On the other side

, Leng Xuanlong returned to his villa,

which was more relieved.

It's really thrilling.

After a long pause, he picked up his mobile phone, dialed the old man's number, and prepared to report his work.

"Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bells... Jingle bells..."

At this time, Old Master Leng was drinking tea with Old Master Yan, and when he heard the caller ID, he frowned.

As soon as the phone was connected, Leng Xuanlong's voice came out:

"Grandpa, it has been confirmed, my sister really found a boyfriend!"

"How are you sure?"

Old man Leng looked suspicious, in fact, after letting Leng Xuanlong investigate the situation, he regretted it a little.

I don't know if it's right or wrong to send such an unreliable guy.

Hearing that Leng Xuanlong was so sure, Old Master Leng became interested.

Leng Xuanlong said excitedly: "My sister and brother-in-law have kissed, what I saw with my own eyes is absolutely true." "


Old man Leng was also surprised.

Originally, when he heard Xiang Dongliu's report last night, he held hands and hugged his waist, and he believed most of it.

This time it was actually kissed.

If it is a pretend boyfriend, with Leng Wuyan's queen character, it is impossible to hug the waist, let alone kiss.

After hammering, his granddaughter finally got the hang of it and found a boyfriend.

is also a very good grandson-in-law, who created piano music that shocked the world and gave him a long face.

Hanging up the phone, Old Master Leng was relieved, and the joy on his face could not be concealed.

"What are you laughing at again?"

At this time, the voice of Old Master Yan came from the side.

"Huh... Have you heard of "Floating Dreams" that is popular today?

Old man Leng rolled his eyes and asked quietly.

"I have listened to very powerful piano music, I have listened to it with a lot of feelings, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is the ceiling of the music industry, I heard that the composer is still my Kyushu, I really want to see it..."

Old man Yan sighed with emotion, thinking back to the scene of tears when he heard this piano, and couldn't help but sigh.

He was originally a dying man, and unexpectedly, the good granddaughter found a grandson-in-law to come back and cure his illness.

After experiencing a death, he knew that things around him were not easy, and he now cherishes this precious time all the time.

"Haha... You finally admit it.

At this moment, Old Man Leng laughed and pointed to his face very proudly.

His thoughts were interrupted, and Old Man Yan returned to his senses, his face full of confusion:

"What did you admit?"

"Admit that your grandson-in-law is not as good as my grandson-in-law, you don't know yet, that piano is played by my good grandson-in-law."

Old man Leng said quite smugly, that look, I didn't know, I thought it was created by him.

Old man Yan suddenly couldn't help but stare at the old guy on the other side, and this old boy set him up.

Immediately, the two old men began to quarrel again, earning their heads and bloodshed for their respective grandsons-in-law.


The next day -

Leng Wuyan got up early, yesterday Su Han gave her evidence, her mood was completely relaxed, but she slept well.

Just opened the door, but saw that the door of the opposite room also slowly opened, Su Han's figure appeared, and the two exchanged faces.

Looking at each other, both looked at each other like this and did not speak.

Su Han raised his eyebrows, and his gaze moved down from Leng Wuyan's face.

Hiss...... Good fellow, this legal queen even has the habit of sleeping, the city will play!

At this time, Leng Wuyan was wearing thin pajamas, which perfectly outlined her figure, which was extremely eye-catching.

Nice duck, there is no need to be so polite, right? The queen actually gave him benefits.

So, Su Han lifted his chin and admired it with interest, just simple appreciation.

Sensing his line of sight, Leng Wuyan's gaze withdrew and followed his line of sight, and suddenly his color changed.

She remembered that she was now wearing pajamas and had not yet come to change.

Brush -

she came back to her senses, exclaimed, and the whole person quickly retracted back into the room and closed the door heavily.

"Huh..." Su

Han chuckled, it seemed that today was a good sign, and he feasted his eyes as soon as he went out.

Glancing at the closed door, he went downstairs first.

In the room, Leng Wuyan's heart "plopped".

"It's over, is it all seen by Su Han, will she think that I am so casual at home?"

Her cheeks were hot and she was about to smoke with shame.

At this time, the image of the queen is completely collapsed.

Ten minutes passed, and Leng Wuyan collected her mood and went downstairs.

Seeing Su Han sitting on the sofa reading a book, Leng Wuyan's heart tightened, and she quickly ran to the kitchen to make up breakfast.

After some busy work, she gradually forgot what happened just now and beckoned Su Han to eat.

"Su Han, you didn't see anything earlier, did you?"

During the meal, Leng Wuyan asked nervously out of luck, hoping not to be seen by Su Han.


Su Han raised his eyebrows and said quietly, "

What did you say?"

"It's just... Did you see anything when we were at the door in the morning?

"I see you!"

Su Han was amused in his heart, so he replied puzzled.

"It's not."

Leng Wuyan was a little anxious, but she didn't know what to say, do you want to say that you didn't see me.?

At this moment, Su Han's light smile came:

"I know what you mean..."

Leng Wuyan's heart tightened, a little uneasy, never saw it.

"I wake up in the morning with a little bad eyesight, often can't see clearly, even when I see you, it's a little blurry."

Of course, Su Han did not have a problem with his eyesight.

For him as a divine doctor, if these problems really arise, he should not live, but just give her a step.


Leng Wuyan looked suspicious, but thinking of Su Han's bright eyes at that time, it didn't look like he had bad eyesight.

But women are like this, it's just a psychological effect, since Su Han said so, she borrowed the slope to get off the donkey and relax her mood.

"If Su Han didn't see it, he wouldn't think I'm a casual woman."

Leng Wuyan comforted herself in her heart, she didn't know why she cared so much about Su Han's opinion of herself.

She didn't notice the mocking look in Su Han's eyes.


After eating breakfast, Leng Wuyan drove to the court, and Su Han followed.

However, he stopped at the door, and it was not suitable for him to go in, so he found a coffee shop next to him and waited for Leng Wuyan to finish processing.

Leng Wuyan is confident, the momentum on her body changes, and the queen's temperament returns.

Stepping on high heels and with confident steps, he walked into the gate of the courthouse.

With the evidence provided by Su Han, the result naturally goes without saying.

The judge summoned the nanny, who still pleaded guilty and had nothing to do with anyone else.

When Leng Wuyan took out the evidence, the nanny was not calm, but she still didn't believe it, didn't believe that he would be such a person.

Until, Leng Wuyan released the video in the USB flash drive to her, and the nanny finally died and collapsed, pointing to the male host.

The next thing is easy to do, with the nanny's testimony, plus the evidence collected by Leng Wuyan, the man's crime is unforgivable.

After handling this case, Leng Wuyan became famous again.

The myth of undefeated continues again, making countless people tremble for fear of being targeted by this legal queen.

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