Xiao's mother looked at her daughter suspiciously.

These days, she is also quite worried about her daughter, for fear that her daughter will have a psychological shadow caused by the kidnapping of a person last time.

For this reason, every time after her daughter falls asleep, she goes to check it out.

Every time she went to see it, little Lori slept quite soundly, and sometimes she would say a few dream words.

What to say: "Brother is so handsome, his body is so good, I want to ..." Little

Lori's acting skills are amazing, tears come in the blink of an eye, tears are already rolling in her eyes, and she looks like she wants to cry.

Even if the Audika comes, I have to admire.

The world owes her a actor award.

Xiao's mother looked suspicious, and she didn't see that her daughter was acting, so she didn't say no.

But Su Han could tell at a glance that she was pretending.

Squinted at her, the rhythm of this little loli going to make trouble again?

Seeing Su Han's hesitation, Xiao's mother stood up to persuade her daughter.

"Xiao Han, it's not early now, it's so dark, it's not safe for you to go back at night, just stay and rest for the night, Luo Li is so dependent on you, you will take care of her at night."

Su Han: "........................."

This is special...

That's not how care is taken.

Seeing that Su Han's will was loose, little Loli pulled him into the house, still carrying a bag of clothes in her hand, inside which were the pajamas that her brother gave her.

Now, she had identified this dress as a gift from Su Han, a rabbit dress, the same as pajamas.

In place, leaving Xiao Mu with a resentful expression.

It is said that her daughter is a close-fitting little cotton jacket, but why didn't she feel it.


Entering the little loli's bedroom, the little loli first let Su Han take a bath, and then she secretly took the clothes bag into the bathroom.

An hour later, she came out of the shower, and the clothes on her body were rabbit pajamas.

It's just that this is different from the pajamas she used to wear...

Little Lori just frowned, and then thought of her brother outside, and she walked out.

"Brother, how's it going? Does my outfit look good?

She came to Su Han, spun around, and said with a grin.

And what about Su Han at this time?

He was stunned in place, his eyes widened, and he looked at the little loli in disbelief.

Nima, what's the matter with this little loli, how did she become like those women.

Isn't this a test for him?

"Wait... It's not right..."

Su Han frowned slightly, how did he feel, this dress was a little wrong, it seemed to have seen it somewhere.

"Brother, you still haven't answered me, how about this dress?"

Seeing that her brother didn't speak, little loli was overjoyed in her heart, it must be very beautiful, and she shocked her brother.


Su Han perfunctorily said: "It's okay!" He

turned off the light casually, and this Nima couldn't see more.

"Hee-hee, Luo Li also thinks it's very good-looking, thank you brother for the gift."

Little Loli grinned, hugged Su Han and thanked her.



Su Han frowned, hearing the words of little Lori, gift?

What gift?

He seems to remember that he didn't give Little Lori any gifts, right?

"It's my brother who put it in the co-pilot's drawer, my brother is true, I forgot what I wanted to give it."

"In the co-pilot's drawer..." Su

Han was completely stunned and suddenly realized.

This is special... No...... No wonder he felt a little familiar.

This is the rabbit suit that the system rewards in the afternoon, and it was discovered by Little Loli, and she thought it was a gift for her.

This Nima is really outrageous to open the door to outrageous, outrageous to home.

Su Han wanted to explain, but seeing Little Lori's happy look, the words that came to his mouth were swallowed back.

One night without a word.......


Early the next morning

, Su Han ate the breakfast made by Xiao's mother, and then went to the location of the medical exchange meeting according to what Yan Ruyue said.

This medical exchange meeting was held in the Central Square of the Times of the Magic Capital.

At this moment, there were many people around the door, and a bright red carpet was laid out, symbolizing the importance of this medical exchange meeting.

"Hiss... Look, that's the president of the Modu People's Hospital, and such a big man actually appeared.

"The president of the Upper Zhongxi Harmony Hospital, lying in the groove? Why did he follow behind the two old men? It looks like a little brother.

"That should be a titan in the field of Western medicine, with a distinguished status, who was invited to the town field."

"As far as Nima is outrageous, isn't this a simple medical exchange meeting? Isn't that too grand? "



Seeing the arrival of one big man after another, the crowd was in an uproar, and the exclamations were continuous.

"That's the representative of traditional Chinese medicine, Tiannan Traditional Chinese Medicine Hall, a time-honored traditional Chinese medicine doctor..."

Suddenly, there was an exclamation from the crowd, and everyone looked in the other direction.

"Sure enough... That was the representative of my magic capital Chinese medicine community, Baicao Hall, and the treasurer Yan Ruyue appeared.

"To say that this Yan dispenser is really beautiful, not only is the person beautiful, but the medical skills are also superb, how can we men live?"

"Huh... Everyone else went in, why did Yan stop the treasurer? Looking at her appearance, it seems that she is waiting for someone. "

Yan Ruyue is indeed waiting for someone.

Facing the amazed gazes gathered from all directions, she turned a blind eye and stood quietly at the door like that.

