"What is it?"

Little Loli saw the packaged bunny girl packing clothes, looked curious, stretched out her hand, and held it in her hand.

Under the light, the clothes in the package appeared, with furry rabbit ears and a tail.

It looks cute and good-looking, and she likes it.

"Could it be that my brother is going to give it to me?"

Little Loli couldn't help but think curiously in her heart, and she felt so happy inexplicably.

She saw the size of the clothes again, which matched the proportions of her figure, and convinced her that this was given to her by her brother.

Su Han: I'm not, I don't, don't talk nonsense!

But then she frowned again, since it was given to her, then why not give it to her earlier?

"Definitely ready to surprise me."

Little Loli couldn't figure it out, she could only come down to this reason, and a smile bloomed on her face again.

As if thinking of something interesting, little loli's eyes showed a sly color.

Immediately, she secretly hid the clothes suit and hid it in the bag of the clothes her brother had just bought her.

When I was ready to see my brother give clothes to myself later, I couldn't find clothes, and I was looking forward to it!

Ten minutes later, Su Han came back, still holding a small bag in his hand, which was a small bag that Little Loli forgot in the cinema.

"Jingle bells....... Jingle bells... Jingle bells....... Jingle bell..."

Just as he walked into the parking lot, the mobile phone rang, and Su Han saw that it was Yan Ruyue calling.

"Su Han, are you free tomorrow morning?"

As soon as he picked up the phone, Yan Ruyue's expectant voice came from the other side.

The sound was very good, which made Su Han think of the scene that night, Yan Ruyue eating sugar.

Compared to Leng Wuyan's hand, although she became queen, Su Han still liked Yan Ruyue more.

emmm....... The sound is good!

Unless, when is the Queen of Law....



Hearing the anticipation in her eyes, Su Han raised his eyebrows and asked, "What's wrong?"

"Tomorrow morning, there will be a medical exchange meeting in the magic capital, and I want you to accompany me to it."

After Yan Ruyue finished speaking, she held her breath, expecting Su Han's reply.

The medical exchange meeting was made by those Western doctors, and the purpose is naturally to suppress Chinese medicine.

She now serves as the treasurer of Baicao Tang and has to think about Chinese medicine.

In other words, this kind of medical exchange meeting, she can go to it herself.

However, this medical exchange meeting was different, and the opposite Harmony Hospital could not suppress it, and invited some authoritative professors from the Western medical field to come.

Although she also has some medical skills, she is still self-aware in the face of the top existence in the medical field.

Therefore, she thought of Su Han, this divine doctor.

That's right, in Yan Ruyue's opinion, Su Han's medical skills are close to God, and this world is the most powerful.

"Medical exchange meeting?"

Su Han's eyes flickered, of course he knew this big plot, and it was expected to be at these times.

According to the plot -

Lin Feng will participate on behalf of the Hundred Herb Hall, slap the face of the major medical circles, and make a name for himself in the medical community.

In the end, there was a Leng Aotian car accident, his life hung in the balance, and all the medical bigwigs could do nothing, Lin Feng stepped forward and shocked the audience.

Leng Aotian is his villain boss.

Although he was saved by Lin Feng, he did not have the ability to save the man, and then not only dug his daughter but also put a hat on him.

Later, because his son Leng Xuanlong went against Lin Feng, he turned against him and ended up as a mad demon, how could he get a miserable word?

Su Han didn't care that Lin Feng pretended to be forced, but when he came into contact with the Leng family, he had to take care of it.

Leng Aotian was grateful to Lin Feng for saving his life, and provided a lot of help in Lin Feng's initial stage, and when he finally wanted to suppress, he found that Lin Feng had grown.

Not mentioning this stubble, just for the sake of Leng Wuyan's hard work for him last night, he also had to prevent Lin Feng from taking the Leng family's line.

Maybe Lin Feng doesn't have Yan Ruyue's line, and tomorrow's medical exchange meeting may not participate, but Su Han knows the corrective nature of the plot.

A big plot like this, it's better to check it out.

Although he had already decided in his heart to go to see it tomorrow, Su Han did not immediately agree, the wool has not yet been refreshed!

I saw a light smile on his face, and said in a playful tone:

"I can go to see the medical exchange meeting you mentioned, but what is the benefit?"

Hearing Su Han say that he could go, Yan Ruyue immediately became happy.

With Su Han here, Chinese medicine must have the ability to suppress Western medicine, and she will also be famous in the Hundred Herb Hall.

But hearing Su Han's words later, the playful tone, Yan Ruyue's face suddenly turned red.

She was extremely shy in her heart, and she opened her mouth and couldn't speak clearly: "You... What do you want...... All...... It's all right..." In

the end, her voice became very low, and if Su Han hadn't been transformed and heard well, she wouldn't have been able to hear it.

