The other end of the line was a little bit unbelievable about Auntie Lan’s words.

The results of all the calculations should be very smooth.

Although there were some twists and turns, the calculation results were safe.

But the fact that Xiao Tianlong and the Ming family turned against each other was outrageous.

Auntie Lan told the news that the Ming family said they knew one by one.

She didn’t know the specific details, but she knew that under Xiao Tianlong’s patient treatment, the old man of the Ming family died.

There was silence on the other end of the phone: “It seems that something unexpected has really happened!”

“An unexpected event?” Aunt Lan asked in confusion: “Actually, I can’t figure it out either. There shouldn’t be any unexpected events.”

“But it just happened like this.”

The other party snorted coldly: “I almost know the reason.”

“Recently, the old leader of Longmen has also contacted me. His disciple Ye Chen was dug out from the Qianshan Mountains of Longhai.”

“I have also shown Ye Chen that this boy has great luck and is also a king!”

“He was originally one of my strong helpers, but unfortunately, his luck was damaged and he died halfway!”

“What!!!” Aunt Lan was very shocked. She really didn’t know that such a thing happened in Longhai.

So Xiao Tianlong and the others were still lucky.

“My Lord, what’s going on? Do you know?” Aunt Lan asked.

The voice on the other end of the phone was deep: “On the day when Chen Lin entered the country, I had a deep dream. In the dream, I was in a lonely sea, and the sun and the moon were in the same sky.”

“The fate star fell, and the blood moon rose. This is an ominous sign!”

“Then…then, Lord, can you guess who brought these signs?” Aunt Lan was a little panicked when she heard it.

The other party snorted coldly: “Although I can’t spy, I can deduce that this person must be the fate master Qi Sha, and carry the fate of Po Jun and Tan Lang.”

“There is no second person in the world who has the three fates. This is equivalent to three people living in one person!”

Aunt Lan also felt very mysterious when she heard it, and goose bumps appeared involuntarily.

“Lord, is this schizophrenia, or…”

“No!” The other party said coldly: “Schizophrenia is a spiritual level, which cannot create the three fates. In short, I should guess who it is.”

“Who is it? I can arrange someone to share the worries of the Lord!” Aunt Lan promised hurriedly.

“Whoever killed Ye Chen is the one who killed him. You don’t need to worry about these things. Just do your duty. This matter will be handled by the people of Longmen.”

“He destroyed the new dragon master and asked people to annex Longmen, but he ignored that Longmen has four hidden dragons and does not participate in organizational affairs. Now Longmen is divided, and the old dragon head will not stop. I just need to make a slight move…”

“Although getting rid of him early will disrupt my deployment, I can’t take care of too much now!”

After a conversation, the call was disconnected.

Auntie Lan frowned and looked very solemn.

It must be very difficult to make the master afraid.

It’s a pity that she can’t help.

Auntie Lan put away her mobile phone and looked at the sky: “The final victory belongs to the master. The blood of more than 20 years ago has not dried yet!”

Her eyes were determined to join the party…


Night fell and the lights came on.

Time passed little by little, and it was almost one o’clock in the morning in a blink of an eye.

In the room on the third floor of the Bai Family Manor, Qin Zhirou was almost asleep.

She tilted her body and fell to the ground, then suddenly woke up.

Thinking of such a good opportunity to escape, she almost missed it, what a close call!

She hurriedly looked at the time, it was already early in the morning.

She got up and looked out of the window cautiously. The light outside was soft and bright, but no one could be seen.

So she threw the rope down and saw that it almost reached the ground.


Qin Zhirou was very excited. She felt that all the conditions were perfect. If she didn’t escape at this time, she would be embarrassed.

She tied one end of the rope to the iron frame of the anti-theft window, pulled it, and made sure it was firm, and then she was about to go down.

Qin Zhirou was the eldest daughter of the Qin family. She also learned dance when she was a child, and learned some trivial self-defense skills from the family’s guards.

Her body was quite flexible.

She put on her clothes and climbed onto the windowsill, ready to escape.

There was a grassy field below, so there would be no sound after landing.

She looked around again cautiously. Most of the houses in the distance had turned off their lights, and there was no one outside.

She became more and more excited, thinking that she would be able to go home soon, and she felt even more eager to go home.

She held the rope tightly and slid down.

She was tall, but

With her light figure and some dance and martial arts skills, she easily reached the ground.

However, when she reached the ground, the rope suddenly broke.

She cried “Ouch” and fell on a clump of grass.

She hurried to get up, but unexpectedly, the corner of her skirt was caught by the small flowerbed around the house, and she couldn’t stand up.

In a hurry, she struggled violently, and heard a “swish” sound, and the skirt was torn in half.

It was not long to begin with, and now it is even shorter.

The slender jade legs were directly blown by the night wind, and they were slightly cool.

“Leave this piece of cloth here as a souvenir for that guy!”

Qin Zhirou muttered: “Huh, that guy always says I’m stupid, stupid, but he is stupid!”

“You guarded it tightly, afraid that I would escape, but didn’t I escape easily? When he sees this piece of cloth, he must be angry to death, right? Haha!”

She thought of Bai Jinghong’s angry look in her mind, and couldn’t help but cover her mouth and laugh.

Just as she was laughing, a loud panting sound suddenly came from the corner of the house.

This startled her and she cried out, “Who!”

But no one responded.

Although Qin Zhirou was very scared, she spoke with great momentum: “If you don’t come out, then… don’t blame me for being rude!”

The next second, a guy who was bigger than a human appeared.

He had black hair all over his body, his eyes were shining with a faint light, his sharp teeth were bared, and saliva was dripping from his mouth.

“Tibetan Mastiff!”

This manor is very large, and Bai Jinghong has raised some guards.

This Tibetan Mastiff was there, and it was tied up.

But Qin Zhirou was too nervous, and she only saw that the Tibetan Mastiff was not far from her, and it was baring its teeth.

“Don’t… don’t come over!” Qin Zhirou was terrified.

If she was pounced on and bitten by the Tibetan Mastiff, she would be disfigured if she didn’t die.

Even a strong man might not be able to control a Tibetan mastiff of such a large size, let alone her.

Even if he slid over, he would be bitten to death.

The Tibetan mastiff slowly approached, which was very scary.

Qin Zhirou screamed and turned around and ran.

But the Tibetan mastiff could only move so far, so there was no way to catch up.

After hearing this, Zang Ao also roared, and she was so scared that her face turned pale and she didn’t dare to look back.

She didn’t run a few meters, but “thumped” into someone’s arms.

It was a very solid chest, but it felt very warm and safe.

“Help~” She didn’t care who the other person was. It was important to survive, so she quickly asked for help.

“You are very powerful. You ran down from the third floor with a rope woven with clothes!” A cold voice suddenly sounded.

Hearing this voice, Qin Zhirou trembled with fear.

This was clearly Bai Jinghong’s voice. He quickly looked up and saw that the person he bumped into was indeed Bai Jinghong.

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