Finally, he felt it!!!


“BIU, pu pu…”

Qin Mohu thought it was not good, but he felt like he was helped by God!

Xiao Tianlong didn’t retreat at all. Even if there was a gap in the back, it didn’t affect his attack!

Xiao Tianlong knew that he would not have much advantage if he continued like this.

Qin Mohu’s defense was strong and his skills were varied, but his lower body seemed a little unstable now.

Xiao Tianlong made a prompt decision and slid over, trying to use his legs to split Qin Mohu’s legs.

In this way, Qin Mohu would lose his balance and stumble, and he would have the upper hand.

But Xiao Tianlong also underestimated the slipperiness of the back of his pants, which was like oil, sliding faster and farther than expected…

With this jump, he went too far, causing his head to face Qin Mohu’s crotch.

“Forget it, a monkey stealing peaches is fine!”

Xiao Tianlong made a move instantly.

But before he could reach out, he heard a sound: “Puff… Beep…”

A hot “pa pa pa” smeared on his face!


“Yue~, you fucking, eat hot pot for lunch!”

Among the onlookers, someone vomited directly.

He kept cursing.

Qin Mohu quickly raised his foot and stomped down, about to step on Xiao Tianlong to death.

But Xiao Tianlong turned over and stood up again.

The two of them smelled all over, he had hot pot, and he had elbows.

The state banquet comparable to India’s “Alps, Pikachu~”

The two faced each other again and attacked like crazy.

The speed was so fast that afterimages were left.

The muffled sound resounded throughout the venue!

As they fought, the two sides controlled each other.

Xiao Tianlong suddenly pulled his hand back, scooped up a handful of rice, and directly smeared it on Qin Mohu’s face: “Shit~”

Qin Mohu couldn’t dodge and was hit.

He also went crazy, and also scooped back and pressed on Xiao Tianlong’s face: “I’ll trap you~”

The two of them, you and I, followed by my left hand, right hand in slow motion…

“Secret! Shi Zhenxiang!”

As they fought, the two sides controlled each other again, grinning, and their real faces could not be seen clearly.

There were waves of retching at the scene, but inexplicably, they wanted to watch.

Finally, the battle entered a white-hot stage!

The two clamped each other and began to compete with each other!

They started to spin crazily.

They spun faster and faster in the same place!

But the faster they spun, the faster they sprinkled!

The spray continued behind the two people!

Because of the rotation, they swung far away, with the two people as the center, like a compass! ! !

Beautiful arcs were thrown one after another, like a sweet rain from the sky!

But this situation made the people around who were eating melons explode!

Who could have thought that it would be sprinkled so far!

Many people had it on their hair and clothes!

“I’m boiling!”

“Yue~ Are they spraying manure trucks?”

“No, elbow~”

“Hot pot~”


The scene was in chaos, and everyone started running.

Some children who were brought here were also scared and cried loudly.

There were also many people sitting on the ground crying!

“Uncle, please stop, I’m scared…”

“Uncle, please, stop…”

“Wuwuwuwu, I want to go home!”

The people at the scene were running away.

The wall painted with feces is not in vain.

If this side is not spacious and the wall is too far away, the whole circle around it will be covered.

“Oh my God, why is it endless!”

“Is this the legendary: love even if you have shit, you won’t be happy unless you have it thoroughly…”

“Yue~, no, no, I want to go home!”

The Qin family was very confused, but they really wanted to cry at this moment.

The Qin family’s banquet is over.

It will be infamous for thousands of years, and it’s really infamous.

And everyone knows that Qin Mohu is a member of the Qin family, even if he is an abandoned young master.

But when discussing this matter, it is inevitable that the Qin family will be mentioned.

Bai Jinghong had foresight and had already hidden far away.

It doesn’t matter at all.

The women of Bai Jinghong were even smarter and went directly into the glass box.

They couldn’t even smell anything.

“Oh my god, this… is so scary!” Xu Sixin looked at the scene outside and felt like vomiting.

Bai Ruoxi also frowned slightly, looking very disgusted.

The four golden flowers didn’t say anything, they were used to it.

Jiang Yueying looked at

Ming Huang: “I said Miss Ming, this place seems to be your family’s property!”

“Can you still take it?”

Ming Huang was also very upset and looked away: “Depreciation is certain, but the Qin family is responsible for the compensation!”

“Zhirou, what do you think…”

Qin Zhirou had already turned around: “I don’t look…yue~”

Although Yun Mengxi and Qin Chuchu’s faces changed slightly, fortunately they had learned from the past and were mentally prepared.

