Red Star Grill.

At this time, there were only a few tables of guests eating barbecue, and one of them was particularly eye-catching, it was four burly young men.

The leader of the person has an inch-headed, a long scar on his face, and an eagle-like gaze, and the whole person looks fierce and vicious.

The four drank cold beer and chatted happily.

"Brother Kun, is the boss coming in a few days? Then we have to wash the dust for the boss. This

person named "Brother Kun" was the last person of the "Four Great War Generals", Hu Changkun, and the wound on his face was left on the battlefield with Ye Weiwei a few years ago.

Several tables of guests around were shocked by his aura and were far away.

In this regard, Hu Changkun is also helpless, this dignity has already doomed his image in the eyes of others, and he can't change it.

Actually, he really hasn't done anything bad.

Some people are disgusting and good-looking, and some people are human-faced and animalistic.

There was also a table of guests who were also special, six shirtless gangsters with tattoos on their arms and chests.

At this time, two young and sexy little girls walked in the door, wearing a cool miniskirt, and under the hem was a pair of pink thighs.

Their appearance instantly attracted everyone's attention, beautiful women are eye-catching, especially big white legs are very appetizing.


The two looked around and saw Hu Changkun's table and the table of gangsters, and they were also afraid in their hearts, originally planning to eat in the store, but then thought about it or decided to pack it and go home.

After all, these two tables of people don't look like good people, in case of playing hooligans at night, who to reason with?

"Boss, help us pack these and take them away."

The gangsters glanced at each other, revealing expressions that men understood, hehe~

So they blocked the girl's way, with a lewd smile:

"Sister, don't be in such a hurry to go, accompany your brother to have two drinks..."

They looked up and down, this figure, this big white legs, it must be very exciting to play!

The two girls were frightened, "What are you going to do, I warn you..." The

others in the store also dared to be angry when they saw this.

The gangsters smiled darkly, "Hehe, girl, isn't it to come out to seduce men when you dress so sexy at night, the brothers were provoked by you, help us extinguish the fire and then go~" The

two girls blushed with shame, "How we dress is our business, what concerns you, you are on fire and go to the young lady to help you put out the fire." "


At this moment, there was a loud noise in the distance, and everyone turned their heads in unison.

Hu Changkun slapped the table and said to the gangsters:

"You guys don't make trouble here, Lao Tzu!"

"Yo he, you are less nosy, this is what we fancy first, get acquainted and get out of here!"

Gangsters don't instigate, I'm a gangster and I'm afraid of whom!

And the two girls were so frightened that they lost their faces, hiding on the side and shivering, looking at Hu Changkun's burly figure...

Their small bodies can't bear it, they will die!

"Meimei, what to do now, blame you for having to eat barbecue, go out and don't look at Huang Li first, now it's okay, it's a matter of stalling..."

Hu Changkun's three younger brothers rushed up and punched and kicked, "Dare to talk to our brother Kun like this, you are really looking for death!" "

The gangsters were their opponents, and soon they were beaten to the ground, lying on the ground rolling and wailing.

When the two girls saw Hu Changkun coming over, they chuckled in their hearts, and hurriedly opened their mouths to beg for mercy:

"Big brother, please let us go~"


Hu Changkun was stunned, "Uh no, girl, you misunderstood, I'm not a bad person..."

The girl nodded sharply like a chicken pecking rice.

This expression and tone are obviously disbelieving.

Hu Changkun suddenly felt like a deflated leather ball, and a sense of frustration arose, too failed.

He waved his hand, "You guys go quickly, try not to go out at night, don't dress up so beautifully, it's easy to attract bad people."

"Thank you big brother, thank you big brother~"

The two fled like a forgiveness.

The three little brothers blushed at this time, wanting to laugh but not daring to laugh, the boss, this hero saved the beauty very successfully, but felt that something was wrong....

Hu Changkun glared at them fiercely, and was laughed at by the younger brother to make him, the big brother, very faceless.

At this time, a pleasant mobile phone ringing, Zhuang Yi called, followed by a text message from Shi Wei.

He immediately realized that something was wrong, and at this moment, three strange men appeared at the door, wearing black hats, masks, and even more exaggeratedly, actually wearing sunglasses!

The three couldn't help but say, took out a silenced pistol from their waist, and shot at Hu Changkun as they walked.

The three younger brothers were shot indiscriminately, each of them was killed by several bullets, Hu Changkun's condition was better, and he was shot in the arm, but it was not optimistic.

He dragged his injured arm towards the kitchen, where there was a back door to exit.

The barbecue restaurant instantly fell into chaos and panic, and customers hugged their heads and dodged everywhere.

The six gangsters on the ground also hugged their heads in fright and shouted, how have they ever seen this face, this is a real gun!

The three sunglasses killers immediately chased after them, and there were still several cooks in the kitchen, and when they saw them, they immediately crouched down and hugged their heads.

"Big brother, it's none of our business, he ran out~"

A chef pointed out the door.

The killer chased out the door, did not see the figure of the target, and the one led by him:

"He can't run far in such a short time, it's around here, split up, search me carefully!"

Indeed, as the killer expected, Hu Changkun hid in a dark corner, and there was a piercing pain in his arm, and hot blood flowed down and fell to the ground drop by drop.

A black shadow flashed in the distance, and the three killers were still searching for his tracks.

At this time, the only thing Hu Changkun can do is to wait patiently, it will definitely not work, the other party has a gun, and he is also injured.

In the faint light, a figure walked in his direction.

Hu Changkun quietly appeared behind the killer, and as soon as the killer reacted, he wiped and twisted his neck.


a scream sounded, unusually harsh in the dead silence of the night.

The other two killers heard the sound, however, Hu Changkun had a gun....

After a fierce gunfight, he successfully solved the three killers and disappeared into the night.

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