"First of all, welcome everyone to participate in this medical exchange meeting, and also welcome foreign friends to come to the magic capital, the purpose of this medical exchange meeting is to exchange medical skills..." The

host began to speak in an official manner, and no one present took it to heart.

Historically, which medical exchange meeting is not a variety of faults, provoking contradictions between Chinese and Western medicine, which has risen to the competition between Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

Not to mention that this time, Western medicine invited two professors from Western medicine Taishan Beidou, who still looked down on Chinese medicine, and their purpose is self-evident.

In terms of position, because of the influence of the Hundred Herb Hall in the magic capital, Yan Ruyue sat in the pre-exam position.

Su Han also sat next to him, and he was not the slightest interested in everything here.

He only cares about the end of the medical exchange meeting, Leng Aotian was sent over in a car accident, and when the time came, he cut off the protagonist and got the connections of the Leng family.

As for saying that Leng Aotian was Leng Wuyan's father, he should remind him to prevent a car accident or something, Su Han didn't think about it.

Now that he hasn't touched that level, and has nothing to do with the Leng family, why does Leng Aotian believe him?

Moreover, Leng Aotian was not injured, how could he get a better reward from the Leng family?

Therefore, Leng Aotian was still hit by a car.

It didn't surprise him, Lin Feng, this guy really came, and he had to sigh at the correctiveness of the plot.

It is also because of this that he believes that Leng Aotian will definitely have a car accident and be sent over.

"Su Han, what are you thinking?"

Sitting in the seat, Yan Ruyue kept looking at Su Han, seeing his pensive appearance, and couldn't help but ask out loud.

Hearing the voice, Su Han looked at her, and a mocking look appeared on his face:

"I was thinking that you agreed to my request!"

(⊙▽⊙): "..................

."Yan Ruyue was confused, seeing the smile at the corner of Su Han's mouth, she knew that she had bad intentions, her face instantly turned red, and her little heart "plopped" non-stop.

Regaining her senses, she gave Su Han a blank look and said coquettishly:

"Ignore you."

Turning her head, her heart was still beating fast, and her eyes flashed with different colors, as if she was looking forward to it?


Su Han chuckled and raised his eyebrows: "You called me over, now ignore me, then I'll go?" "


In a hurry, Yan Ruyue didn't care about shyness, and directly grabbed Su Han's hand.

She knew that Su Han was joking, but she was still afraid that this was a point of caring about Su Han.

Su Han smiled, teasing this beautiful doctor, it was quite interesting.

"Did you miss me?"

As he spoke, his fingers slid and his tone playful.

Feeling the strange appearance coming from the palm of her hand, Yan Ruyue's brain was confused, this is a medical exchange meeting, so many people are present, this is too bold, right?

The main thing is that she represents the Hundred Herb Hall, symbolizing the face of the Hundred Herb Hall, if this is discovered... I dare not imagine.

Yes, she quickly looked around.

When she found that no one noticed this, she was relieved and couldn't help but glance at Su Han.

She twitched her hand, thinking about getting out of the clutches.

She was not disgusted, on the contrary, Su Han's hands were very warm, giving her a solid feeling.

But the occasion is not the right time, at least not here.

But where could Su Han let her go?

It's too boring to stay here, and it just so happens that you can tease this heroine and relieve your boredom.

The result was naturally that in the face of Su Han, Yan Ruyue had a few smelly hands, but he couldn't break free.

She turned her head slightly, seeing Su Han's appearance of not letting go if she didn't know the answer, Yan Ruyue compromised.

His face was slightly red, and his voice was like a mosquito fly: "Think!"

The smile on Su Han's face became more and more intense, and his hand tightened again:


"Missed you!"

"Miss me?"



The last row of the hall

, the Mountain Village Old Medical Center, has also participated in medical exchange meetings before, but they are all at the bottom, so the seats are last.

Brother Liu didn't feel anything, he was used to it, but Su Han next to him frowned slightly.

He knew that the old medical hall in this mountain village was very poor, but he didn't expect it to be so bad, and he was directly the last place.

But he recovered quickly, and it seemed that this was not bad.

It is precisely because of the bottom that there is a contrast, when the time comes, he will show his skills, that kind of shocking scene, gee....

Looking at the front row, Su Han flirted with Yan Ruyue, and his face was gloomy.

"Su Han, you won't be arrogant for long, I'll let you know that it's useless to be handsome, and your own ability is king."

At this time, the host has finished speaking and began the next medical exchange.

The medical exchange is divided into two processes.

