The two of them fell directly on the soft carpet.

Bai Jinghong found the right time, his body softened again, and he raised his hand to quietly protect Yun Mengxi.

Then he stood up, as if he suddenly lost his strength, and Yun Mengxi fell down with him.

The two fell directly on the soft carpet.

Yun Mengxi patted Bai Jinghong.

“Ah? Oh!” Bai Jinghong looked drowsy and his eyes were dazed.

He raised his hand to support the ground and prepared to get up, but he seemed to lose his strength and fell down again.

The most terrible thing was that Bai Jinghong didn’t know if he was addicted, and he repeated this four times in a row.

Yun Mengxi also drank a lot, and felt that his body was tortured and exhausted by this.

But she didn’t even doubt whether Bai Jinghong was pretending.

Mainly, she couldn’t doubt him.

After drinking so much, it’s normal to be drunk.

At the same time, she was a little annoyed. She shouldn’t drink so much, but Bai Jinghong got drunk like this.

After a long while, Yun Mengxi still didn’t move Bai Jinghong away, and she could only lie on the carpet and gasp.

“Jinghong… Jinghong…” Yun Mengxi pushed him and called him again: “Wake up, I… I haven’t let a man stay overnight here, you…”

Still no response.

Yun Mengxi thought about it, fumbled in Bai Jinghong’s pocket, took out Bai Jinghong’s mobile phone, and wanted to contact his driver to pick him up.

But when he opened the screen, there was a fingerprint password.

According to the unlocking habits of ordinary people, he took Bai Jinghong’s thumb, index finger… and several fingers on his right hand.

But they were all wrong.

Bai Jinghong pretended to be drunk and laughed in his heart: “You can’t imagine that I changed my fingerprints to toes for tonight!”

“Without fingerprints, you don’t know the password, just leave me to sleep!”

“Tongzi, exchange me a “Spring is here, and it’s time to have sex again.” Bai Jinghong secretly communicated with the system.

[Ding, host, there is no such thing in the mall!]

“Zhao, do you still say that I am so straightforward? It’s just a gas that stimulates sex!”

“I will experience the passiveness tonight, be a little submissive, and let Yunmengxi fuck me!”


[One hundred exchange points, “Fantasy” has been exchanged]

[Target: Yunmengxi, the object to look for after the attack: the host himself, the attack will take fifteen minutes, please grasp the time!]

[Be a dedicated time management master]

“Good Tongzi, you can shut up now, don’t delay me! ”

However, Yun Mengxi had no idea what Bai Jinghong was thinking.

She rested for a while, and finally accumulated some strength. She turned over and moved Bai Jinghong to the bottom.

Then she blushed and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

“What should I do? I can’t just leave him here!”

After thinking for a while, Yun Mengxi still felt that she had to help Bai Jinghong to the guest room.

After all, Yun Mengxi was a woman, and it was really hard to carry a drunk man.

Even though the guest room was only a dozen meters away from the restaurant, two doors away, she was already exhausted.

There was a little sweat on her forehead, and she rested by the door for a long time.

Then she helped Bai Jinghong to the guest room.

“Jinghong, you…you lie on the small sofa for a while, I…I’ll make the bed for you. ”

Yunmengxi muttered to the “drunk” Bai Jinghong.

Then he quickly ran upstairs to get clean quilt covers and sheets.

During this time, Bai Jinghong quickly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to A Kun and others: “You retreat! ”

Then he lay down again as if he was drunk.

Soon, Yun Mengxi came back.

Her face became redder and redder. For some reason, she always felt very hot.

The sheets and quilts in her hand were her own. Although they were for washing, she was always shy to let a man sleep with her sheets and quilts.

After she made the bed, she went to help Bai Jinghong.

Just put him on the bed.

But just as she helped Bai Jinghong to the bed, the phone in her pocket suddenly rang.

The sudden ringing made her shiver and her arms went limp.

Just in this moment, she was pressed down on the bed by Bai Jinghong again.

Yun Mengxi was also a little collapsed.

She really didn’t have much strength, so she simply didn’t move, and then took out her phone.

It was the same number calling again. She had a good memory and knew it was Ye Chen.

