Hearing this familiar voice, Shen Tian was stunned, and he subconsciously turned his head to look.


What appeared before his eyes was a whip kick coming at him.


Shen Tian's face was kicked so hard that it caved in. His entire body was kicked several meters away.

And this was not the end.

Bang, bang, bang!

"Idiot! Idiot! What else can you do besides this crap?!"

"You are a useless person who is always causing trouble!"

The figure that rushed in was still kicking the other person's chest, abdomen and cheek.

Gu Yan was almost scared to death, just one second away.

This damn BAD plot might be presented in a worse way than the original.

Gu Yan angrily kicked the rotten meat on the ground that was always causing trouble. This idiot, if he had come one second later.

The plot would definitely be worse than the original.

By then, once Leng Ling'er died, Leng Qingqiu's personality would change drastically and he would not recognize his relatives.

All his efforts these days might be in vain.

"Help..Help...Don't... don't kick me anymore."

Shen Tian was kicked so hard that his head was bleeding. He curled up and kept begging for mercy.

Shen Tian's other friends were stunned by this scene. They were trembling and their eyes were a little scared.

Wait a minute....Isn't this Mr. Gu?

Why is he here?

Didn't he just teach them a lesson this morning?


Someone shouted.

The others seemed to have heard some life-saving order. They released their control over Leng Ling'er and the others and ran out.

Xiao Wei felt cold all over. She fell to the ground with a thud. She murmured,"Gu...Gu...."


Leng Ling'er stood up, her eyes shining and looking at Gu Yan in disbelief.

God knows how excited she was to see Gu Yan in this place, she even called him brother-in-law.


As soon as these words came out, the girls who stood up while rubbing their injured parts also looked at Gu Yan.

Their eyes were shining:"Sister Ling'er's brother-in-law!!"

Oh my God, Sister Ling'er's brother-in-law beat up the bad guys to save them.

This, this, this.....He is so handsome!

Xiao Wei was even more stunned.

Wait a minute.

Brother-in-law? ?

Then...What is the relationship between Shen Tian and Leng Ling'er? Xiao

Wei felt that she couldn't handle the current situation.


Gu Yan was tired of kicking. He took a deep breath and turned to look at Leng Ling'er who was looking at him with incredible eyes.

He retracted his foot and walked towards Leng Ling'er.

Seeing that the other party was fine, he breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand.

Leng Ling'er thought that Gu Yan was going to hit her, so she closed her eyes and lowered her head guiltily.

But in the end, Leng Ling'er felt a warm touch on her head.

She was stunned and opened her eyes.

Gu Yan had a helpless look on his face and said in a tone as if he was coaxing a child:"What are you looking at, do you think I will hit you?"

"You trouble-making brat, let's go back and have dinner." As soon as these words came out.


Leng Ling'er was stunned.

An unknown impulse surged from her heart.

What...what's going on?

What's the situation?

What's this feeling?

Leng Ling'er stood there blankly. Even though Gu Yan had withdrawn his hand and looked at the situation of other people, she still couldn't calm down.

"Wow, brother-in-law, you are so handsome, a hero saving a beautiful girl~"

"I have nothing to repay you, otherwise........"

"Hehe, brother-in-law, look at me, I am in my prime......"

"Uh, haha, you are all so enthusiastic, but I am a family man, with a wife and a sister-in-law"

"A wife is a wife, a baby is a baby, and a darling is a darling....Brother-in-law, take a look...Ouch!"

When several people were holding Gu Yan's strong arms and saying some nonsense with red faces, they were suddenly punched by Leng Ling'er who rushed over.

"Ling'er, what are you doing? It hurts!"

"Yes, Sister Ling'er, how can you stop us from pursuing love?"

Several people covered their heads with grievance and looked at Leng Ling'er, whose face was slightly red.

"Love is bullshit! This is my brother-in-law!"

Leng Ling'er grabbed Gu Yan's hand, and then shouted to several people as if to declare her sovereignty:"This is my sister's man!"

"You are not allowed to have any thoughts about him!"

Even though Leng Ling'er wanted to look serious, she didn't know why her slightly red face made Gu Yan think she was cute.

"Okay, okay, you little brats are skipping class to sing karaoke....."

As he spoke, he glanced at Shen Tian lying on the ground, and said in a serious tone:"I have encountered something like this today."

"If I hadn't rushed here, do you know how terrible the consequences would be?"

"Everyone thinks they are good at fighting, but today you know that in the hands of these bad guys, you are still just rookies with no strength."

"Remember what happened today. Your task now is to study hard and give yourself an explanation."

Gu Yan's words made several people bow their heads. If someone else said these words, they would definitely cover their ears and turn away.

But for some reason, when their savior Gu Yan said this, they felt very embarrassed.

Some people even tightened their loose clothes, as if it was embarrassing to wear them in front of Gu Yan.

Seeing that they seemed to be truly repentant, Gu Yan's expression became kinder.

He took a deep breath and said,"You little devils, although you are not very capable, you are courageous. You did not abandon your companions at the last moment, which shows that you are a good person......."


Gu Yan nodded and said in an approving tone:"You are all good children."

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