This man is also a mercenary, and a boss has offered him 5 million to ask him to make a move, and he has already paid half of his money in advance, and then pay the other half after the matter is completed.

This is the rule of the mercenary world and even the killer world, if the mission fails, the mercenary dies, and this money should be paid to him.

After all, people are also desperate.

The black-hatted man put away his gun, turned and ran downstairs towards the target's home.


Shi Wei took out a pistol from the bedroom, opened the magazine to check it, checked it again, and then took out a sharp dagger.

With a knife in his left hand and a gun in his right hand, he walked to the door and quietly looked at the door lock.

At this time, he looked calm, there was no wave in his heart, he had seen strong winds and waves, and he did not pay attention to this little thing.

Killing and being killed are actually the same thing, life and death have long been looked down, so it doesn't matter.

Time passed by minute by minute, and the room was dead silent, so quiet that it was a little frighteningly quiet.

Squeak -

At this time, the door lock swayed slightly, accompanied by a slight sound.

Shi Wei held a dagger and stabbed through the door and inserted it into the lock, he obviously felt that he had hit the target, but there was no sound outside the door.

This is a ruthless person! It's silent....

Outside the door, the black-hatted man held the doorknob, the back of his hand was pierced by a sharp dagger, and the blood stained the black gloves, dropping drop by drop.

Tick, tick -

he knows now, this guy is not simple, no wonder the boss is willing to give 5 million ... Fuck!

It's hard to earn this money...!

If you can't get your own life, you will account for it here!

The two quietly confronted each other through the door, no one said a word, after all, they didn't know where the other party was at this time, whether they were facing the gate or sideways, or crouching...

Making a noise or attacking rashly can easily expose one's position, and the consequences will be catastrophic.

The so-called killer should quietly wait for the opportunity to attack like a cheetah, killing with one blow, and not giving the prey any chance to counterattack.

Both of them are masters who have experienced hundreds of battles and are good at this way, and they are waiting for each other to show their flaws.

It is true that the first strike is strong, but there is also a saying: strike later.

Shi Wei slowly raised the gun and aimed it at the door, turning the handle of the knife with his left hand, he did not dare to shoot indiscriminately, there were only 6 bullets in the magazine, and he could not afford to waste it.

The black-hatted man also raised his gun, silently enduring the heart-wrenching pain, he knew in his heart that the other party wanted to lure him out, and he also knew that the other party had set up an offensive posture.

But it was not a matter of spending so much, and he shot several times sideways at the door, bang bang -

suddenly, several bullet holes the size of peanuts appeared in the door, and the weak light shone through the bullet holes.

However, he was surprised to find that the other party did not shoot, could it be... No guns?

Then shook his head to deny this speculation, the other party is not an ordinary person, there must be a gun in his hand!

Kicked open the door, no one, apparently hiding.

He put away the gun, drew a dagger from his waist, and slowly walked into the house.

Pistols are only suitable for medium and long-range combat, and melee daggers are better than guns.

The door of the room is closed, and the living room is full of garbage, like a kennel.

After searching the entire house and finding no figure, his eyes finally stayed on the bedroom door, but he did not dare to open the door rashly, maybe he was greeted by a bullet...

At this moment, there was a strange noise behind him, and the bathroom door opened, and a black shadow appeared.

When -

two daggers collide to make a crisp and pleasant sound.

Shi Wei saw that there was no one else in the house except the two of them, and sneered:

"Only you?"

Because he was not sure how many people the killer was coming, he had been hiding in the bathroom and did not dare to show up easily, thinking of making a sneak attack.

The black-hatted man also sneered, "Because there is no need for a second person."

"Good guy, you're pretty crazy!"

The two immediately began to fight, you come and go, hand and foot together, at this time test their fist and foot kung fu, who is more skilled.

In this regard, Shi Wei has enough self-confidence, he is a trainer, he has been training in the army for several years, fighting in the battlefield for several years, and his mercenary career.

However, he was surprised to find that this person's kung fu was really good, his shots were fast and ruthless, the knife attacked the point, and he showed his skills with one punch and one kick.

There is no extra action, it is completely a killing technique for killing.

Shi Wei couldn't help him for a while, and the two sides were evenly matched, half a pound against eight taels.

How to do it without two brushes for mercenaries, this is an industry that deals with death, and it has long been hung up without some skills.

"You have good kung fu, who sent you?"

"To be honest, I don't know, employers spend money to buy your life, I just collect money to eliminate disasters for others."

The black-hat man's answer was also expected by him, mercenaries have never cared who the employer is, only about money!

"We can't tell the difference between victory and defeat until dawn, it's better like this, we each take a step back, you go, nothing will happen to me."

"Are you kidding?!"

The black-hatted man sneered, distanced himself from him, and then pulled out his gun and shot at him.

Bang bang bang ~

Shi Wei rolled a donkey and hid behind the sofa, took out a pistol and fired back, "You don't talk about martial virtue!"

"Tell the killer about martial arts? Why don't you reason with the hooligans? The

battle between the two escalated from hand-to-hand combat to gunfight, and gunshots rang out in the quiet house.

Soon, Shi Wei had the last bullet left, and the black-hat man was also changing bullets at this time, and the battlefield fell into a brief calm.

Shi Wei fired the last bullet at the right time, then snatched the door and ran down the stairs, all the way.

The black-hatted man chased after him, and the two staged a chase and escape drama one after the other.

At this time, it was late at night, the moon was sparse, and the autumn breeze was bleak.

There are only a few passers-by wandering around the street.

Shi Wei directly crossed the guardrail and crossed the road, scaring the normal driving driver enough to avoid it.

The spacious road was instantly chaotic.

"Are you so tired of living, don't run to the road if you want to die..."

The drivers cursed, and just as they were in shock, another figure passed through....

Shi Wei ran towards the leisure square, the more people the better for him, at this time the square was flashing neon lights, and figures could be seen everywhere.

Old people walking, children playing, dating couples...

He walked through the layers of people, occasionally glanced back, and found that the guy was still chasing him, and the ghost was still ghosted!

Across the square is the entrance to a subway station, and at this time, a group of people are waiting for traffic lights on the side of the road, and the traffic on the avenue is endless.

Shi Wei secretly shouted that he would inevitably be caught up if he continued like this, and he turned around and threw the dagger as a throwing knife at the black-hat man, trying to buy time.

If it weren't for the other party's gun, he really wanted to practice with this person.

In the face of the oncoming throwing knife, the black-hat man hurriedly dodged, and his speed dropped significantly.

At this time, the red light turned green, and Shi Wei walked through the crowd and ran into the subway station with a puff of smoke.

The black-hatted man followed him into the subway station, and he didn't find him when he looked left and right.

In desperation, he took out his mobile phone and sent a text message to the "employer": "

Boss, let him run!"

Then turned around and left the subway station.

Shi Wei, who was hiding behind the wall, let out a long sigh of relief when he saw him leave, and then sent a text message.

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