Yun Mengxi didn’t want to answer it at all, but she was afraid that the other party would keep calling.

So he picked up the phone.

“Why are you calling me? “Yunmengxi was panting and speaking

It was also a bit hasty.

Ye Chen was stunned at first, and then his mind was black.

“Miss Yun, are you still exercising so late?”

Yun Mengxi looked at Bai Jinghong on her body, and became even more agitated. She was a little impatient with Ye Chen’s call: “If you have something to say, just say it.”

Ye Chen hurriedly said: “Sorry, sorry, I disturb you so late. I learned from a friend that something seems to have happened in your villa.”

“Do you need my help?”

“Heh!” Yun Mengxi snorted coldly: “Do you know where I live?”

Yun Mengxi was 80% suspicious that Ye Chen was the one who smashed the villa before, but now it is 100%.

Bastard, isn’t he investigating himself? If not him, who else?

If it weren’t for Bai Jinghong, he would probably appear that night to “save the beauty”.

Then he must have been fooled by him, and maybe he foolishly regarded him as a lifesaver.

Ye Chen also felt a little abrupt and presumptuous.

He was already regretting that he didn’t know when Yun Mengxi was most afraid.

So when he got the news, he called to ask in a hurry.

He was so concerned that he forgot to think of a good reason.

But he still explained: “It’s like this, I have been paying attention to you, so…”

With this, he made things worse.

Yun Mengxi hung up the phone directly and cursed angrily: “Shameless, scum!”

Bai Jinghong was listening, and he was laughing in his heart.

“Thanks to Ye Chen for sending the self-explosion!”

Yun Mengxi threw the phone aside, and then turned over again and lay on Bai Jinghong.

But just like this, fifteen minutes had already passed.

Yun Mengxi’s eyes suddenly blurred, and she couldn’t help biting her lips, and her whole body was extremely hot.

Especially since she was still sitting on Bai Jinghong.

She couldn’t help looking at Bai Jinghong.

Bai Jinghong, who was already very handsome, became even more handsome for some reason, and the more she looked at him, the more fascinated she became.

As she watched, her heart was beating wildly, and she couldn’t help but raise her hand to touch Bai Jinghong’s forehead, then slide to the tip of his nose, and finally stop at his lips.

Bai Jinghong naturally felt the burning breath of the beauty in front of him.

He shouted again in his heart: “Come on, fight, don’t pity me just because I am a delicate flower!”

But Yun Mengxi is a person with strong willpower after all.

At that moment, she felt like she was electrocuted, and hurriedly withdrew her hand.

She shook her head fiercely a few times, trying to get rid of that idea from her mind.

She got off the bed, but was reluctant to leave the room.

“He… He should be very uncomfortable sleeping with clothes on…”

I don’t know if it was for Bai Jinghong’s consideration, or for other reasons.

Yun Mengxi came to Bai Jinghong by some strange coincidence.

First, she took off his shoes, then unbuttoned his coat and slowly took it off.

Then she unbuttoned Bai Jinghong’s shirt.

That perfect figure and well-defined abdominal muscles were instantly revealed in front of her.

Yun Mengxi felt like she was crazy, her heart was beating like crazy.

“I… How could I have such an idea in my head.”


Bai Jinghong was getting anxious herself. Damn, this willpower is a bit strong.

She could actually hold on for so long with the stuff exchanged from the system.

Then something happened that made Bai Jinghong excited.

Yun Mengxi whispered in a mosquito-like voice: “He is really drunk, I… I do something secretly, and he can’t find it…”

This time there was a gap in her will, like a flood that was opened, and it was out of control.

Yun Mengxi slowly unbuttoned her shirt, revealing her white shoulders, and then she almost took off everything and moved towards Bai Jinghong again.

The contact between skin and skin made her unable to control her consciousness.

That beautiful face stayed on Bai Jinghong’s face, and then raised her hand to touch Bai Jinghong’s lips.

Then, with a dazed look in her eyes, her rosy little mouth pressed directly against Bai Jinghong’s lips.

“Hmm… um…”

This time Yun Mengxi took the lead, and her tongue slid in silently.

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