First, on behalf of his own hospital, he talked about his medical experience in the past year, shared his academic research results, and published papers.

Of course, it is not bragging, it is necessary to provide the corresponding materials, in fact, it is pretending.

The second process is to treat patients, and some patients with incurable diseases will be found to let these medical professions see patients.

If you can cure a patient who can't see the disease to everyone, it will be very powerful.

"Next, I invite the representative of the Modu People's Hospital, President Jiang..." As

soon as his words fell, a middle-aged man in his fifties in the front position got up and went on stage to explain his understanding of medicine and the research progress of this year.

In the blink of an eye, an hour passed, and the host spoke again: "There is a representative of the Chinese and Western Harmony Hospital below, a professor of medicine at Harvard×××..."

In the position, Su Han hit Hache, it was really boring.

If it weren't for a Yan Ruyue beside him to tease him, he would really leave, which is really not interesting.

And next to him?

Yan Ruyue's eyes looked straight ahead, and she sat squarely.

However, her pupils were not focused, her face was slightly red, and her heart was pounding, as if she had been played badly.

When he heard this voice, Su Han withdrew his hand from Yan Ruyue's thigh, looked at the two old professors who walked up to the stage, and finally lifted up a little spirit.

Good show, it's time to start.


Two professors came on the field, leaning their necks and quite haughtily.

From their arrival, they have always been a condescending posture, especially in the face of people in the field of Chinese medicine, their eyes are full of disdain.

In their opinion, what is TCM? It's just witchcraft that doesn't work at times.

Chinese medicine is a trick to deceive people, they Western medicine is medical orthodoxy, the whole world should learn Western medicine.

One of the old beasts came to the stage, looked around, and spoke with disdain:

"I am Newyard Gachunho from Harvard University in the beautiful country, and I came to participate in this boring exchange meeting today to prove one thing, Chinese medicine and Western medicine are not at all the same level, Chinese medicine is just witchcraft, speculation, Western medicine is orthodox medicine..."

The audience was in an uproar.

"What's special, this crooked country dog is so arrogant, Lao Tzu really wants to kill him."

"To say that Chinese medicine is witchcraft, and Western medicine is orthodox, I will hehe, our Chinese medicine has been passed down for thousands of years, and your Western medicine has a history of hundreds of years, and you are embarrassed to say such words, it is worthy of being a fool called a beast."

"Dog things, I used to suppress at medical exchange meetings, and we didn't say anything, these foreign dogs are really not things."

"I admit that Western medicine is more widely used, but it would be wrong not to take Chinese medicine seriously.........................


Many people in the field of Chinese medicine were indignant, looking at Professor Chunhuo who was talking on the stage, and they were furious.

Especially some old people, who blew their beards and glared in anger.

They regard TCM as a lifelong pursuit, how can they allow others to be so humiliated?

Among the people in the field of Chinese medicine, some people are not angry, and some are silent.

Although they are not convinced in their hearts, they have to admit that Western medicine is indeed dominating now, and Chinese medicine is gradually declining.

The people in the Chinese medicine community were not convinced, and those in the Western medicine community laughed and sneered.

"The fool called the beast is right, Chinese medicine is garbage, there is no skill, it is too mysterious."

"We Western medicine dominates the world, and Western medicine is orthodox

medicine..." "Chinese medicine is just witchcraft..." Seeing

that the atmosphere of the scene had been mobilized, Newyard Gachunhuo standing on the high platform smiled.

The purpose of his coming here today is to crack down on Chinese medicine and make Western medicine the orthodoxy of the world.

However, at this moment, a disdainful sneer sounded.

"You are right, Chinese medicine and Western medicine are indeed not at the same level, in front of Chinese medicine, Western medicine is slag."

Brush -

the sound of the scene has begun to weaken, and this sneer is very abrupt, and the whole audience hears it.

When Newyard Gachunho heard this, his face couldn't help but change, and a look of anger appeared, and he looked in the direction where the voice came from.

Brush brush brush............

Everyone was also stunned, and they all looked towards the back of the hall, and the extremely arrogant voice came from here.

Who the hell is it?

The big man in the Chinese medicine field in front had not yet spoken, and someone actually talked to the Western medicine world like this.

When they saw the figure, the eyes of many people present became strange.

It turned out to be an ordinary young man who had never seen before, ordinary looking, dressed ordinary, and even a little chilly.

This....... Who gave him the courage to say such arrogant words?

"Shett, where did this guy come from, why haven't you seen it before, wouldn't it have sneaked in?"