However, he did not intend to let this beautiful doctor go just like that.

"What do you say? Again, I didn't hear clearly.

"I said, you can do whatever you want."

Yan Ruyue did not doubt him, this time she said it more clearly, but after saying it, she covered her face, and her cheeks were very hot.


Su Han chuckled, and raised his eyebrows: "That's what you said!" Between

the words, the provocation was full of meaning, provoking Yan Ruyue's imagination and embarrassment.


Hanging up the phone, Su Han had already walked to the car, opened the door, and handed the small bag to the little loli who was sitting obediently in the co-pilot:

"Look, is there anything missing in it!"

"Hmm... Thank you brother, brother you are so good, I will marry you when I grow up!

Little Lori took her small bag with a sweet smile on her face, and then began to look at it.


"....................." Su Han had just got on the fire and was about to drive, when he heard Little Lori's words, his hand couldn't help but pause, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

No wonder he felt that something was wrong with her before and didn't let others ask for his contact information, it turned out that he was the same as which women, plotting against him.

"I treat you like a sister, and you actually want to eat my body."

He didn't answer, stepped on the accelerator, and walked away.

After looking through the small bag and making sure that she didn't lose anything, she turned her head and stared directly at Su Han.

It is said that men who are serious are the most handsome.

My brother was already the most handsome, and he was simply handsome when he was serious.

Not long after, Su Han drove to the Xiao family villa.

Stopped at the gate of the villa, the two got out of the car, because the little loli bought something, he helped carry it back.

Walking on the road, little Lori's face kept changing.

"Why didn't my brother give me that cute bunny dress?"

"It's over, my brother must have forgotten, do I want to remind me?"

Little Lori's thoughts flew in her mind, and when she saw Su Han walking beside her, she hesitated and spoke.

"Brother, have you forgotten something?"


Su Han raised his eyebrows, thought about it, and spoke, "No!" "

“emmm...... Right in the car, clothes..." Seeing

that Su Han hadn't remembered, Little Loli was a little anxious, and hinted madly.


Su Han flicked the clothes in his hand: "Aren't they all here?" His

eyes were a little strange, how did he feel that this little loli was weird today?


little Loli let out a long sigh: "It's over, brother really forgot, oh..... How can I forget that this kind of thing will arrive soon, but it is the first time I have received a gift from my brother..." But

fortunately, she found it early, otherwise it would be impossible to get my brother's gift tonight.

Walking into Xiao's house, I saw little Lori's mother, as for Little Lori's old son, it was the director of the General Bureau, and because of work, he often did not go home.

Xiao's mother knew that her daughter was out with Su Han, and she didn't worry too much.

Seeing her daughter come back, and seeing Su Han next to her, she hurriedly greeted her.

Taking the things in Su Han's hand, Xiao's mother glared at her daughter, and looked at Su Han embarrassed.

"I'm really sorry Xiaohan, Luo Li she troubles you again, these things are really expensive..."

"It's okay, Luo Li is very cute, hanging out with her makes me feel a lot more relaxed."

"Alas..... It's good that it doesn't bother you, you kid, I don't know if your brother is busy with work, how to disturb your brother..." Xiao's

mother was grateful to Su Han, and then looked at her daughter, a little blamed.

"Hmph... You all don't have time to accompany me, what's wrong with me playing with my brother? Little

Loli was not vain at all, and glared back, causing Xiao's mother to lose the battle under guilt.

"Brother... I'll go back to my room and sleep, mom, you can clean up these things." Saying

that, little Loli was ready to take Su Han's hand and go towards her bedroom.

Xiao's mother's face suddenly turned green, the last time you said to sleep together, it was because you had just been kidnapped by robbers.

What now?

You're fifteen years old....

Su Han was also a little dumbfounded, and when he saw Xiao Mu with a green face next to him, he quickly spoke.

"Luo Li, you go back to the house and go to bed early, my brother still has something to do..." Seeing

that Su Han had a tendency to leave, this made the sensitive little loli instantly alert, could it be that she was going to see that bad woman at night?

No, absolutely not!

Yes, she quickly used a special skill and acted.

"Brother, you don't know, since the last time I was kidnapped by robbers, there is nothing when I sleep with you, but if I sleep alone, I will have nightmares every day, it's so terrible, brother, you will accompany me tonight..."

Just took the gift of my brother for myself, uh... It seems that she took it herself, oops... None of this matters.

Anyway, my brother is going to give it to her, but I just forgot, can she take the gift that belongs to herself?

She was ready to surprise her brother at night and wear it to her brother, hee-hee...

Thinking of her brother's surprised look at that time, little Loli laughed.

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