At 6:50 in the evening, Bai Jinghong drove to Yunmengxi’s villa.

Yunmengxi’s villa has been renovated.

There is no mess of that night, and the guardrails are reinforced outside, and several more surveillance cameras are installed.

Of course, Bai Jinghong asked people to do this deliberately. As for the surveillance… it’s useless!

After Bai Jinghong arrived, he honked the horn, and Yunmengxi quickly opened the door and came out to greet him.

Bai Jinghong got out of the car, raised his hand, and adjusted his clothes in the rearview mirror.

Well, he is still so handsome!

Yun Mengxi was waiting at the door. When Bai Jinghong came up, she smiled and greeted him: “Mr. Bai, welcome!”

“Thank you!” Bai Jinghong looked at her with a smile.

“Mengxi, just call me Jinghong from now on. Calling me Mr. Bai is too distant and gives people a feeling of free whore.”

“It’s your first visit, let’s hug!”

“Ah?” Yun Mengxi was a little surprised.

Bai Jinghong smiled and said: “Don’t be polite. Anyway, no one can see here. You won’t lose anything if you just hug!”

As he said that, he forcefully hugged Yun Mengxi into his arms.

Her patience was squeezed flat.

Yun Mengxi blushed, but it was difficult to push him away, so she could only let him hug her.

Fortunately, Bai Jinghong let go quickly this time, so she didn’t embarrass her.

If he hugged her for a long time, she would be on guard and would probably keep a distance again.

Bai Jinghong is a veteran in the love field. He has a good sense of propriety. What he did did not anger Yun Mengxi, and it was all within her tolerance.

It was mainly because of what happened that night.

After the hug, he smiled and followed her into the villa.

And far away from the villa, the people arranged by A Kun were waiting early.

They were afraid of receiving news at the last minute, so they did not dare to slack off.

A driver looked at Bai Jinghong from a distance, full of envy, and could not help muttering: “Mr. Bai is really amazing, that woman, tsk tsk…”

One sentence attracted many sharp eyes.

A Kun said with a stern face: “Do you have improper thoughts about the woman that Mr. Bai likes?”

The driver was startled and waved his hand: “Brother, you know me, I like men!”

“I like the feeling of pulling out the radish and bringing out the mud…”

After that, many people moved away from him with disgust.

Here, Bai Jinghong followed Yun Mengxi in and changed into slippers.

Squinting her eyes, she looked at Yun Mengxi’s back.

Yun Mengxi was wearing a loose top with light pink fine lines, and a pair of casual pants.

She gave people the feeling of a homely woman.

She was very quiet, and the loose pants showed off her hips and slim waist.

It made people have some special imaginations.

Yun Mengxi had no idea that she had let a wolf into the house, and she was still smiling.

“Bai… Jinghong, come here!” Yun Mengxi was a little uncomfortable, but she still greeted Bai Jinghong and came to the restaurant.

The restaurant has a good location, and you can see the light night outside and the lights in the distance.

Unconsciously, people’s hearts are calmed down.

Facing the table full of delicious food, the mood is naturally better.

I have to say that the location of this villa is really good, and Yun Mengxi has a very good vision.

Yun Mengxi really prepared carefully for Bai Jinghong’s arrival.

A table of exquisite and sumptuous dishes, a combination of Chinese and Western food, with vegetables and steak and pasta.

The red wine has been poured into the pitcher to sober up, and can be enjoyed at any time.

“Wipe your hands!” Yun Mengxi handed over a wet towel.

Bai Jinghong took it, and the wet towel was still hot, so he wiped his hands and said, “Thank you!”

Yun Mengxi nodded and smiled, took the wet towel and put it aside.

Then he sat down opposite Bai Jinghong.

After sitting down, he said modestly: “I just made some dinner, I hope you don’t mind!”

“Oh, that’s too modest. This table of dishes, to be honest, I feel very honored to be valued by you!”

Yun Mengxi blushed slightly, bit her lip, and then pointed at the red wine: “This is the 09 Margaux from Bordeaux Winery. If it doesn’t suit your taste, there are others.”

