"He...is protecting me...he would rather die than leave me, but because he wants to protect me, he has to leave me..."

Looking at the plot screen, at this time, Yu Ling'er had tears in the corners of her eyes.

She has become more and more convinced that the picture in front of her is real.

The person who protected her from the monster was not Senior Brother Qin, but Senior Brother Yuxuan.

However, Junior Brother Yuxuan was forced to be a coward who ran away——! ! !

The grievances he suffered were far more than that.

Yu Ling'er held back the tears from the embankment and looked at the scene in front of her.

Because, she knew that what she was about to do next was going too far.

【"Damn it, Ye Xuan, you bastard——!!!"

Boom——! ! !

With a heavy punch, Ye Xuan slammed into an ice wall, but there was no handsome picture of the cracked ice as he imagined, only his hand, bleeding.

No matter how severe the physical pain is, it can't reduce the helplessness in his heart by half.

"Junior Brother Yuxuan, you are here."

At this moment, Yu Ling'er came behind Ye Xuan.

She looked at Ye Xuan, looked at him with a look of remorse, and punched his hand bloody, but she didn't care at all, instead she cursed secretly: You deserve it, who made you leave me and run away alone. 】


Yu Ling'er couldn't help but worry, "Don't...don't say it, please...don't say it..."

Although Ye Xuan was her enemy, who killed her parents, killed her senior brother, and led the demons to attack the mountains, causing disasters for the common people.

However, at this moment, at least, in front of Yu Linger's eyes was a person who was sad and desperate like a wounded beast because he was unable to protect her.

She knew how much she was going to say next.

For Ye Xuan in the picture, it is definitely the most exaggerated words.

However, no matter how much she begged, the plot of the picture still continued.

【Ye Xuan turned around and was overjoyed to see that Yu Ling'er was safe and sound.

But before he could speak, Yu Linger said to Ye Xuan:

"Junior brother, you don't need to say anything. I won't tell my father that you left me and ran alone."

She smiled innocently.

"However, even if my father finds out, he won't blame you. After all, you have no ability to protect me, right?"

At this moment, for Ye Xuan, it was as if someone was holding an ice pick and piercing the ice into his heart little by little.

He felt that his body seemed to be thrown into an ice cave, extremely cold.

Yes, I have no ability to protect her...

I'm just a piece of trash.

"By the way, Junior Brother, let me introduce you to someone. This is Senior Brother Yushou from Qingguang Peak... He is so kind. He not only saved me, but also expended spiritual power to heal my wounds. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have recovered so quickly."

Saying that, a person walked out beside Yu Ling'er, with a perfect smile on his face, a dignified appearance, and a hearty and kind face.

To Ye Xuan, he bowed his hands and saluted:

"Junior Brother Yuxuan, I am Yushou, the eldest disciple of Qingguang Peak, so please be polite, Junior Brother."

In a corner that Yu Linger couldn't see, Yu Shou was looking at Ye Xuan with mocking eyes.

His expression seemed to say: Look, even if you saved her, so what?

Now even if you say you saved her, will she believe it?

Trash, after all, is trash, his smile gradually became dark and cold.

Isn't this person the man who forced Ye Xuan to leave before?

Seeing this man occupying his credit and standing beside his beloved senior sister, Ye Xuan felt his heart was going numb...

However, Yu Ling'er didn't know what Ye Xuan was thinking. At this moment, she just wanted to express her grievances to Ye Xuan.

Thinking of what Ye Xuan has always said, he likes her very much, if one day he hears her saying that he likes someone else, he will be very sad...

The naive Yu Ling'er suddenly said:

"Junior Brother, why don't you salute Senior Brother? He has already saluted...Compared with you, I still prefer a gentle, polite and powerful person like Senior Brother."

Boom——! ! !

At this moment, Ye Xuan felt as if a thunderbolt sounded in his mind.

His whole world seemed to have turned white, meaningless. 】

Looking at this scene, Yu Ling'er also felt dizzy for a while.

What an exaggerated thing my original self did.

Ye Xuan at that time was willing to give his life even for himself.

However, after he tried his best to protect himself, he brought the person who drove him into a desperate situation, the person who took away his credit, came to him, and praised that person to him...

He also said that he likes such a person.

Why, why was I so stupid back then, why didn't I see the truth? ! !

At that time, how did he hurt Ye Xuan?

She, who was ignorant before, understood that such words would do great harm to a person who likes herself.

Let alone now.

Ye Xuan, I, Yu Linger, am sorry for you.

It's because I have blind eyes and misread the wrong person...

I really didn't expect Senior Brother Qin to be such a person. I have always been deceived by his appearance.

However, even if I'm sorry for you, you shouldn't secretly practice magic skills, kill my parents, and lead demons to attack the mountain.

You shouldn't hurt the innocent——! ! !


(I feel that this grade is a bit wrong. Is it because I wrote it badly?)

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