Bạn đang xem văn bản gốc chưa dịch, có thể kéo xuống cuối trang để chọn bản dịch.

As he spoke, he sighed with sadness in his eyes: “Looking at this tombstone, I feel that the blood between us is being drawn, and I even feel that my family is calling to me.”

“I can even feel how desperate they were when they died.” As he spoke, Chu Zhongtian shed two tears.

“Especially when I reach out and touch it, even if the yin and yang are separated, there is a feeling of echo. This is the power of blood!”

“So I felt a little bit out of place for a while, I was rude…”

“Really…really responded?” Nangong Qin was a little in disbelief.

What the hell are you talking about?

“Well, I got the response!” Chu Zhongtian wiped his tears: “I feel the same…”

“Um…you…you…are you okay?”

“Ah? It’s okay, it’s okay. I feel relieved.” Chu Zhongtian smiled: “Times have changed, and I have learned to look away.”

“No… I mean, you… you are kneeling wrong. This one over here is the grave of your family…”

She looked at the shared grave on the right.

Nangong Qin’s skin got goosebumps. If he had known it earlier, he wouldn’t have asked more questions and just said it was a mistake.

Now the other party is venting his feelings on other people’s graves, and he’s really responding to them.

How did you respond?

Chu Zhongtian was still laughing, but suddenly he became stupid.

It feels a bit social!

No, it’s very social.

What the hell, what did the staff do? Can this be repeated?

Chu Zhongtian froze for a long time, gritting his teeth and digging at the soles of his shoes frantically.

“Then…that one is?” The corner of Chu Zhongtian’s mouth twitched.

“Well…” Nangong Qin was speechless.

I really don’t know what to say.

On the surface, Bai Jinghong and Bai Chan were burning paper, as if they didn’t know anything.

In fact, I kept holding it in to prevent myself from laughing.

Bai Chan bit her fingers and restrained herself.

“Brother, I want to laugh, what should I do…”

“Don’t laugh, hold it in…”

Bai Chan endured it with force: “He…he cried at the wrong grave, and he responded, he responded, poof…”

The anger on the other side was even more embarrassing.

Chu Zhongtian gritted his teeth, pretended not to know anything, and walked back to his parents’ tombstones.

Looking at the words on it, he became even more angry. Why didn’t he read it carefully?

You can’t cry again. All those true feelings just now have been vented.

What are you doing now in front of so many people? ! !

Coupled with all the heartfelt words he just said, it just makes him look stupid!

I also communicated with Nangong Qin, I’m sorry~

When Chu Zhongtian arrived at his parents’ graves, he still knelt down.

Nangong Qin and others just bowed and walked aside.

Speaking of Chu Zhongtian’s first impression of Nangong Qin, it was indeed not a good one.

As a friend, maybe, after all, the Nangong family and the Chu family have a relationship.

But if it’s a relationship, it’s absolutely impossible.

Chu Zhongtian knelt in front of the tombstone this time and really didn’t know what to say.

Instead, he wanted to see Nangong Qin secretly.

Nangong Qin’s beauty really exceeded his expectations.

Having such a beautiful fiancée is simply a blessing in life.

Just when this idea came up, Chu Zhongtian heard a call.


Bai Chan ran to Nangong Qin’s side at some point and hugged Nangong Qin’s arm.

Chu Zhongtian was confused, sister-in-law?

Called Nangong Qin?

She has a man?

When Chu Zhongtian looked over, he happened to see Nangong Qin with a charming smile on his face, raising his hand to straighten Bai Chan’s hair.

He also tidied Bai Chan’s clothes.

Such gentle and natural movements are enough to prove that the relationship between sister-in-law and sister-in-law is very good!

Holy shit!

Chu Zhongtian’s mind was buzzing. Could the master have made a mistake? Nangong Qin has a man, and he still wants to marry his stupid finger?

Chu Zhongtian gave up the messy thoughts in his mind. There must be a reason for this matter, and he would ask about it when the time comes.

Now I really need to pay my respects to my parents.

Bai Jinghong was also watching, and the system voice in his head also sounded.

[Designated equipment for specific environments, is it necessary? 】

Bai Jinghong was stunned: “A specific environment? It is only effective in that environment, right?”

[Yes, graveyard dance, whether to specify, use

? 】

Bai Jinghong laughed inwardly.

He is really lacking in virtue!

“Okay, I don’t know anything!”

Bai Jinghong snapped his fingers, and his eyes fell on Chu Zhongtian again.

Chu Zhongtian kowtowed, and then kept on talking about mourning.

“Dad, Mom, I am an unfilial son. It took me so many years to know what happened back then.”

“Don’t worry, I am different now. I will definitely avenge you and the Chu family.”

“Rest in peace.”

Everyone was basically looking at Chu Zhongtian.

At this moment, Chu Zhongtian stood up and sighed: “Dad, Mom, this is the first time I see you, I…”

At this point, Chu Zhongtian suddenly began to twist.

Very rhythmic.

Everyone was stunned. Is this going to show a talent?

Chu Zhongtian suddenly jumped up, turned a somersault, and put his fist on his forehead.

“Hey!” Chu Zhongtian suddenly shouted, which shocked everyone watching.

What the hell?

“Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva~Namo Guanshiyin Bodhisattva~”

Chu Zhongtian clapped his hands and suddenly moved, just like the egg yolk dancing.

He also sang:

“Two tigers love to dance, hey~”

“The little bald man pulls the carrots obediently, yeah~”

“I learn to walk by chewing my feet~Childhood is the most beautiful relic!”

“The little conch is blowing, my seagull is really fat~”

Chu Zhongtian twisted his body, giving people a charming and elegant feeling.

Nangong Qin was stunned, it seemed normal before, right?

The bodyguards were also whispering: “Two urinals love to dance?”

“Why do I feel eerie? Going to the grave, even if it’s not down to earth, can’t really be down to earth.”

“Dancing on the grave, dancing to the death!”

Some bodyguards couldn’t help but move to the rhythm of Chu Zhongtian.

They tiptoed and their hands began to swing.

The style suddenly changed, and Chu Zhongtian came up with a new trick.

“Ultraman~Ultraman, fight monsters~fight monsters, buy a watch~buy a watch…Hello Mr. DJ, don’t stop this rhythm, I’m having a party in my head, I can’t help shaking…”

“Damn, social shaking?”

“So trendy, I have rheumatism, I can’t stand these.”

And Chu Zhongtian didn’t seem to give up.

Dancing crazily, shaking his head, singing.

Ten minutes later, he was still dancing.

Bai Jinghong simply went to the guardrail to chat with Nangong Qin and Bai Chan.

The bodyguards also leaned to one side, eating melon seeds and watching the dance.

“He has great physical strength, wow, Thomas Thomas, amazing!”

“Will it be impolite?”

“Bullshit, this may be the custom there, you have to respect others!”

Bai Jinghong also asked Nangong Qin: “Is the guy dancing on the grave your friend?”

Nangong Qin shook her head quickly: “No, no, no!”

“He… He is the son of my parents’ friend, who came back from outside to pay tribute to his family.”

Nangong Qin was really speechless.

Fortunately, her parents respected her opinion. If she really had anything to do with such a guy, she should become a monk.

She just wanted to end it all as soon as possible, let her parents meet the son of an old friend, and then nothing would happen.

They should go their separate ways in the future, and it would be better not to meet each other.

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