"No, there is a doorman at the door to supervise, he can't sneak in, that is, he was invited in."

"Huh... It seems that this medical exchange meeting is just that, and everything is invited. "



The scene was in an uproar, with contempt, disdain, and mockery.

But said that the person who stood up was naturally Lin Feng.

Isn't he indignant at the decline of Chinese medicine and promotes Chinese medicine? He's not that great.

He just saw that the opportunity came, the atmosphere of the scene was mobilized, as long as he made a move and suppressed the beast, it would definitely attract everyone's attention, and then the connections would come.

And Brother Liu next to him, his face turned green.

He asked Lin Feng to come over because he could carry out the second link later, when he was healing and saving people.

Unexpectedly, before he started, he offended a beast as soon as he came up.

Seeing the gazes cast from all directions, he was sweating profusely and couldn't sit still.

I saw him stand up and quickly apologize: "I'm sorry, my little brother didn't understand things for the first time, don't mind..."

While speaking, he was ready to pull Lin Feng to sit down, but where could he pull Lin Feng?

I saw Lin Feng not moving, his eyes looking at the beast on the high platform, not humble or arrogant.

"Finally someone came forward, I thought you thought so."

With a gloomy face for a moment, Newyard Gachunhuo sneered, and looked directly at Lin Feng:

You said that Chinese medicine is very powerful, then I have to ask, what is Chinese medicine and what does it rely on to treat diseases? "

Brush -

many people in the field of Chinese medicine have changed their faces.

In their opinion, Lin Feng and they don't know, they definitely don't have any skills, they just don't want to stand up.

This fool asked the beast to ask this question, and at first glance, it was not well-intentioned.

If Lin Feng stood up and just fell into his trap, just such a person stood up, proving that he was very powerful in the field of traditional Chinese medicine, and if he couldn't answer, it was proof that traditional Chinese medicine couldn't do it.

For a time, many people in the field of traditional Chinese medicine became anxious, secretly scolding Lin Feng for not being a thing, too impulsive.

So many bigwigs in the field of Chinese medicine have not yet exported, what are you doing standing up, isn't it adding to the chaos?

"I can answer that question."

At this moment, in the camp of traditional Chinese medicine, a middle-aged man stood up:

"In terms of diagnosis, traditional Chinese medicine is through four ways, looking and hearing and asking, and in terms of treatment, through traditional Chinese medicine swallowing, acupuncture treatment, supplemented by cupping, massage..."

Although the answer was a little reluctant, it was also regarded as taking this question.

However, the foolish beast did not let go of their plans, and this time they came prepared, only to see him speak again:

"Yes... Then I have to ask, what are the five elements of yin and yang, meridians, and acupoints that your Chinese medicine refers to?

"Can you take it out so that we can see and open our eyes?"

Hearing this question, the middle-aged Chinese medicine practitioner hesitated for a moment and replied:

"Yin and yang refers to the two qi of yin and yang in our human body, including meridians and acupoints, which cannot be seen."

"Huh... It's just something that can't be seen, how can you make us believe? The

sneer at the corner of the fool's mouth was even worse, and he spoke with disdain:

"In my opinion, what you call Chinese medicine is just a fictional thing, and there is no theoretical basis at all."


This made the Chinese medicine gentleman stunned, opened his mouth, but found that there was no way to refute it.

These things are really difficult to explain, and some of them are unexplainable.

"Idiot, your question may be too difficult, let me ask it next."

At this moment, another beast behind him stood up, he called Harpy, and Harpy called the beast.

"Guys, if you don't think the stupid question is easy to answer, then let me Happi ask a simple new question."

"Just said that Chinese medicine is useless, you are not convinced, then I just ask, in today's world, is Chinese medicine widely used or Western medicine extensive?"

"Is it that Chinese medicine saves more people, or Western medicine saves more people?"

At this time, the crowd was speechless when asked.

This dog thing is no problem, because the more complex relationship of Chinese medicine is indeed widely used by Western medicine, and it is also saved by Western medicine.

Seeing this, Harpy made the beast laugh and laughed proudly.

"Since you all acquiesced, why is Chinese medicine stronger than Western medicine, but now the development is not as good as Western medicine?"

As soon as these words came out, the people in the TCM community present couldn't help but sink in their hearts.

Since you say that Chinese medicine is strong, why is it not as good as Western medicine, which is obviously a hard wound of Chinese medicine.


In the position, Yan Ruyue frowned slightly, looking at Su Han next to her, she believed that Su Han would be able to solve these problems.