To be honest, Qin Mohu and Xiao Tianlong are much more powerful than Ye Chen!

Ye Chen is a faucet, Qin Mohu and others, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are dung spraying trucks.

“This… Is this Jinghong’s doing?” Mu Yanbing has also seen the world, but she can keep her composure.

Jiang Yueying pursed her lips: “Look at your man, he is almost laughing to death sitting over there, what do you think?”

Hearing this, the women all looked at Bai Jinghong’s position.

Sure enough, Bai Jinghong leaned back in his chair and laughed until he beat his chest.

A helpless smile appeared in the eyes of the girls.

Bai Jinghong was so bad, this must be his doing.

But it was also explosive enough, I don’t know how he did it.

“Jinghong, this guy, has a lot of ideas since he was a child.” Bai Ruoxi sighed helplessly.

“Yeah, and he can easily teach children bad things. I think Xiaoyu’s child must not be brought up by him after it is born.” Jiang Yueying also added.

The other women also nodded tacitly.

Bai Ruoxi naturally would not object. She still remembered that a cousin at home was taught badly by Bai Jinghong.

In the past, the little cousin quarreled with her friends at school and came back to find Bai Jinghong. Bai Jinghong actually asked her to hit him with a shovel.

The little cousin was quite smart and said how could a girl hit someone with a shovel.

Who could have thought that Bai Jinghong gave her a pink shovel the next day, saying it was suitable for girls!

Is this what a human would do?

Now that cousin… a little gangster!

Bai Jinghong didn’t know that he was being attacked by his own woman.

Fierce fighting was still going on outside.

Qin Mohu and Xiao Tianlong were two maggots in the sea of ​​dung, twisting wildly!

But the two of them became braver and more ruthless as they fought.

They were all blood-thirsty.

And Bai Jinghong was ready for the last step.

“Tongzi, improve their Huantian Jue skills!”

[Okay! ]

After the system responded, the momentum of the two people over there rose together, soaring!

It seemed that they had both made a breakthrough.

The energy on his body seemed like a dryer, so hot.

The rice field stained on his body was also gradually hardening.

High fire to collect the juice!

Qin Mohu felt the change in himself, and his confidence soared. He must kill Xiao Tianlong today.

Xiao Tianlong also felt the change, roared, and brought up a fierce aura.

The two came into contact again and blasted each other!

But somewhere, something changed quietly…

Xiao Tianlong was the first to notice something was wrong, and was horrified!

It seems… It’s gone…

“It’s not seems, it’s gone…”

Xiao Tianlong’s face was pale, and he retreated quickly and reached out to find it!

Qin Mohu also noticed it and was horrified.

He also retreated and reached out to find it.

The two looked up at each other almost at the same time.

Those people in the distance saw this and wanted to vomit: “This is fucking, it’s not going to be fencing…”

“You hurt me! I’ll kill you!!!” Xiao Tianlong rushed up quickly and made a fatal move.

Qin Mohu was even more furious, and the last bit of a man was gone.

No matter how much wealth and status you have, what’s the use!

Qin Mohu rushed forward.

The two seemed to feel no pain at all, just fighting desperately.

Xiao Tianlong’s blood gushed out of his mouth, but he didn’t retreat at all.

Qin Mohu was the same. When he charged, he broke his bones, but it didn’t affect his action!

The two were evenly matched, and Bai Jinghong thought that dying together was the best result.

In front of everyone, the two killed each other.

Even if it was Qin Zhirou or Lin Jingli, he had an explanation!

It had nothing to do with him!

Just when Bai Jinghong thought that both of them were going to die.

Qin Mohu suddenly broke through!

Bai Jinghong saw it and thought that Qin Mohu was lucky.

It should be the book of Tyrant Body that he gave him when he pretended to be Taoist Sheng Yang.

After Qin Mohu broke through his body, he practiced that method, although it was all negative.

But there was also a little chance that he could strengthen himself.

If he breaks through at this critical moment, it means Xiao Tianlong will definitely die!

But if he kills Xiao Tianlong, Qin Mohu

will also be counterattacked, and the realm will drop sharply!

“Brother Xiao, goodbye…”

Bai Jinghong lit a cigarette, but he didn’t really want Xiao Tianlong to die now.

But this good opportunity, a good opportunity to transfer the blame, can’t be easily let go.

It’s still very wise to let each other kill one of them.

If Xiao Tianlong doesn’t die, Qin Mohu won’t return to the imperial capital, and that Zhenbei Longshuai won’t come out!

In order to kill Fang Laogou’s grandson, Xiao Tianlong should also eat his meal!

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