Wait for that familiar figure to appear.

At this moment, a Volkswagen stopped at the door and got out of the car with two figures.

"That's the person from the old medical center in the mountain village, didn't you hear that it has gone bankrupt? Why are you still here today?

"Do you still need to say that? I definitely want to take advantage of this to turn over, similar things have happened a lot, there have been some medical halls that are about to be opened, and they have performed prominently at medical exchange meetings and come back to life. "

See the hanging young man behind him, right? I guess it's the foreign aid they are looking for, but Yazi, who doesn't seem to be very smart, found such a thing, which is not dying fast enough. "

And this young man who is hanging is naturally Lin Feng.

Just yesterday, he accidentally met the old brother of the old medical hall in the mountain village and learned about the medical exchange meeting.

Faced with this old man's invitation, he agreed after thinking for a moment.

It's an opportunity to make a name for himself, and he's going to take it.

After becoming famous, he can use his medical skills to meet the upper class people in the magic capital and gain connections.

He has been bullied by Su Han miserably, and he doesn't want to sit still, what he needs to do.

If he gets greater network support, even if his mercenary identity is exposed, there will be someone to support him, and he will not act so fearfully.


Seeing the figure standing in front of him, Lin Feng raised his eyebrows.

Isn't this the last time he saw the ultimate beauty? is also one of Su Han's girlfriends.

Thinking of this, he vomited blood in his heart, I really don't know what is good about Su Han, these women revolve around him every day.

He Lin Feng was not convinced, where did he lose?

Next to it, Brother Liu, the treasurer of the old medical hall in the mountain village, was apprehensive and excited at the moment.

The rise and fall of the medical hall, success or failure in one fell swoop.

However, he is very confident in today's exchange meeting, and there is no other reason, it is the little brother next to him - Lin Feng.

Just yesterday, he saw Lin Feng on the side of the road, and actually rescued an old lady who had a heart attack on the side of the road.

Although after that, the old lady not only did not appreciate it, but also took a bite and touched the porcelain...

But this is not important, the important thing is that he saw Lin Feng's needle skills, which made him speechless, and his medical skills were extremely high.

Therefore, he immediately sent out an invitation to participate in this medical exchange meeting on behalf of their mountain village old medical center.

Thinking of the beautiful things, Brother Liu couldn't help but glance at Lin Feng, and when he saw that he was looking at Yan Ruyue, he couldn't help but smile.

"Little Brother Lin, you still don't know her, do you? She is the treasurer of our first Chinese medicine hall in the magic capital, Baicao Tang, born in a family of traditional Chinese medicine, she is really the proud daughter of heaven, and she can win the best ranking on behalf of Baicao Hall at every medical exchange meeting in the past. Speaking

of Yan Ruyue, he sighed, with a good background, he really doesn't have to worry about anything.

"A family of Chinese medicine?"

Lin Feng's eyebrows frowned slightly, it seems that this woman is really not ordinary, but it is a pity that she was abducted by Su Han's scumbag.


As a car roared, a domineering Porsche Super stopped at the door, and Su Han got out of the car.

Almost at the same time as he saw this car, Lin Feng's face became gloomy.

How could he forget this car?

He was ready to buy it at the beginning, but it was bought by Lin Wanqing and given to Su Han, which made him crazy.


Su Han appeared, his handsome appearance, combined with that detached temperament, instantly attracted the attention of the audience.

The women present all looked at Venus, regardless of the resentment of the male companions around them, and couldn't wait to swallow Su Han.

Seeing that the female companion was like this, those men did not dare to say anything, and when they saw Su Han, they were ashamed of themselves.

It was really that Su Han was too dazzling and brilliant.

And the scene that happened next broke the hearts of the men present.

I saw Yan Ruyue, the treasurer of the Hundred Herb Hall, who was standing at the door waiting, walked to Su Han with a smile on his face, and walked into the exchange hall side by side.

Looking at the distant backs of the two, Lin Feng's eyes flickered, and the corners of his mouth hooked an evil arc.

Historically, medical exchange meetings have been the first place in Baicaotang?

This time there is him, there is non-existence.

Since you are confused by Su Han, then I will wake you up, and when I see that your Hundred Herb Hall is suppressed, Su Han has the ability to save the scene.

Lin Feng also thought of another layer, when Yan Ruyue recognized Su Han's incompetence, and then saw his anti-heaven medical skills, hehe......

Thinking of this, Lin Feng became more and more determined to show his skills, and then, he followed Brother Liu and walked into the exchange hall.

Unlike the noise outside, the hall was quiet and there was no media to take pictures.

Some are just a group of medical bigwigs, talking to each other, but they are divided into two camps, that is, Chinese medicine and Western medicine, and the atmosphere is slightly serious.

After everyone was seated, the host took the stage and announced that this medical exchange meeting had officially begun...


Today the mentality is a little broken, not in the state, only two more, 64 00, tomorrow plus more will not say more.

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