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Pain came and told Subei that all of this is true, and it is not a dream here.

Fangfei planned herself, and finally concluded, "You still have to drink Jihuai's blood!"

Although Fang Fei was not very willing, she always felt that it was a bit uncomfortable for her to drink Ji Huai's blood.

Subei got up, and in that line, even the heroine was suddenly so great, and he was embarrassed to salt fish.

He floated to Ji Huai, who was drinking honey water, and went straight in, "I remember you saying you want to give me your blood a little"? "

Ji Huai's expression changed for a moment, but soon disappeared, and Northern Jiangsu simply had no time to catch it.

"Okay." Ji Huai agreed very decisively, and the decisive Northern Jiangsu felt untrue again.

Soon, Ji Huai gave his blood to Northern Jiangsu.

Su Bei suddenly hesitated, the blood that was difficult to swallow made him breathless but felt uncomfortable.

The last time I gritted my teeth and drank, the next world is a good guy.

After drinking, North Jiangsu tentatively approached Ji Huai and found that there was really no burning sensation before.

He smiled, hey! One step closer to the completion of the task.

748: "Raiders value increased by 10%, Raiders progress 50%."

North Jiangsu smiled and said: "Thanks."

Ji Huai hesitated and said, "Wait."

North Jiangsu turned his head, and Ji Huai looked at North Jiangsu's eyes and said, "You make me feel like I've known before."

As he said, he had to reach out and touch Su Bei's face. Su Bei opened sideways, and then disappeared.

Ji Huai withdrew an empty hand and planned to rest. After all, he was a person who slept in the corridor all night.

Fangfei looked at Subei who was sitting beside him again, and said in surprise: "So fast?"

North Jiangsu squeezed his eyebrows and said, "Why, jealous?"

Fang Fei shook his head, "It's just incredible speed, the revolution has not yet succeeded, come on!"

North Jiangsu supported his chin and said, "Aren't you afraid to restore your memory and regret?"

Fang Fei shrugged. "I'm all ghosts. I have some regrets. I can't be together anyway."

Of course it can, North Jiangsu knows, but North Jiangsu does not say, "I am not a ghost."

Fangfei later realized: "Yes."

Subei's mouth twitched slightly, sorry, he overestimated the mistress's IQ.

But Fangfei immediately left her head behind, "So what are you going to do next?" Anyway, she felt that she couldn't feel Ji Huai.

Habits are one thing, liking is another.

Subei was at a loss, "I don't know."

Upon hearing this, Fang Fei immediately took the task of teaching Northern Jiangsu how to chase people. "If you are afraid, chase it!"

Su Bei couldn't help crying, "Then you come."

Fangfei pinched the pen and paper and was really planning carefully.

Subei peeled a piece of sugar and threw it into his mouth, said: "How about Yuan?"

Fang Fei was puzzled, and immediately responded that Su Bei was talking about the cat, "I don't know, it seems that since you entered, he left."

North Jiangsu nodded, "I see it, I am professionally looking for memories, and Yuan has already gone out to deal with his own affairs shortly after being my little brother."

Fang Fei hummed: "Deceptive!"

Subei is a little helpless, isn't the photo he found? A group of people crossing the river to demolish the bridge.

Every day afterwards, Fang Fei urged Northern Jiangsu to go to Jihuai to walk around, brushing the value of the strategy every day, and feeling complex.

In short, the progress of the strategy has reached 80%. Tears in Northern Jiangsu are not easy.

As for the content, it's nothing more than sending flowers, tacky and straightforward.

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