“There are also white wines.”

Bai Jinghong picked it up and took a look: “Margaux is good, I like it. I didn’t expect that you are an expert, Mengxi, there are not many of this kind on the market.”

“I don’t dare to call myself an expert, I just drink it occasionally!” Yun Mengxi smiled: “You should be the one who knows a lot about wine

Bai Jinghong shook his head: “I know a little about red wine baths. When it comes to wine tasting, I basically hoard, hoard, hoard…”

“But Mengxi, I can drink a lot, so you have to have enough wine!”

Yun Mengxi smiled naturally: “Of course!”

She took the pot, poured it for Bai Jinghong, poured it for herself, and then raised the wine glass:

“Jinghong, thank you so much for that night. I will always remember your help. Let me toast you first!”

“It’s just a small favor. You are too polite! “Bai Jinghong picked up the wine glass and clinked it with hers.

After clinking, Bai Jinghong did not drink immediately, but squinted at Yun Mengxi.

Although he was very rough and lustful.

But he also liked to appreciate the posture of women drinking red wine.

For example, when he was at home, he loved to watch Bai Ruoxi drink red wine.

That kind of beauty really gives people a kind of enjoyment.

Now facing the quiet and elegant type like Yun Mengxi, he also likes to watch.

Her slender fingers, holding the high-footed glass, are simply elegant and charming.

When the wine glass is placed on the bright red lips, the red lips, the white and bright pearly teeth, the bright red wine color, and the beautiful and dazzling face are absolutely intoxicating.

“Hmm? Jinghong, why don’t you drink? Is it not to your taste?”

After Yun Mengxi finished drinking, she found that Bai Jinghong was still looking at her, and couldn’t help asking.

But she didn’t feel disgusted in her heart.

Bai Jinghong smiled and said hurriedly: “Some things are intoxicating just by looking at them. ”

“This should be the case of people getting drunk even if they don’t drink. I feel like I’m likely to get drunk here with you tonight!”

Bai Jinghong said, and drank the red wine in the glass.

Yun Mengxi naturally knew what Bai Jinghong meant, and couldn’t help blushing.

Although Bai Jinghong’s words sounded fine, she knew the meaning behind them.

This bad guy is still bad, so he should be more careful.

At least he can’t get drunk, so as not to make mistakes.

The two chatted and drank.

Yun Mengxi was naturally teased by Bai Jinghong, the pervert.

But inexplicably, she seemed to be used to Bai Jinghong’s way of speaking.

She was just a little shy, and then blushed.

The white face was stained with this blush, and under the bright light, it really felt bright and beautiful.

“Come on, drink more! “Bai Jinghong was in a good mood facing this beautiful woman, and he was craving for alcohol.

Perhaps it was the effect of alcohol, or perhaps it was because he had a new respect for Bai Jinghong, and his favorable impression of her was quietly improved.

Yun Mengxi also gradually let go of her restraint, and the topic of conversation became relaxed and casual.

It was as if she was not the one who thought about not getting drunk before.

As the two chatted, laughter gradually spread.

From time to time, there was a “ding” sound of clinking glasses.

It started at around seven o’clock, and they drank until more than ten o’clock. The author doesn’t know what dirty words they said during this time.

And I have to say that Yun Mengxi’s alcohol tolerance is really strong.

After drinking for so long, she looked only seven points drunk.

But in terms of drinking, she took advantage.

Bai Jinghong drank red and white, while Yun Mengxi only drank red wine.

Seeing that it was getting late, Yun Mengxi was also a little surprised.

So she said: “Jinghong, it’s getting late, you can’t drink anymore, otherwise you will get drunk. ”

How could Bai Jinghong not understand that this was an order to leave?

But he would not leave.

So, Bai Jinghong started to act out.

“Yes… yes, you can’t drink anymore…”

Bai Jinghong stood up, sank down, and sat back down, knocking over the wine glass on the table.

Yun Mengxi quickly stood up and ran over to help Bai Jinghong.

“How are you? Are you okay?”

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