However, looking at Su Han's appearance, it seems that he has no intention of making a move.

Sensing her gaze, Su Han just smiled, gave her a look, and then watched the play.

For this group of dogs, Su Han didn't pay attention to it at all, and his real ability was never just talk.

He only cared about the end of this medical exchange meeting, and since Lin Feng wanted to pretend to be forced, he should watch the monkey juggling.

At this moment, Lin Feng stood up.

"You don't believe in Chinese medicine, so as long as I prove the meridians, you will believe in the acupoints?"

"Can you prove it?"

A look of disdain appeared on the beast's face.

And just after Lin Feng spoke, the others also looked disbelieving, just such a brat, what way can he prove it?

"You want to know the meridian path, huh? I'll let you experience it now.

After that, Lin Feng quickly shot out, and two fingers pointed at a certain acupuncture point on the chest of the Harpy beast.

"This acupuncture point is between crying and laughing, and from now on, you will smile bitterly."

"What a joke..."

Harpy called the beast in disbelief, but before he could finish speaking, he began to convuls, crying and laughing uncontrollably.

Seeing that the effect had been achieved, Lin Feng immediately took action to solve the cave, and Harpy called the beast back to normal.

"Oh my God, this is amazing, what's going on?"

The fool next to him was stunned, which was also too strange, it was really as this kid said.

"Groove? Who is this kid? Even Chinese medicine points can ..."

"Powerful, his level of Chinese medicine must be very high, right?" Aren't TCM practitioners all experienced old men? He's only in his twenties, right? It's really unimaginable..."

"Shuang, what a relief, these guys who slander Chinese medicine should be punished."



"It's just a dot."

Lin Feng was light, sensing the surprised gazes cast from all around, and he felt very refreshed in his heart, and he immediately talked:

"This is in our Chinese medicine records, there are more than these acupuncture points, some can save lives, and some are..." After

listening to his statement, the two beasts were shocked, but Harpy called the beast back to his senses, and it was still a little unacceptable.

"Well, I admit that you Chinese medicine, but medical techniques are used to save people, not rely on these theories."

After speaking, he clapped his hands, and saw two crooked old men at the door sitting in wheelchairs and being pushed in.

They are all in a similar condition, with deep sunken eye sockets and a very painful appearance.

At this time, Harpy called the beast and began to tell: "They have congenital heart disease, and within a month, we will see who cures people first?" Lin

Feng just glanced at them and already knew their condition, and the heart disease was already very serious.

If I don't treat it quickly, I'm afraid I won't live long.

It seems that these guys are very confident, but well, it's a pity to meet him.

Lin Feng was unimpressed in his heart, and said lightly:

"To treat them, why take a month, one minute is enough."

Boom -

the whole audience boiled again, they were shocked, incredible, such a heart attack, even if the divine doctor comes, I am afraid it will take a while, where does this guy have the confidence?

For a while, he was originally optimistic about Lin Feng, but now he felt that he didn't know what he was doing.

The two beasts were also confused, but they reacted and disdained.

They know the illness of these two people, and it is not an exaggeration to say that they are on the verge of death.

The cure in January is the fastest time they have scheduled.

If it weren't for their heart expertise, they wouldn't dare to make such a bet.

But what did they all hear?

Isn't it a joke that this guy actually said that he can be cured in a minute?

They were a little angry, originally seeing Lin Feng using means, they still felt that this guy had some skills.

Unexpectedly, it was just a megalomaniac who could only talk big, which made them very disappointed and even more disdainful.

Seeing that they didn't believe it, Lin Feng sneered in his heart and walked straight over.

When he came to an old man in a crooked country, Lin Feng didn't know when an extra silver needle came out of his hand, and after communicating a few words with the old man, he began to strike.

The silver needle in his hand flew out and pierced the acupuncture point of the old man.

A minute later, the old man seemed to come to life and could barely walk on the ground.


This scene, watching the blockbuster, they were stunned.

The two beasts had round eyes and open mouths, as if they could stuff an egg.

This Nima turned out to be real.

Seeing these people's shocked looks, Lin Feng's heart was very refreshing, and he liked this feeling of hitting his face.

Involuntarily, he looked in the direction of Yan Ruyue.

He hadn't forgotten that he still had a goal, that is, this treasurer of the Hundred Herb Hall, and he wanted to take it away from Su Han.

However, when he saw where Yan Ruyue was, he almost didn't have a mouthful of blood spurt out.

