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Yuan still disappeared, and he also knew where he went.

But some things are reasonable when they exist, right?

Subei is preparing to give Jihuai a bunch of roses this day, and Jihuai is obviously intimate with North Jiangsu.

But also the nth time. North Jiangsu avoided contact.

Ji Huai's lips moved slightly, "Why?"

Subei Zhangkou came, "Your wife died in this villa, maybe she is still watching us."

In fact, Subei did not lie, because Fangfei was really peeping, and the sly smile on his face made people look straight.

Ji Huai froze for a moment, a little helpless, but said nothing.

Suddenly, a hand was stretched out in the void, pale and scary.

This hand quickly grabbed Ji Huai's neck, and almost a moment, the hand was also burned.

Ji Huai wanted to struggle, but could not see anything.

As soon as North Jiangsu gritted his teeth, a character hit him, and the burnt and scary merchant shrank back, and then disappeared.

Ji Huai coughed violently, "North Jiangsu, thank you."

748: "Raiders value increased by 5%, Red Army progress 85%."

North Jiangsu rolled his eyes, "I don't want to listen to these, thank you."

Ji Huai asked with some doubt: "Why, they are not afraid of my pure Yang body?"

North Jiangsu analyzed: "Maybe they think the benefits outweigh the disadvantages."

What you get is enough to reduce these dangers.

Ji Huai frowned, "What do you think?"

North Jiangsu shook his head. "It's not clear, it can only be done first."

Ji Huai didn't ask much, just said: "If something happens, call me."

Subei: "I use my mobile phone anytime, online anytime."

Ji Huai, who was demolished, was silent for a moment, probably not knowing what to say.

Subei left, leaving a rose, Ji Huai lowered his eyelids, making people unclear about his face and emotions.

Fang Fei asked Subei curiously, "Do you know who moved it?"

North Jiangsu rolled his eyes. "You really are my God, I don't know anything."

Fang Fei deflated and whispered secretly, "I thought you knew, what a pity."

Subei raised his eyebrows, "Why are your concerns not right?"

Fang Fei also asked in coordination: "So ... are you happy with Jihuai?"

Some people in Northern Jiangsu hate iron for not being able to make steel. "You are just as happy as you are."

The long-lost abyss is out again! The peony flower finally withered ... a little bit.

North Jiangsu side asked Yuan: "Where have you been?"

Regardless of whether it was murderous or aggressive, Yuan still said nothing. The one in Northern Jiangsu who had a headache, raising cubs or something, was really not good at it.

Suddenly, Su Bei saw something, and he grabbed the sleeve that Yuan tried to cover up.

Northern Jiangsu opened the wound on Yuan's arm, dark and twisted, as if burned.

He looked at Yuan once seriously, "Where have you been?"

Yuan Yuan's face was very deterrent, but now there is a kind of pitiful and pitiful person.

Su Bei's heart jumped, and there was a result in an instant. Yuan is now trying to kill him, probably Ji Huai.

It stands to reason. Ji Huai and Yuan have no injustice, of course, this is the guess of Northern Jiangsu, because Yuan has lost his memory, so it is not clear whether he is related to Ji Huai.

Su Bei held Yuan's wrist, "You can't kill him." The mission could not be completed.

Yuan froze for a moment, a grievance appeared in his eyes.

Some people in Northern Jiangsu ... not used to look away, "In short, you can't kill him now."

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