Villain: Sadomasochism Begins, The Heroine Cries For Forgiveness

Chapter 12 Could It Be That I Really Misunderstood Him?

In order to survive, Ye Xuan continued to make up.

Looking at the newly created plot, Ye Xuan couldn't help thinking:

In other words, isn’t it too cruel for me to make up myself like this?

I feel sorry for myself.

Hehe, what will Yu Linger think when she sees this plot?

[In the end, Ye Xuan chose to leave after hearing that man swear by the heavenly law that he would never do anything to Yu Ling'er.

He had to leave.

It is a big oath made by heaven that you cannot take advantage of loopholes. Since the other party has made an oath, they must never do anything again, or let others do something intentionally.

At this time, besides believing in the power of heaven, what else could he believe in?

The top of Taihua Mountain was really cold, very cold, bone-chillingly cold, but it couldn't compare to Ye Xuan's cold heart at the moment.

He has long known that he has no spiritual roots, and has accepted the fact that he will not have any strength in this life.

Even if he was humiliated by thousands of people and blamed by thousands of people, it would not make him hate his own powerlessness as he is now.

In order to protect him, the senior sister Yu Ling'er was injured by a monster, but he tried his best, but he couldn't protect the senior sister.

The other party will be scruples about him, but because they are worried that they will cause some trouble after killing him.

Just some troubles...

The other party will promise to swear to Tiandao that he will not do anything to Senior Sister Yu Linger, not because the other party is really threatened by him, but because the other party is too arrogant and likes to volunteer.

In the eyes of the other party, his threat is just a joke that can be played.

At this moment, he seemed like a wounded beast, so helpless, and hated his own powerlessness so much.

He kept scolding himself in his heart, why didn't he have a spiritual root——! ! !

He was cursing himself, an incompetent waste.

"Ye Xuan, you trash, why don't you die——!!!"]


Looking at the picture in front of me, listening to the helpless and injured roar from Ye Xuan's heart...

Yu Linger panicked.

Why is this so? Obviously, in my memory, Junior Brother Yuxuan is a deranged devil.

However, looking at the picture in front of him, why did he feel sad for him, feel sorry for him?

Could it be that I really misunderstood him?

Is everything in this picture real?

What exactly is going on--! ! !

What is real? ! !

Yu Ling'er's state of mind has already been greatly shaken.

But the ruthless plot picture is still going on:

[On Qingyan Peak, Yu Ling'er woke up from a coma, only to see a man using spiritual power to heal her wounds.

She couldn't help being a little puzzled, and asked:

"Senior brother, may I ask if you senior brother?"

"Junior Sister Linger, I am Qing Guangfeng's chief disciple, Yu Shou, when I came, I didn't see anyone else."

The man said: "But you were really dangerous at that time, a tiger demon almost ate you."


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er couldn't help showing surprise, she couldn't help thinking and said:

"Could it be... the little junior brother left me alone and ran away?"

"Little brother?"

Hearing this, the man said:

"Since he is Junior Sister Linger's Junior Brother, I think he is the novice who has no spiritual roots before. He doesn't have much practice, and it is normal to be afraid of monsters. Please don't blame him, Junior Sister."

While speaking, Yu Shou withdrew the spiritual power that healed Yu Ling'er, and showed a warm smile like the sun.


Hearing his words, Yu Ling'er thought so, although the monster was seriously injured by herself, but after all, the little junior brother is just a mortal.

It is normal for him to be afraid of such a danger.

But when she thought of him abandoning her, Yu Ling'er felt a little disappointed in her heart.

The little favor I had for Ye Xuan was gone.

Thanks to what he said before, even if it is death, he must die in front of himself.

At that time, I was still a little moved.

"Thank you, brother... If it wasn't for you, I would have died at the mouth of a monster."

She bowed to Yu Shou.

"Where is the junior sister, I belong to the same family, why should I say thank you?"

Yu Shou said to Yu Ling'er:

"However, having said that, your little junior brother is just a mortal. If he escapes alone, there will be no accidents. Let's go find him quickly."


Hearing this, Yu Ling'er nodded.

Yu Shou didn't reach out to help her, but kept a certain distance from her.

This is a world of cultivating immortals, men and women are different. 】


If it was in the past, Yu Ling'er would have been very moved when she saw such a scene, and she could still see Senior Brother Qin before her rebirth.

But now, looking at the picture in front of her, she always felt a little weird.

The scene in front of her was exactly the same as in her memory, there was nothing wrong with it.

In my impression, Senior Brother Qin is just so upright and behaves with restraint.

However, if you look at what he is doing now in combination with the pictures you saw before, it makes Yu Ling'er feel a little scary.

Lord Big Dipper, the God of Destiny, what she let herself see must be true.

That is to say...

In fact, senior brother Qin, from the very beginning, was not an upright gentleman, but a despicable villain pretending to be?

OMG, this is horrible too.

I misunderstood Junior Brother Yuxuan, he didn't run away at all, but was forced to run away for his own innocence and safety? ! !

Is this... is this true? ! !

Yu Ling'er has asked this question countless times today.

However, this time, she had begun to doubt herself.

In the picture I saw, what happened was not unreasonable at all.

It's so reasonable.

So, I really misunderstood Junior Brother Yuxuan?

Oh my god, if that's the case, then what kind of grievances did the junior brother suffer at that time—! ! !

While Yu Ling'er was thinking like this, the screen had already moved to the next scene.

And this scene made Yu Ling'er couldn't help but grab her heart.

She became even more flustered...

[Inside the snow, Ye Xuan is running crazily.

He was sad, helpless, and hated.

Tears flowed from his eyes, and his eyes were already red.

It is said that a man does not flick his tears lightly, but if he is not at a sad place, why would he cry?

He knew that his senior sister was being deceived by that guy who didn't know where he came from, and even thought that he saved her.

Maybe, she will have a good impression of that shameless person because of this.

He should have been by the senior sister's side and told the senior sister that he was the one who protected the senior sister, not the scum who deliberately released monsters to harm people.

However, in order to protect Senior Sister.

But he can only get farther and farther away from there, farther and farther...]

Looking at the script in his hand, Ye Xuan sighed:

"I wrote myself so miserable, I don't believe it, my villain identity is still not clear.

I don't know if Yu Ling'er will cry later.

Anyway, I swallowed tears in my stomach, puff, hahaha.

Yu Linger, as I said before, I want you to experience the biting cold I felt before.

Don't be too sad later, more sad things are yet to come. "

At this moment, Ye Xuan found out that he was really good at cleaning things up.

After the plot is arranged, even if it is known to be false, it will move people to tears.

What's more, Yu Ling'er thought it was true?


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