I saw that Yan Ruyue at this time, his face was rosy, but as he looked at this side, he was sluggish, and his pupils had no focus.

Seeing that she was so close to Su Han, the fool knew what was going on under the table.

"It's abominable..." This

means that Yan Ruyue didn't see his performance just now.

He pretended to be forced, pretended to be lonely?

But fortunately, these people still have vision.


Retracting his gaze, he saw that there was also a crooked old man with a heart attack next to him, and Lin Feng's heart broke out and took the initiative to treat it.

Another minute passed, and another old man was also cured by Lin Feng.

At this time, everyone at the scene slowly slowed down and accepted the reality.

In the hall, there was applause, which was an exclamation of Lin Feng's medical skills.

Harpy called the beast and the fool called the beast were shocked, but they did not expect that there was such a superb medical skill in the world.

It turns out that Chinese medicine can be so powerful, and it is a joke that they still want to suppress Chinese medicine.

But soon, the two beasts regained their senses, and Chinese medicine is indeed very powerful.

But to reach the level of this kid, I'm afraid there are few in the world, if everyone in Chinese medicine is so powerful, they won't let Western medicine be so rampant.

At this point, there is no need for this medical exchange meeting, it is almost over.

The others didn't have a chance to make a move, and they were all loaded with pens by Lin Feng, but seeing such a medical technique, they were also convinced, and they all looked at Lin Feng with adoring eyes.

To say that the most excited person in the field was Brother Liu, he didn't expect that a little brother he was looking for casually turned out to be so powerful.

Now their mountain village old medical center has been saved.

"In this medical exchange meeting, this Mr. Lin Feng..." After asking Lin Feng's

name, the host came on stage and summarized this medical exchange meeting.

In the position, Yan Ruyue's eyes were moist, and her gaze towards Su Han was pleading.

Seeing this, Su Han withdrew his hand and saw that the host announced the end, his ears moved slightly, and his face appeared playful.

It's time for the real show to begin.


The next moment, the door was pushed open, and there was a noise.

Looking at it, I saw a group of mermaids rushing in, pushing a flat bed in the middle.

A figure was lying on the hospital bed.

"Quick, Leng Dong, you must hold on, we have arrived."

Next to the hospital bed, a man dressed as an assistant shouted at the hospital bed, very eager.

All the top people in the medical world of the magic capital were present, and there were two beasts among them, which were the existence of the medical world.

Seeing the figure on the hospital bed, the blood and flesh were blurry, and then looked at the electrocardiometer, the heartbeat fluctuation was extremely small, and they knew very well that this person was no longer saved.

The two beasts also frowned, and in this case, they were helpless.

Harpy called the beast closer, quickly stepped forward to check, and sure enough found that he was helpless.

Suddenly, he thought of Lin Feng, a magical master of Chinese medicine, who easily cured two serious heart patients.

"Don't worry, we have a very good doctor here, it's no problem to treat him."

His eyes were shining, and he wanted to recommend Lin Feng.

And Lin Feng also plans to stand up, the kind of heart attack just now is nothing, this is a serious illness, a life and death crisis.

If he cures people, it will definitely attract everyone's attention, and Yan Ruyue will definitely be impressed compared to then, right?

Moreover, with his eyes, he naturally saw at a glance that this person was extraordinary.

If he cures people, he owes him a favor, won't this connection come?

Kill two birds with one stone.

Yes, hearing the recommendation of that Harpy beast, Lin Feng planned to stand up.

However, at this moment, the assistant eagerly spoke.

"May I ask who of you is Su Han, Su Shen Doctor?"

Brush -

hearing his words, everyone present was stunned.

Shouldn't that be Lin Feng, Lin Shen Doctor? Just now, they also heard Lin Feng say his name.

Did you remember the name incorrectly?

For a while, the audience was silent, and the needle could be heard.

And Su Han also stood up at this time, ready to strike before Lin Feng, but he couldn't help but be stunned when he heard the voice.

After some thought, he knew the answer.

The relationship between the Leng family and the Yan family is good, and if such a thing happens, he will definitely notify Old Master Yan as soon as possible.

And unlike the plot, this time Old Master Yan was cured by him.

Now that Old Master Yan is not in the magic capital, life and death are at stake, so he naturally recommends him.

At this thought, Su Han laughed, but he saved him some things.

Immediately afterwards, a spring breeze came out:

"I am!"


It's late, it's late, the dog author damn it, I originally planned to post it earlier, but this plot is not finished, it's very unpleasant, 7500, five bodies kneel to thank the big guys for their support!

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