On the way to the private room, the others asked Leng Ling'er curiously:"Sister Ling'er, didn't you say that you often come to places like this before? When we get to the private room later, will you order songs?

"....I don't know, this is my first time here too.

Leng Ling'er was a little panicked, but on the surface she pretended to be calm and said,"That...that's natural, I'm familiar with this kind of thing!"

"What song do you want to sing later? Just tell me and I'll give you some."

""Yeah! Sister Ling'er, you are awesome!"

After entering the private room, what the few people didn't notice was that Shen Tian's figure peeked out from a corner. He looked at the private room that Leng Ling'er had just entered with some doubt.

"Isn't that Jiang Tao's girlfriend? Why is she here?"

Shen Tian muttered to himself, and his eyes became extremely greedy.

It just so happens that since I didn't get you in Xinghui, then here....Hehe.

Thinking of this, Shen Tian walked towards his private room again. He was going to call some helpers.

On the other side.

While Gu Yan was rushing to the city, he was also thinking about which KTV Leng Ling'er and the others would go to sing.

After all, Xinghui in the original novel is no longer there.

So I don't know if they will suddenly change their minds and stop singing.

"Tsk, since the plot in the original book has been stopped in advance by me"

"So, even if Leng Ling'er and the others continue to sing at KTV, they should not make the same mistake again....."

Gu Yan was a little unsure. After all, this world is about the ability to repair the world. What if.....I mean, what if, what if this plot really goes back to the original plot, that would be terrible.....

That’s right!

An idea suddenly popped up in Gu Yan’s mind.

He asked in his mind:"System, how do I find Leng Ling’er’s location?"

【Host, who is Leng Ling'er? This system says it only knows Leng Qingqiu, who is alone at home.】

"Don't make a fuss. If anything happens to my sister-in-law, Qingqiu will definitely be sad."

【.......Okay, you need 1 point to check Leng Ling'er's location. After hearing this answer,

Gu Yan smiled. That's it.............

"Sister Ling'er, you're not ready yet. We've been waiting for a long time."

Everyone looked impatiently at Leng Ling'er who was fiddling with a screen not far away.

She had been working on it for more than ten minutes but hadn't produced a single song.

Leng Ling'er was a little embarrassed. She slid the screen and responded,"Right away, I'll be done right away."

Oh no, it's over. I don't understand......

Leng Ling'er looked at the fancy screen in front of her nervously.

God knows she is actually a digital idiot and has no idea which button is which.

Xiao Wei knows some of the ways of playing in entertainment venues because of her family, so she quietly came to Leng Ling'er and whispered:"Sister Ling'er, click on this playlist category and you can choose the songs."

Leng Ling'er touched the back of her head when she heard it:"This... Hehe, of course I know it."

So she stretched out her hand and was about to click.

The next second.


The door was kicked open.

Several figures rushed in.

Shen Tian and a group of people walked into the private room of Leng Ling'er and others as if no one was around, and closed the door.

They looked at Leng Ling'er and others and couldn't help laughing.

"Hey, hey, sisters, are you guys coming out to play?"

"Do you want your brother to accompany you?"

"Yes, you're welcome. We'll pay for this."

Leng Ling'er and the others were stunned when they saw this scene.

Then they stood up from the sofa one by one and started to curse:"Bah! Who do you think you are? Why are you acting like a hooligan here?"

"" Sister Ling'er!! I'll go out and call the security!"

Leng Ling'er and the others were rebellious little girls. They were young and fearless, and they had never suffered any loss. Of course, they would not be afraid of Shen Tian and his gang of social people.

Leng Ling'er's expression also became very annoyed:"Get out of the way, this is our private room."

As she said that, she pulled Xiao Wei and said,"Xiao Wei, go out and call the security! These guys are going to cause trouble in their territory!"

However, what surprised Leng Ling'er was that

Xiao Wei's face turned a little pale, and her body seemed to start shaking.

"Xiao Wei?"

Leng Linger was stunned

"Ling Er Sister...You guys go quickly..."

"This group of people...We can't afford to offend them."

Xiao Wei pulled Leng Ling'er's hand and said in a somewhat stiff tone.

She was naturally not afraid of Shen Tian and his gang, but she had seen the power of the eldest son of the Gu family.

Since the other party was Shen Tian's brother-in-law, then naturally they could not provoke him.

"What are you talking about, Xiaowei? I can beat this group of people in just a few moves." Leng Ling'er frowned, she looked at Shen Tian and others with hostility, she put on a posture, and said:"I advise you to get out of here quickly, otherwise, I can't guarantee that you, a few skinny fish with thin arms and legs, can leave here standing!"

Leng Ling'er's mocking voice was like a sharp needle piercing the hearts of Shen Tian and others.

They had just been taught a lesson by the people brought by Gu Yan, and now they were really explosive and urgently needed to find an outlet to vent.

The veins on Shen Tian's head bulged, and he clenched his fists:"Okay, okay, brothers, come on! Let these little ghosts know what social people are first!"

"Hey, okay!"

"All depends on Brother Tian!"

The next second, a group of people rushed towards Leng Ling'er and others.

"Are we afraid of you?"

""Sister Ling'er, let's go!"

Leng Ling'er's group also rushed forward without fear.

However, the difference in strength was naturally not a little bit.

In less than a moment, except for Leng Ling'er, the rest were knocked to the ground.

"Ling Er Sister....."

"No, I can't beat it."

"Damn it, if my brother was here, you would all die here!"

Several girls who were pinned to the ground still shouted stubbornly.

Shen Tian gritted his teeth and said, damn it.

One by one, first his parents looked down on him, then Gu Yan looked down on him.

Now even these high school girls look down on him??

"Hold her down!"

Shen Tian held a beer bottle in his hand and pointed at the girl who was shouting the loudest.

He walked up with the bottle in his hand, gritting his teeth.

"You! Stop it!"

Leng Ling'er was also exhausted. Even though she had practiced Taekwondo, she couldn't stop so many adults.

When she saw Shen Tian was about to hit her friend with a beer bottle, Leng Ling'er hurried over.

However, the people on Shen Tian's side also stepped forward and pressed Leng Ling'er to the ground. They laughed and said,"Stay here, kid! Take a good look at how your friend's head is broken and bleeding after being hit by Brother Tian!"

"Let me tell you, this is the price of your arrogance!"

Xiao Wei was very scared. She gritted her teeth and rushed to Shen Tian:"Wait a minute! You! You can't hurt my friends!"

"Xiao Wei! Get out of the way! If they dare to smash it, I'll let my brother kill them!"

"Haha, get out of my way! I just want to teach this meanest woman a lesson!"

Shen Tian pushed Xiao Wei away, then raised the bottle and smashed it on the girl's head.

"Qiong Lan!!"

Leng Ling'er struggled desperately, but to no avail. She could only watch the beer bottle getting closer and closer to Bai Qiong Lan's head...........

Before Shen Tian could completely smash it down, the next second, bang!

The door was kicked open.


A voice full of suppressed anger entered Shen Tian's ears.

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