
In the KTV box, a group of students began to order songs.

What is surprising is that

the usually reserved girls have become active at this time, and the

song is the most active.

When they were singing, their eyes looked towards Su Han from time to time.

They are trying their best to show themselves in anticipation of getting the attention of the male god.

Seeing these gazes, Mu Ziyan's heart tightened.

I couldn't help but think of what my girlfriend said just now, and nodded thoughtfully.

This is just one of her classes, and it has attracted the attention of all the girls.

Even some who are followed by their boyfriends are no exception.


Ziyan began to think about what her girlfriend had just said and took Su Han's words.

The girls performed, and a group of boys enjoyed it.

I get a double enjoyment of sight and sound.

Unexpectedly, Liu Hao did not find Su Han trouble, but just sat obediently in the corner.

Just when the atmosphere is active.

A figure walked in at the door of the box.

Who else is not Lin Feng?"

"Hello everyone, my name is Lin Feng

. I

saw him walk to the high platform, take the microphone, and say with a smile.

The noisy voice gradually weakened, and everyone looked at him in surprise.

Ignoring everyone's surprise, Lin Feng had a charming smile on his face, and then spoke:

"When I came to eat just now, I met a girl at the door who made me very moved, and I came to present a song to express the feelings in my heart.

After that, his gaze fell on Mu Ziyan, who was in the corner, like a landscape.

The faces of the "?????"

crowd were full of confusion.

A guy who appeared out of nowhere, interrupted their singing party, and snatched their microphone.

Looking at his gaze, it is how weird and weird, it is almost said that he is looking at the fool.

The girls all looked disgruntled.

Didn't you see that they were trying to attract Su Han's attention?

It was only because of their face that they wanted to maintain the image of a lady in front of Su Han that they did not have a seizure.

Therefore, as soon as he appeared, Lin Feng caused everyone's displeasure.

Originally, this was nothing, when I met a girl who was moved, it was normal to boldly confess her intentions.

The main thing is that he doesn't look good.

It is commonly known that people are ugly and strange.

If Su Han had come instead, the result would have been different.

I'm afraid they will scream with excitement, right?

"It's him!"

In the corner, Lingling saw him, her brows furrowed slightly.

From the beginning, this guy gave her the feeling of being and dressed very sloppy.

I thought I wouldn't see you again, but I didn't expect to come to their box.

"He said that the girl who moved his heart was the class elder?"


a voice sounded, especially clear in this somewhat silent box.

Brush brush brush.......

One by one, following Lin Feng's gaze, he saw Mu Ziyan who was sitting with Su Han.

Seeing that everyone looked at her, Mu Ziyan was a little confused.

Lin Feng

, who is it, why doesn't she remember seeing this person?"

"Good fellow, the class elder is

really charming,

and he can attract people to come and confess when walking on the road."

"But, is this guy a fool, didn't you see that the class elder and Brother Han are a couple?

"From the fact that he just broke in without our consent and without face, we can tell that there is something wrong with his brain." "

There is really a good show to watch now, expecting the class elder to blast that guy away..."

".............," Standing on the stage, Lin Feng ignored the discussion of the crowd.

Just seeing the dazedness that flashed in Mu Ziyan's eyes, he almost vomited blood.

Just now at the door, he said for a long time, and the beauty didn't listen to a word.

But that's okay, just let me conquer you with a song.

"The song I want to offer you today is - "Love is Simple"!" When

the words fell, Lin Feng's temperament changed abruptly.

The original laziness disappeared, replaced by depth, and the eyes became melancholy.

It seems to contain a lot of stories, which make people want to understand and explore.

Then, a deep voice sounded.

——"Forgot how to start

" ————"Maybe it's for

you" ——————"I have a feeling

" ————"Suddenly found myself

" ————

——"I have fallen deeply in love with you"——


The voice is low and magnetic, and with his melancholy eyes, people can't help but be moved.

I have to say that as the protagonist, in the life and death experience abroad for more than ten years, the singing voice is very charming.

Everyone listened fascinated.

There were only two people in the field who remained awake.

Naturally, it was Su Han and Mu Ziyan.

Su Han's singing talent reached the god level.

At this level, I still want to resonate with him, which does not exist.

As for Mu Ziyan.

Just now, I heard that Lin Feng was going to confess to her, and she suddenly felt bad.

"God, if someone confesses to me, will Su Han be angry

?" "What if Su Han misunderstands?" "

How should I explain it to him?" "

....................." Mu

Ziyan was anxious in her heart, and her thoughts were full of thoughts.

Therefore, what Lin Feng sang, she didn't listen to at all.

After the song ended, everyone came back from the song and looked at Lin Feng on the stage incredulously.

I didn't expect this guy to sing so well.

Enjoying everyone's impressive looks, Lin Feng looked indifferent and unimpressed.

A pair of eyes kept looking at Mu Ziyan, expecting her expression.

Brush brush brush.......

Everyone's eyes looked towards Mu Ziyan again.

Mu Ziyan also regained her senses, heard someone talking about the song she had just sung, frowned slightly, and asked a sentence:

"What did he sing just now?"


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