The old man was so angry that he was not happy.

Judging from this point, Bai Jinghong’s acting skills are either too good or he is really confused.

Bai Jinghong was suddenly stunned: “I understand, huh… Is he saying that I stole your woman?”

“Okay, since he said so, let me see it. I also want to know why I dated Feng Wanxuan.”

Bai Jinghong showed sarcasm and disappointment again.

Xiao Tianlong was also entangled at this moment.

“Boss, I don’t think the military advisor can do such a thing!” Someone also spoke for Bai Jinghong.

“Yes, Boss, the military advisor is a rich young man, with many women around him, and there must be some top-notch beauties, how could he do that kind of thing.”

Qiu Yuan laughed: “Bai Jinghong, military advisor, no matter how much you quibble, it’s useless.”

As he said, he took out his mobile phone and shook it: “I recorded it.”

Bai Jinghong still looked confused: “Okay, then let me see it.”

Everyone was looking forward to it.

Xiao Tianlong was even more solemn.

Qiu Yuan sneered, turned on the phone, and then turned up the volume to the maximum, facing everyone.

Soon, the picture came out.

It was a picture of Qiu Yuan holding a mobile phone and hurriedly running to the toilet.

From here, you can’t see anything.

But soon, the picture went to the toilet. Qiu Yuan stuck to the door to listen, and then walked to another partition, stepping on the wall with his feet, and the picture was from top to bottom.

It was a man squatting…

Qiu Yuan himself was a little confused.

The video is correct, how come it is a picture of a man pooping?


The video continues to the next part, still squatting.

Qiu Yuan is recording from above, and the man is squatting below, in a stalemate.

“Damn, did you take the wrong video?”

“You took so long to record someone pooping, are you sick…”

Qiu Yuan was also panicked, and quickly closed it, and then flipped through the video.

But this is the only video recorded in the phone today.

“Impossible, I saw it with my own eyes, how could it be like this?”

Qiu Yuan’s face changed, and he kept flipping through the video.

Xiao Tianlong’s face had turned cold: “You’d better explain.”

Qiu Yuan looked flustered, and then pointed at Bai Jinghong: “Are you the one who did it? It’s you!”

“I clearly saw you kissing Feng Wanxuan in the partition with my own eyes, it was you!”

Bai Jinghong sneered: “You really have to? I crippled your brother, even if you want revenge, don’t use such a cheap trick.”

“How did I do it? Did I steal your phone? Or did I change the video on your phone out of thin air?”

Qiu Yuan was speechless.

Indeed, Bai Jinghong didn’t even notice him, how could he do it.

What’s going on?

The evidence is all messed up, how could everyone believe it, and they all thought it was a joke.

Bai Jinghong suddenly looked solemn, looking at Qiu Yuan: “Why do I feel that you did this deliberately to plant a seed of suspicion in Brother Xiao?”

Hearing this, Xiao Tianlong also looked at Qiu Yuan.

Everyone looked at Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan’s face changed greatly. This Bai Jinghong was so insidious. He killed people without spilling blood and directly diverted the conflict.

“You are talking nonsense. Why should I do this?”

As soon as this sentence came out, it made things worse.

Everyone knew the conflict between Bai Jinghong and Qiu Yuan. Now he actually asked why he did this?

Wasn’t it just to get rid of Bai Jinghong and avenge his brother?

Qiu Yuan’s mouth twitched and he looked at Xiao Tianlong: “Boss, say something. I have followed you for so long. How could I do something that would damage the Shura Palace!”

Xiao Tianlong did not respond, but just looked at him.

Qiu Yuan just felt panic in his heart, as if he had been tricked.

He glanced around and shouted: “Why are you all…looking at me? I am not lying!”

No one responded, and there was silence.

Qiu Yuan was so angry that he slammed the table: “Damn it, why don’t you believe me!”

“Speak, speak!”

Xiang Mao, who believed in Bai Jinghong, also said: “How can you make us believe it? Just take out a video of pooping? Are you so casual to accuse people?”

Ji Ba Mao also said loudly: “Boss, I believe in the military advisor. The military advisor is fine!”

Seeing that everyone didn’t believe it, Qiu Yuan was also anxious: “You don’t believe it, you don’t believe it, then I will kill him directly!”

Qiu Yuan was so angry that he touched his waist directly, took out a black pistol, and pointed it at Bai Jinghong.

When this action appeared, many people stood up and subconsciously wanted to draw their guns.

“Qiu Yuan, don’t get excited, talk if you have something to say!”

Qiu Yuan gritted his teeth, his face sinister: “You don’t believe it? You are afraid of Bai Jinghong, right?”

“I tell you, I am devoted to Shura Palace, I am not afraid, you don’t believe it, I would rather kill by mistake, he won’t live today!”

Seeing Qiu Yuan draw a gun and point it at the military advisor, those who worked with him were hesitant, and some people also drew guns at Qiu Yuan.

Qiu Yuan’s action was a desperate move.

The situation was deadlocked.

Bai Jinghong lit a cigarette slowly and smoked it quietly.

Xiao Tianlong did not speak from beginning to end.

But his eyes were extremely cold.

“Boss, say something, I have followed you for so long, how could I hurt you, I didn’t lie, and this person really can’t be left alive!”

Qiu Yuan was trembling all over, he was angry.

“Then explain the video!” Xiao Tianlong finally asked.

Qiu Yuan shook his head: “I don’t know, but I really saw it with my own eyes. Think about it, if I don’t have sufficient evidence, would I dare to ask him to confront me?”

If Qiu Yuan said it at ordinary times, it would be reasonable and well-founded.

Without evidence, how dare you make false accusations.

But he ignored the words of Bai Jinghong before, “Why do I feel that you are doing this to deliberately plant a seed of doubt in Brother Xiao’s side?”

Xiao Tianlong is not a suspicious person, because he firmly believes that his aura and charm will make his subordinates loyal.

But not being a suspicious person does not mean that there will be no doubts.

Bai Jinghong smiled and said, “Yeah, you don’t have any evidence, how can you make false accusations!”

“If my confidant said that to me, and the evidence he produced was just randomly found, even if I didn’t believe it, I would still think too much, after all, he is my confidant.”

Qiu Yuan almost exploded, roaring, “Shut up, don’t try to frame me.”

Bai Jinghong knew it was time, and this time he locked onto Qiu Yuan.

Xiao Tianlong was still thinking about Bai Jinghong’s words, and everyone heard something.

Qiu Yuan suddenly blurted out, “Boss, look at the scene, so many people are pulling guns at their former brothers, he is destroying our unity!”

“I have reason to suspect that he was sent by Qin Mohu to deliberately sneak into Shura Hall to sow discord. I killed him for you today, which is also considered to be eliminating harm to Shura Hall!”

Qiu Yuan’s voice was loud and angry.


The people in Shura Hall were a little confused, they didn’t know who Qin Mohu was.

After Xiao Tianlong was stunned for a moment, his eyes suddenly widened, and he couldn’t believe it.

He asked his men to start making arrangements and be ready to fight Qin Mohu at any time.

But from beginning to end, he never mentioned the name Qin Mohu, but just told them to be ready.

As for his senior brother, only he and Bai Jinghong knew about it at the scene.

How did Qiu Yuan know about it?

In this way, this bastard is really suspicious.

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