The two of them were so busy that they had to ask each other questions.

“Oh, oh, oh, I’m just trying to find something to say!”

Bai Jinghong simply didn’t say much, just lying on the soft legs, holding Gu Xiaoxiao’s waist with his hands, and burying his head in her abdomen.

Gu Xiaoxiao was also helpless.

It was agreed that he would never have anything to do with this bastard again.

Now it’s good.

But since it’s here, Gu Xiaoxiao is too lazy to care about anything.

Just let Bai Jinghong do it.

After driving for half an hour, the car arrived at the destination.

The two got out of the car and stood on the side of the road holding hands.

They all looked at what was in front of them.

“You…what are you doing here?” Gu Xiaoxiao asked.

“What are you doing after we finish talking?”


“Nothing, let’s go in!” Bai Jinghong rubbed her hair and took her hand to walk inside.

The location was naturally the old milk tea shop.

But at this time, it was closed, and Lao Zheng also went home to enjoy his billionaire life.

“The door is closed, how can I get in!” Gu Xiaoxiao said lightly.

“This door, can it stop me?” Bai Jinghong smiled and walked forward, stretched out his hand under the rolling door, and suddenly lifted it up.

“Hua La!”

The entire rolling door was pulled up by Bai Jinghong’s bare hands.

The lock also broke.

“You… How do you embarrass Lao Zheng by doing this?” Gu Xiaoxiao was also speechless.

“Lao Zheng is just working, and I do this, you, the boss behind the scenes, have no objection, how can Lao Zheng have any objection.”

Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Bai Jinghong, this guy even knew about this, as if he had taken advantage of her.

The shutter door opened, and the two walked in, turned on the light, and locked it from the inside.

I must come to a vibrating milk tea shop today.

“Old seat!”

The two walked to the corner and sat opposite each other.

Bai Jinghong went to the refrigerator to get two bottles of drinks and put them on the table.

“What do you want to do!” Gu Xiaoxiao looked at Bai Jinghong and couldn’t help asking.

“Of course I want to date you, and I want to clarify some things.”

“Is there anything else to say between us?” Gu Xiaoxiao obviously didn’t buy it.

When he got here, some unpleasant past events inevitably surfaced in his mind.

“Of course, you know I’m not a hypocritical person. There are many things I’m too lazy to explain.”

“But your case is different. If you don’t explain it clearly, I’ll be upset, and you’ll be upset too. If you keep going like this, you’ll always get hot-headed.”

“What if I can’t think straight and get together with a bastard named Chu, then I’ll be in big trouble, right?”

Gu Xiaoxiao almost wanted to beat Bai Jinghong up for his insinuations.

What does it mean to get together with a guy named Chu? Who are you insinuating?

“Okay, let’s get back to the point. Today we have something to say. I want to explain to you seriously about that incident.”

“It’s true that I ignored you and hurt you, but what happened in the alley happened for a reason.”

“What do you mean by a reason? You did that for a reason?” Gu Xiaoxiao frowned.

Her expression was a little unnatural, and a layer of mist had appeared in her eyes.

Bai Jinghong lit a cigarette and exhaled a puff of smoke: “Then let’s review it.”

“At that time, I took you to the alley, and when I was about to take advantage, five people appeared!”

Gu Xiaoxiao said coldly: “Yes, I was very scared at that time. I hugged you and I believed that you would protect me, but you pushed me away!”

“You also told them to wait for you, you take care of your personal affairs, and then go with them!”

Bai Jinghong nodded: “I did push you away, and I did say those words.”

Gu Xiaoxiao glanced at Bai Jinghong: “Not only did you push me away, you also slapped me, and called me a stinky bitch, saying that I seduced you to the alley and embarrassed you, You yelled at me to get out! I remember all of this very clearly! ”

Bai Jinghong nodded: “I did say those words!”

“You also took out money and threw it in my face, saying that I was a slut that anyone could sleep with and was only worth that much money! You also said that I had an infectious disease and had done it with many people!”

Gu Xiaoxiao bit her lip when she said this: “Bai Jinghong, when I heard those words from you and saw you were so angry, my heart was really broken!”

“It wasn’t me who seduced you into that alley, but you took me there. Besides, I didn’t have a boyfriend before you, why did you insult me ​​so much!”

“You scolded me as worthless and vented your anger on me, insulting me so much

Don’t you think it’s irresponsible to belittle me?”

“It really seems so!” Bai Jinghong said.

“Then, you saw me crying and sad, but you didn’t want to leave, so you slapped me hard and yelled at me to get out, the farther the better, saying that seeing me was disgusting!”

Bai Jinghong sighed: “I did do that, and I hit you hard at that time, and your face was swollen!”

“Weren’t you heartless, mean and shameless at that time? What did I do wrong at that time? I just obeyed you, even with a very good wish!”

“You humiliated me like that, how wronged I should be, don’t you think I shouldn’t hate you?”

Bai Jinghong said: “You should hate me, you should hate me to death!”

“Then you still want to explain? Where did I misunderstand you? ”

Gu Xiaoxiao said, tears shed again in grievance.

This is the sad thing she has buried in her heart for many years. Now when she talks about it, she still can’t help but feel heartbroken.

Bai Jinghong smiled: “Maybe in the eyes of outsiders, there must be something wrong when things are abnormal, but it seems reasonable to me.”

“After all, I am not a good person. I always ignore you, so you will definitely not think of it as abnormal. You just think that this is an excuse for me to deliberately leave you behind.”

“Isn’t it?” Gu Xiaoxiao was a little angry and slapped the table.

“Really not!” Bai Jinghong took another puff of cigarette: “I don’t know those five people, but I have seen one of them. I met one of them when I accidentally broke into the meeting room where my grandfather was talking.”

“They are my grandfather’s political opponents, and at that time, I also saw the guns on their waists. ”

Gu Xiaoxiao naturally understood it immediately.

She didn’t say anything, just looked at Bai Jinghong.

“Politics… I’ve seen and heard a lot, and I know more or less that it’s a bloodless, life-and-death struggle.”

“The competition between them is much more cruel than those gangster blockbusters. Either you go up, or you stay where you are, and then you stop for no reason.”

“You… what you said is true…” Gu Xiaoxiao’s face changed after hearing this, and her voice trembled a little: “This is why you suddenly turned hostile…”

“Bullshit, I’m a scumbag, but there are still three pounds of iron in a broken boat, and scumbags also have some feelings. Scumbags are also people, and there are always people and things that scumbags care about. ”

“I saw that person, and I understood their intentions. I was just a bargaining chip for them to clamp down on my grandfather. I wouldn’t really get into trouble, but you are different.”

“At that time, only one person was staring at me, and the other four were all looking at you, looking at your exposed legs and your undeveloped chest. ”

“You said, you are so beautiful, and someone has bad intentions and is really taken away, what do you think will happen?”

“This… these are all your guesses…”

Gu Xiaoxiao no longer knew what to say.

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