After leaving the three-story building, Bai Jinghong went to the restaurant. After breakfast, he was going to the Shura Palace.

Tonight, or tomorrow at the latest, Xiao Tianlong will make a move.

And his move is a frontal attack.

While attacking Qin Mohu’s industry, he also has to attack him personally.

Bai Jinghong has to add fuel to the fire.

As expected, the phone rang again.

The caller is Mu Yanbing.

Bai Jinghong picked up the phone and said with a smile: “Bingbing, do you miss your husband?”

Mu Yanbing on the phone chuckled: “I don’t miss you.”

“Mr. Bai is so busy. I haven’t seen you since I left the Mu family. I just want to find you. I guess I have to make an appointment.”

Listening to Mu Yanbing’s words, there was more or less some resentment.

“No, okay, I’m going to be busy!” Bai Jinghong said, pretending to hang up the phone.

“Hey, wait, wait!” Mu Yanbing said angrily, “Can’t you give in to me a little?”

“Actually, I just want to ask you if you are free at noon. My family asked me to attend the Su family’s cruise cocktail party, and I want you to accompany me.”

Bai Jinghong laughed: “It’s just a cocktail party, of course it’s okay.”

But the next second, Bai Jinghong was stunned: “Who are you talking about? The Su family? The Su family in Su Province?”

“Yes!” Mu Yanbing responded: “The main reason is that the nature of the cruise cocktail party is a kind of dance party. I don’t have a dance partner, and I don’t want to socialize with other men. Isn’t this asking you, a busy man.”

“If you don’t have time, forget it, I’ll just go over there. If some flies stare at me, no one will protect me, so pitiful!”

Mu Yanbing said pitifully, as if a little wife was neglected.

“Damn, go, you must go, tell me when you leave, I’ll pick you up!”

Bai Jinghong agreed directly.

This is the main plot of Qin Mohu’s script.

I thought it wouldn’t appear so soon.

Now it seems that I took Mu Yanbing and disrupted the plot, so that Mu Yanbing’s plot on Qin Mohu’s side was cleared, which brought it forward.

Su Qian of the Su family in Su Province is one of Qin Mohu’s engagements.

This is rushing to give Roujiamo!

Roujiamo piled up, and now there are several portions that have not been eaten.

Longhai Ye Qingke didn’t eat it, Mu Yanbing didn’t eat it, Feng Wanxuan, Minghuang, didn’t eat it.

Su Qian appeared again.

In this way, according to the original plot, Qin Mohu will definitely appear.

Hearing Bai Jinghong’s response, Mu Yanbing was also very happy: “Well, then it’s a deal, don’t be busy with other things today, just accompany me!”

“Okay, remember to contact me in advance, I’ll pick you up!” Bai Jinghong smiled wickedly in his heart.

After a few tender words, Bai Jinghong hung up the phone.

Just as he was about to go to Shura Palace, Shen Yaoyao sent a message.

The content was “Auntie Lan showed up yesterday and has been staying in the Si family villa without leaving.”

“She made a phone call in the yard yesterday evening. According to the analysis of her lips, she mentioned Longmen while calling the other party “Master”!”

“Huai Rong has sneaked in and the bug has been installed in her room!”

Bai Jinghong looked at the message sent by Shen Yaoyao and analyzed some of it.

The person Auntie Lan mentioned is, to a large extent, the mysterious and powerful Fang Lao Deng.

“Okay, I know, let Huai Rong take action and let that filthy woman suffer first!” Bai Jinghong replied to the message.

He wanted to get rid of Auntie Lan, but this person still had value. At least more than 20 years ago, the affairs of the Yan family were inseparable from her.

Bai Jinghong would not be reckless when it came to his sister.

The Yan family must not die in vain!

But not killing her now does not mean that he cannot torture her without knowing it.

Sometimes, living is also a painful thing.

After the explanation, Bai Jinghong went to the Shura Palace.

Xiao Tianlong was there early in the morning.

After all, the opponent is Qin Mohu, who is stronger than him, so he can’t be careless.

Although Qin Mohu is the abandoned young master of the Qin family, his network of relationships is still strong, and there are some childhood friends who will support him.

Even if he attacks, he must act cautiously and not leave any handles at the beginning.

This is also what Xiao Tianlong and Qin Mohu learned.

Qin Mohu cheated him so many times, although he was discovered by him, in the end, he really didn’t leave any tails every time, and he did things cleanly and neatly.

This is also a point that makes Xiao Tianlong very helpless.

He knew it was him, but he could only endure it.

He wanted to fight openly, but he didn’t

Substantial evidence, if you act rashly, it will be seen as wrong by outsiders.

The villains act unscrupulously and shamelessly, and the central idea is “killing the other party is the truth!”

But Xiao Tianlong, as the light of righteousness, has a common problem.

That is, when there are people looking up to him, he must do things that convince people, stand on the moral high ground and step on the opponent first, even if he wants to defeat the opponent, he must pay attention to a legitimate reason.

Make people feel that he has reasons and evidence to do so, so that he will not be criticized.

When Bai Jinghong arrived, he went directly to the office of the teahouse.

Xiao Tianlong was inside, looking out the window at this moment.

And next to Xiao Tianlong’s desk, there were two dark men standing.

Those two men should be the gold medal warriors in the Shura Palace, Odebiao and Odessa.

For some reason, when Bai Jinghong saw the two men, he always felt that they were good at riding 28-bars and pulling bananas.

There was even a burst of “Woo, woo, woo…” in my head.

“Brother Xiao!” Bai Jinghong called out.

Xiao Tianlong turned around quickly with a smile on his face: “Brother Bai, you are here!”

Bai Jinghong nodded and pointed at the two brothers Odebiao: “Who are they?”

Odebiao clasped his hands together: “If I hadn’t been born, no one in the palace would pull bananas! Odebiao greets the military advisor!”

Odessa also clasped his hands together: “I have never known Odessa in my life, and the 28-inch bicycle has no footrest! Odessa greets the military advisor!”

“You are a good person, I have heard of you for a long time!” Bai Jinghong also clasped his hands together and smiled.

Xiao Tianlong waved his hand, signaling the two brothers to leave.

And he sat on the sofa and started to make tea.

“Brother Bai, do you have any news today?” Xiao Tianlong asked.

Bai Jinghong nodded: “Today my woman asked me to accompany her to a cocktail party. According to the information I got, Qin Mohu will probably go too.”

Hearing Bai Jinghong’s words, Xiao Tianlong’s eyes lit up: “You mean, take action at the cocktail party?”

Bai Jinghong shook his head: “No, let’s stick to the original plan. I will hide in the dark at the cocktail party and monitor Qin Mohu.”

“And you wait for my news here, and take action at any time to make people want to defeat Qin Mohu’s industry.”

Xiao Tianlong did not object to Bai Jinghong’s words, but he actually wanted to go to this cocktail party.

Qin Mohu had cheated him so many times, he had to come forward to find a place.

“Brother Bai, how about I go with you?”

Bai Jinghong decisively refused: “No, the Ming family will probably go to this cocktail party. If you go, you will attract the spearhead to yourself.”

“If Qin Mohu seizes the opportunity, he will definitely use the Ming family to start crazy revenge. I can only suppress the Ming family temporarily. For the sake of the overall situation, you can’t go.”

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