
Next, a group of people began to pack their things and headed for the next stop.

Hearing that she was going to sing, Mu Ziyan couldn't help but be a little worried.

It's not that you're going to lose face.

Instead, he was worried that Su Han would not be able to sing and felt embarrassed.

Imperceptibly, she had already begun to think about Su Han.

Sensing the change in her expression, Su Han wrapped his hand around her waist and smiled reassuringly at her.

Mu Ziyan was stunned, and then remembered that the requirements he filled in at that time were that he could sing.

Moreover, since they met, Su Han had never disappointed her.

Not this time either.

After the mood relaxed, he felt that he had fallen into a warm embrace, and his pretty face immediately turned red.

She remembered that holding hands for the first time today was the first time she was held in her arms by a man.

And the two have only known each other for less than two hours.

Seeing that Mu Ziyan had no intention of opposing, a light smile appeared at the corner of Su Han's mouth.

Perhaps, you can develop this heroine into a real girlfriend.

After walking out of the private room, his gaze swept over the bread box.

Seeing a familiar figure, wasn't it Lin Feng, who else?

A smug look flashed on Su Han's face.

In front of the protagonist, he puts his arms around the woman who belongs to him.

This feeling, really thief Kiel cool.

"Abominable-" Seeing

Su Han holding the woman he had decided, Lin Feng's lungs were about to explode.

Vaguely, he also saw the smile in the other party's eyes flash, and his eyes turned red.

Seeing a group of people taking the elevator upstairs, he also hurriedly followed.

Lin Feng seemed to have heard that they were going to sing.

This is his forte.


A group of people went up to the tenth floor and came to a KTV large private room.

Su Han and Mu Ziyan walked behind with their arms in their arms, looking very tired.

"Are you trying to hold me up?" an

untimely voice suddenly sounded next to him.

The two looked at Mu Ziyan's best friend Lingling.

I saw her panting at this time.

"What's wrong?"

asked Mu Ziyan suspiciously.

I just had enough to eat, and you were spreading dog food in front of me.

Lingling huffed, her eyes very resentful.

"You say, do you want to support me so that you can inherit my flowers?" "

Aha?" Mu

Ziyan looked at the appearance of the two at this time.

It's really greasy.

But, she loved it.

Seeing the resentful girlfriend, I couldn't help but ask curiously.

"Then why haven't you been held up to death?"

Zi Yan, you have changed, you are no longer the simple Mu Ziyan I know. "

I treat you as my best friend, but I didn't expect you to be so oblivious..." Lingling's

eyebrows were raised, and she glared at Mu Ziyan fiercely.

However, after seeing Su Han, her eyes flickered.

If only he had such a perfect boyfriend.

Don't talk about spreading dog food.

She promised not to get out of bed every day.

Seeing the two laughing and playing, Su Han said to Mu Ziyan and went to the toilet.

Seeing Su Han leave, Lingling's eyes flashed and asked.

"That Liu Hao will definitely find fault later, can your boyfriend sing?" "

Just listening to the voice, I feel pregnant, and I am afraid that I will directly want to die when I sing..."

"What do you say is pregnant, and you want to die of immortals..." Mu

Ziyan couldn't help but roll her eyes.

"But singing, my boyfriend will definitely do it."

"Wow... Great!" Lingling

suddenly exclaimed, already looking forward to the scene of Su Han singing.

Suddenly, she rolled her eyes and pulled her girlfriend to the side.

"Tell me, how long have you been dating?"

I didn't expect her to ask like this, Mu Ziyan thought about it and replied.

emmm...... Just met for two hours now, no problem.

"So did you do anything shy?"

asked Lingling again.


Mu Ziyan was stunned at first, then exclaimed, and her face instantly turned red.

Don't tell me that after two years of dating, you haven't done that yet, have you?" Lingling

looked at her incredulously as if she had discovered a new continent.

Mu Ziyan was even more shy, and did not dare to raise her head.

"It's not that I said you, Xiang Su Han's excellent boyfriend, can't find it with a lantern, you haven't even taken him down."

Do you have to wait until he is snatched away by others before you regret it?"

said Lingling as she looked at her good girlfriend and hated the lesson that iron is not steel.

Mu Ziyan did not speak, but her heart moved.

Get along for these two hours.

Su Han can indeed be said to be a perfect boyfriend.

Reason told her that Lingling was right, such an excellent boyfriend really had to be won as soon as possible.

But - the

point is that we haven't been dating for two years, it's only two hours.

Could it be going to go too fast?"

he returned. Lingling

saw Su Han come back from the toilet, and quickly pulled her girlfriend to bite her ear.

"Don't say I didn't remind you, Xiang Su Han is such a perfect boyfriend, but there are many people staring.

"If you don't take it sooner, there will be times when you regret it."

After that, she stepped aside, leaving a quiet space for her girlfriend to think.

When it comes to many people staring, her eyes flicker a little.

She's one of them.

It's just that she knows her appearance and can't keep such a man at all.

So she came up with an idea to let her girlfriend keep Su Han.

Then I can see it often.

If something happens again, it won't be a matter of course...


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