After drinking the soup, the wine was very delicious.

Fang Hao took the ginseng soup from Xiao Mo and drank it all in one gulp.

You can say that the thousand-year-old snow ginseng is different.

As soon as he drank it, he felt a burst of heat all over his body.

The blood in his body came up all at once.

Fang Hao quickly sat cross-legged in meditation.

And the considerate Xiao Mo quietly left the room.

After a long time…


Fang Hao exhaled a breath of turbid air!


After a while, Fang Hao suddenly opened his eyes, and his eyes seemed to have regained clarity.

He stood up quickly, jumped out, and rushed out of the room, his muscles and bones rang together, like thunder, constantly ringing.

Swoosh, swoosh, swoosh!

Like a ghost.


The next moment, Fang Hao closed his pores, twisted his body, and transformed the energy generated by the force into strength, concentrating it on his right fist, and smashed it out like a cannon hammer.

This punch was silent and seemed slow, but it was actually extremely fast!


In an instant, the crisp sound spread throughout the yard, like a thunderous explosion.

Even the water in the well, which had been calm and without any waves, surged with Fang Hao’s rhythm!

Still as a mountain, moving like thunder!

“Shua shua shua…”

Fang Hao’s clothes exploded, his figure flashed, and his fists were like cannon hammers, constantly smashing out, and crisp sounds continued to come out.

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Hao stopped.

His pores suddenly loosened, and his whole body was shrouded in white mist, as if he was in the clouds.

A few seconds later, the white mist dissipated and turned into sweat, slowly sliding down from Fang Hao’s sturdy body.

“Break and then stand, break and then stand!”

Fang Hao laughed up to the sky, laughing very happily!

Mid-level Heavenly Level!

“Great!” Fang Hao’s face was full of uncontrollable excitement!

He had been tortured to the point of becoming a cripple, but he didn’t expect that after drinking the extremely rich Ten Thousand Years Snow Ginseng, he would actually reach a higher level.

This is the so-called blessing in disguise.

Xiao Mo in the room was also very happy, especially when he saw Fang Hao so brave.

I’m afraid he’ll get wet…

“Brother Fang, you’re so awesome!” Xiao Mo ran to Fang Hao excitedly.

Fang Hao turned his head and saw Xiao Mo, and after a slight pause, he smiled.

“Thank you, you’ll be my sister from now on…”

If Bai Jinghong were here, he would have to give him a thumbs up.

In terms of color, Fang Hao is slightly better.

Bai Jinghong called the pretty ones “old friends” and the ugly ones “Obasan”!

Fang Hao was much more civilized. He would call the pretty ones “something” affectionately, and would directly recognize the ugly ones who had done him a favor as his sister.

Xiao Mo felt a little disappointed. She didn’t expect Brother Fang to say it so confidently.

But she was still happy for Fang Hao.

At this moment, a black shadow came from a distance…

Fang Hao’s eyes fixed, thinking that Qian Yan had sent someone to find this place.

“Young Master…”

An old voice sounded.

The figure was getting closer.

Xiao Mo was a little scared and directly hugged Fang Hao’s arm and hid behind Fang Hao.

When the black shadow appeared, he knelt on one knee in front of Fang Hao.

“Old slave Mabian, meet the young master…”

Fang Hao recognized him at a glance: “Uncle Ma, why are you here?”

“The old master learned about your experience and asked me to find you. Two days ago, I was already nearby.”

“God bless you, young master. You broke down and then stood up again. I showed up now.”

Xiao Mo looked at the dark old man and swallowed his saliva. He was nearby two days ago, why didn’t he come to recognize him?

It feels like he is trying to cheat the snow ginseng.

But as soon as this thought came to mind, Xiao Mo threw it out of his mind. Brother Fang is not that kind of person.

“This is all thanks to my sister…” Fang Hao smiled.

“Goddess of War?”

“No, it’s my new sister!” Fang Hao said, pulling Xiao Mo over: “Xiao Mo, this is my old housekeeper, Uncle Ma!”

“Hello Uncle Ma…” Xiao Mo greeted.

“Okay, thank you for helping our young master. If you have any requests, feel free to ask…”

Xiao Mo is a simple village girl, how could she have so many desires.

Even if he wanted Fang Hao to stay and live together, it would be impossible.

Brother Fang is destined to be a man of great things, how could she be a stumbling block on the road to his success.

“I… I don’t have any requests, I just hope Brother Fang is okay, that… Uncle Ma

Uncle, please sit down first. I’ll go get you some tea.”

Xiao Mo is a smart and clever girl. She knew they were going to talk, so she walked away immediately.

Fang Hao also gestured.

The two sat on the stone bench.

“Young Master, that little girl seems to be…” Mabian was hesitant to speak.

Fang Hao shook his head: “I am destined not to stay here, but I will always remember her kindness. Please ask someone to take care of her for me in the future, and don’t let anyone bully her!”

“She is a good girl. She has been taking care of me during these days of getting along with her. I was able to recover because of her.”

Mabian immediately understood that the good guy card was out, and it seemed that there would be no other relationship.

“Uncle Ma, do you know what is going on in the North? I plan to go there and kill that traitor! “Fang Hao’s eyes revealed a hint of ferocity.

Being backstabbed by someone you trust is really uncomfortable.

He wanted to chop Qian Yan off.

I thought Mabian would tell him the situation, but he just shook his head.

“You can’t go back for the time being. There is a master behind the guy who hurt you. Just a few days after you left, he completely controlled the Northern Territory and took your position.”

“Impossible!” Fang Hao stood up suddenly: “I don’t believe it!”

Mabian shook his head: “Young Master, this is a fact, the official statement directly, and there are many big guys standing behind him.”

“That guy is now a veritable Dragon General of Zhenbei. There is no Dragon General in the Northern Army!”

“Qian Yan… I’m going to kill you!” Fang Hao was so angry.

After fighting with blood and tears for so many years, giving everything, it was all in vain in the end.

“But the old patriarch has chosen a new path for the young master. As long as it is successful, you can return to the Northern Army at any time and take control again!”

“What? “Fang Hao frowned.

“Global Martial Arts Conference!”

“Global Martial Arts Conference? A martial arts conference held once every ten years?” Fang Hao was stunned.

Mabian nodded: “Yes, as long as you win the championship, you will be able to enter the top martial arts association of China and enter the most mysterious base.”

“That will be the real beginning of the restoration of the Fang family. Although the Northern Dragon Army is led by you, it is still a national army in the end.”

“You can’t transfer it away from the Northern Territory. If you can’t leave it, it will be useless!”

As he said, Mabian took out a pill and handed it to Fang Hao.

“What is this?” Fang Hao looked at the pill in his hand.

“Young Master, this is the breath concealing pill that the old patriarch spent three years refining. You are now in the middle stage of the heaven level, and the upper limit of the martial arts conference is the early stage of the heaven level. You have exceeded it.”

“In theory, you can’t participate, but the breath concealing pill can return your breath to the early stage of the heaven level.”

“So, I have won the championship! “Fang Hao smiled.

Mabian shook his head directly: “Don’t be careless. The participants this time are from all over the world. There are many masters, and realm does not represent everything. There are many participants from hidden martial arts families.”

“This pill only qualifies you to participate, and there is a rule in the competition that anyone who breaks through during the competition will not be considered a violation.”

“So as long as you get the qualification, you don’t need to hide!”

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