After the matter was settled, Bai Jinghong naturally left the mental hospital quickly.

He didn’t care about Aunt Lan for the time being, and the Song faction was watching Aunt Lan for Qin Mohu, and would report to him if there was anything.

Bai Jinghong planned to go and see his own Deadpool Group. A Kun and others had been training for so long, they should be very good.

The Deadpool Group was very important, and he would face Fang Tianque, the old dog, sooner or later.

But that old dog was very mysterious.

There was also a Skynet organization.

It was definitely not okay not to be on guard.

That old dog was the protagonist among the protagonists, and his brain must be very smart.

Starting from Chen Lin, to Gu Tianming, Ye Chen, Xiao Tianlong, and Qin Mohu.

Everyone is inseparable from him.

He is a fool, he can guess one or two.

And the four hidden dragons of Longmen attacking him is a signal.

Although Fang Tianque is hiding in some cesspool, his minions are everywhere, and even the old dragon head can be provoked by him.

Bai Jinghong drove to the suburbs.

This suburb is located in the south of Su Province, and there is a mountain road going up.

You can’t see anything from the bottom up.

And there are checkpoints and roadblocks on the mountain road.

There are two big men guarding it.

This hilltop has long been marked under Bai Jinghong’s name by taking advantage of his power.

Although there is a time limit, it is enough.

The car could not go up the mountain, Bai Jinghong parked the car and walked directly to the checkpoint.

The two big men immediately stood straight and said respectfully: “Young Master!”

“Yes!” Bai Jinghong nodded and raised his hand to signal.

The two men let him go immediately.

Bai Jinghong walked up the mountain path he had opened up, and after many twists and turns, he arrived at another sentry post.

All the way up, there were many deadpools training in the dark.

At the top, Bai Jinghong could see a large open space that had been opened up.

It was like flattening the top of the mountain.

There were electric fences all around, and on the left was a row of houses, similar to dormitory sheds built on a construction site.

There were various projects on the training ground, and the intensity was even much stronger than that of special forces.

Even in a battle, it was for real.

Bai Jinghong looked at some people who were training in battle, holding daggers in their hands, fighting two by two.

Even if they were weaker than the opponent, they were not afraid at all. In their minds, they were weapons without weapons.

They could bite off the opponent’s neck with their teeth.

The martial arts quick success method that Bai Jinghong gave to A Kun was different in training.

Everyone here was a martial artist, and their realms were different, and some could not be distinguished by realm.

The impression given to Bai Jinghong is just two words – beast!

Even the cooks, medical and communication staff are no different from other people.

The cruelty of the training is shocking.

Bai Jinghong believes that people who leave here have basically wiped out a series of human weaknesses such as compassion and kindness.

It is a complete killing machine.

Bai Jinghong did not walk over, but watched quietly from a distance.

A Kun was also there, but he was also shouting and brainwashing people.

Ye Feng can also be seen in the corner. That guy has not been seen for a while, and now he has completely changed.

Even if he is sitting cross-legged there, you can feel the fierce murderous aura on him.

This guy is about to go abroad for training, and the day he returns is the real protagonist.

And A Kun also saw Bai Jinghong there and immediately greeted him.

“Master, why are you here!” A Kun had a smile on his face.

“Just came to take a look, very good, I am very satisfied!” Bai Jinghong patted A Kun on the shoulder.

“This is what I should do. Five hundred deadpools are ready to die for the young master at any time.”

Bai Jinghong nodded: “Very good, these people can be seen to be elite soldiers and strong!”

A Kun hurriedly said: “I have selected one hundred of them, and then dispersed them to various places, summoned the elite, and let them serve as instructors to train batches of deadpools.”

“Deadpools are born to die. Even if you ask them to be human bombs, they will not frown.”

A Kun thought of the grand scene, and his blood boiled.

“Okay, hahaha!” Bai Jinghong laughed.

When someone does these things, I feel more relaxed.

I am not afraid of the strong, but I am afraid of those who are not afraid of death.

In China, where gun control is strict, there can be no large-scale armed forces except the army.

And these warrior deadpools will be the best and most terrifying weapons.

Even the world’s largest organization would be wary of these omnipresent lunatics.

Bai Jinghong didn’t come here to show off, but just to see the results of the training.

After watching, he left quietly.

He didn’t greet anyone, nor did he say anything impassioned.

They didn’t need these either.


As for Qin Mohu.

He had already woken up from the villa.

When he opened his eyes, he felt dizzy.

He felt sick.

The scenes of mating with Aunt Lan emerged in his mind.

The memory was particularly deep.

And the smell of shit on him was extremely strong.

His men had just brought him back, and they didn’t have time to deal with him.

At this moment, he was still wrapped in Aunt Lan’s bed sheet from the mental hospital.


“Mr. Qin, you’re awake, how do you feel?” The cordial greetings from his men almost made Qin Mohu speak crisply.

How do you feel? Damn, you dare to ask how you feel?

“Get lost!” Qin Mohu cursed, and the subordinate quickly retreated.

Qin Mohu retched, rolled up, threw away the sheets, and stamped his feet on the ground in anger.

It was so frustrating.

There was a feeling of anger, and I didn’t know where to vent it.

Damn, I actually boiled Aunt Lan today, it was outrageous.

Qin Mohu’s mentality is not that of an ordinary person after all.

Soon he began to think about these weird things.

Doing that with Aunt Lan must be the kind of evil spirit.

Otherwise, how could it be so inexplicable.

“Calm down, calm down!” Qin Mohu took a deep breath, frowned and began to think again.

“It’s time to clean up the filth and bad luck here!”

Qin Mohu muttered and shouted to the outside: “Someone come!”

Soon, two men came in: “Mr. Qin.”

“Let someone get a wolfhound, put a table in the middle of the living room, three liters of rice, three incense sticks, and kill pigs and sheep!”

Qin Mohu ordered immediately.

The subordinates didn’t understand why, but they still agreed to do it immediately.

After explaining the matter, Qin Mohu bit his lip: “This time I don’t believe that there are still evil spirits who dare to be rampant under my Maoshan magic!”

Suddenly, Qin Mohu was stunned.

“Ah~ Chao!”


Qin Mohu retched and rushed to the bathroom.

If you don’t take a good bath, you might as well die.

He smells all over his body.

If you don’t know, you might as well think he just went to work in the fields.

His face is covered with mud…

Especially in the broad daylight, there is a little sunshine, and it’s dried up.

Even taking a shower can only remove most of the smell, but it can retain the original smell to the greatest extent.

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