did Su Han do it?

Leng Wuyan stared with wide eyes and looked at Su Han with a curious look.


Seeing this, Su Han smiled mysteriously.

That guy is really very cautious, if you want to change to an ordinary person to check, you will definitely not be able to find it.

But he knows the plot, knows where the guy hides the good one, and checks it up.

"Cut..." Leng

Wuyan rolled her eyes, at this moment her queen's aura disappeared, and she looked quite cute.

At this time, a USB flash drive fell out of the folder, she picked it up curiously and asked suspiciously.

"What is this again?"


Su Han raised his eyebrows, smiled playfully, and possessed Leng Wuyan's ear: "It's

the decisive evidence of what they are."

Feeling the slight heat in her ears, Leng Wuyan felt a little uncomfortable, and frowned after hearing his words.

"So what? Conclusive evidence?

She looked up suspiciously, and just happened to see the playful expression on Su Han's face, and she seemed to think of the answer.

Her face turned red at a rapid pace, spreading to the roots of her ears.

"You're so bad!"

Dropping a sentence, he glared at Su Han amorously, and then ran into his room in a panic.

Actually, she wasn't like that.

She is known as the Queen of Law, has handled many cases, and naturally encountered similar things, and she has always been unchanged.

But in front of Su Han, she couldn't help but be shy, and she became more and more feminine.


Today there are only three more 7000, think about the plot in the evening, and strive to send more tomorrow.

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